[English] [中文] [中英文]
語言顯示 : 中英文
江彬  ♂
Chiang Pin
拼音: jiāng bīn
Ching Pin,  Kung Bun,  Kong Ban,  Jiang Bin,  Chieng Pin,  Chiang Bin

影視作品 / Filmography (1968-1982)
  監製 / Producer
    玩命 / The Death Player (1975)    
  導演 / Director
    玩命 / The Death Player (1975)    
  演員 / Actor (1968-1982)
    劊子手 / An Executioner's Story (1968)    
    響尾金鈴 / The Ringing Sword (1969)    
    謎俠 / The Mysterious Knight (1969) ... / Mysterious Knight
    鬼見愁 / Sorrowful to a Ghost (1970) ... 關劍 / Kwan Chuen
    鍾馗捉妖 / Conqueror of Evil Spirits (1970)    
    草上飛 / Flying over Grass (1970)    
    蚌仙 / Clam Fairy (1970)    
    金劍 / Golden Sword and the Blind Swordswoman (1970) ... / Wen Hsiu-Shi
    盲女決鬥鬼見愁 / Paid with Blood (1970) ... / Kuang Chien
    黑劍鬼驚天 / Darkest Sword (1970) ... / Tung Chang (Wu Li Ming)
    鬼狐外傳 / A Tale of Ghost and Fox (1970)    
    獨臂空手刀 / Unparallelled Judo Knife (1970)    
    難忘的人 / One Who Is Unforgettable (1970)    
    大情人 / Great Lover (1970)    
    / The Sword (1971) ... / Wang Hsih
    搏命 / Hellfighters (1971)    
    百忍道場 / The Ghost's Sword (1971) ... / [Guest in Flashback/Intro]
    追命殺手 / Blood and Guts (1971) ... / Tiger Lin ('Devil Knight')
    五鳳朝陽 / Dragon Gate Swordsman (1971)    
    黑白雙俠 / Black and White Swordsmen (1971) ... / Pai Wan-Fei (White)
    淘氣姑娘 / The Playful Girl (1971)    
    四海一家 / The Best Samaritan (1971) ... 客串警官 / Constable
    燕子李三 / Chivalrous Robber Lee San (1971) ... / 'Dragon' Ching Fang-Chun
    太極劍決鬥武士刀 / Duel with Samurai (1971) ... / Yao Chien-Ping
    歡天喜地 / Happiness and Joy (1971)    
    五對佳偶 / Five Plus Five (1971) ... / 5th son-in-law
    龍形八劍 / The Eight Dragon Swords (1971) ... 華力群 / Hua Li-Chun
    鬼見愁決鬪鬼見愁 / Duel with Devil (1971)    
    太太我錯了 / Forgive Me, Darling (1971)    
    血豹 / Blood Leopard (1971)    
    仙妻 / The Fairy's Bride (1971)    
    萬里雄風 / Rider of Revenge (1971) ... 魏如風 / Wei Ru Feng
    活閻王 / The Devilish Killer (1971)    
    銅頭鐵臂 / Bronze Head and Steel Arm (1972) ... / Chin Han
    門當戶對 / The Perfect Match (1972)    
    東西南北風 / Four Winds (1972) ... / 6) Lin's son
    忠義門 / Boxers of Loyalty and Righteousness (1972) ... / Liang I-Po
    淘氣夫妻 / The Naughty Couples (1972)    
    五虎摧花 / Crimes Are to Be Paid (1972)    
    蓋世拳 / Deadly Fists (1972)    
    天王拳 / Showdown (1972)    
    夢醒不了情 / Dream of Love (1972)    
    何日再吻君 / A Kiss to Remember (1972) ... / Chao Li-Feng
    義氣傳義氣 / Trust and Brotherhood (1972)    
    漢駝 / The Hunchback (1972) ... / Chiang Yi Ping
    怒火 / Impetuous Fire (1973)    
    除暴 / The Fists of Vengeance (1973)    
    虎豹兄弟 / The Boxers (1973)    
    小淘氣 / Little Big Boss (1973)    
    惡霸 / The Angry Hero (1973)    
    女朋友 / Girl Friend (1974) ... 徐克偉 / Hsu Ko Wei
    愛的奇蹟 / The Miracle of Love (1974)    
    長情萬縷 / Long Way from Home (1974)    
    大通緝令 / The Big Raid (1974)    
    鬼使神差 / The Devil's Messengers (1974)    
    愛情集中營 / Love Camp (1974)    
    白蛇大鬧天宮 / Snake Woman's Marriage (1975) ... 許仙 / Hsu Hsien
    未曾留下地址 / Why I Love You (1975)    
    愛在心裏 / Love in My Heart (1975)    
    一簾幽夢 / Fantasies Behind the Pearly Curtain (1975) ... / Tao
    十八羅漢陣 / 18 Shaolin Disciples (1975)    
    南俠展昭 / The Majesty Cat (1975) ... / Hua Chung
    玩命 / The Death Player (1975) ... / Commander
    達摩密宗血神飄 / Shaolin Kung Fu Mystagogue (1976) ... / King Tang
    海誓山盟 / Love Forever (1976)    
    包公斬駙馬 / The Blank Indictment (1976) ... 客串 / Prince
    今夜你和我 / Starting Tonight (1976)    
    鄭和下西洋 / The Prominent Eunuch Chen Ho (1977)    
    法網追蹤 / The Youthful Delinquents (1977)    
    老虎崖 / Tiger and Cliff (1977)    
    筧橋英烈傳 / Heroes of the Eastern Skies (1977) ... 李有幹 / Li You-Gan
    飛燕蝴蝶斬 / Flying Swallow (1978) ... / Dragon
    城隍爺 / The Guardian (1978)    
    神鷹飛燕蝴蝶掌 / Eagle's Claws & the Butterfly Palm (1978) ... / One of the 4 Knights
    徵婚 / Zheng Hun (1978)    
    桃花戀 / Desperate Love Bitter End (1979)    
    金盞花 / The Marigolds (1980)    
    傳奇人物 / The Legend of a Tycoon (1981)    
    七步干戈 / Seven Steps to Showdown (1982)