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古錚  ♂
Ku Cheng

Magnificent 2 (1974)

Who's the Ghost in the Sleepy Hollow? (1977)

The North and South Chivalry (1977)

The Invincible Swordswoman (1977)

The Hero Tattoo with Nine Dragons (1977)

The Third Sword (1978)

Shaolin Heroes (1979)

The Legend of Broken Sword (1979)
The Seven Commandments of Kung Fu (1979)
Cropped from STSH picture as portrait
The Romantic Double Rings (1979)

Love and Sword (1979)

Wanderer with Nimble Knife (1979)

The Silver Spear (1979)

A Sword Named Revenge (1981)

Shanghai Massacre (1981)

The Revenge Ghost of the Tree (1988)

Cops and Robbers (1991)

Witch Edited (1992)

Devil Angel (1995)