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¥É¤k²K¤B (2001)
Dummy Mommy, Without a Baby

Reviewed by: happygolucky76
Date: 05/19/2002
Summary: Good Enough

Its was good, but the ending kinda of too farfetched to be real.

Miriam (LK) was good and funny. LK actually reminds of me b/c I do a lot things wrong by accident She is definitely one of the funniest actresses in Asian Cinema right now.

Edison (Ming) was cute and playing an ultra nice boss for LK and Dina. His sidejob was good, but did seem to be developed a lot.

Niki (Dina) is Ed's secretary and as a huge crush on him, but we don't know that until she actually makes her move on him. Would have been better if the storyling was explored a little more.

Pauline (Monice) is just a *itch in this and she plays it well. I really don't want a boss like that b/c she so cruel and serious.

Ming's Dad is really fun and obilivious to what his son's real wishes in life. But he is funny in a lot of the scenes he is in.

4 stars/ 5

Reviewed by: zarrsadus
Date: 05/01/2002
Summary: Great for Edison fans and still manages to be funny for the rest of us

The premise of this film sounded funny, so I figured might as well check it out and see how well Edison is doing since I last saw him in Final Romance. On to the review and criticism. As you could probably guess from the summary on the back of the video, this movie was about a wacky situation that then kept getting worse and worse as the lie progressed. Some moments were hilarious, but the overall storyline was not so good. It was funny seeing Miriam Yeung pretending to be pregnant, but the subplot of Monica (Pauline Yam) liking Edison wasn't developed very well at all. I will say that I enjoyed Edison's other job and his whole character development, so the movie was good in developing Edison at least. Other than the Edison background parts, things got pretty unbelievable at the end as there was a sort of snowball effect of LK's lie about being pregnant. Sure it was funny, but it also was one of those movies where you were waiting for the next crazy thing to happen to mess up the character's life - in a funny way at least. Overall, 7 out of 10.

Reviewer Score: 7

Reviewed by: MilesC
Date: 02/07/2002
Summary: Okay

I suppose I should've reviewed this one sooner, as it's largely gone from my mind. Here's what I recall:

Miriam Yeung looks a bit like Charlie Yeung and acts a LOT like Sammi Cheng.

I have to give Edison Chen credit for never having replicated the incredibly annoying quality of his debut in Gen-Y Cops.

The female second-banana (I've forgotten her name, but she also appeared in Fighting For Love) is extremely attractive and got a huge, surprised laugh from me at one point, the only laugh of the film for me.

It looked like this was going to be a film with a black character who actually didn't have a joke made at his expense, but no, they had to throw one in...

I found that given the implausibility of the scenario, the movie didn't go quite far enough as a farce. Overall, the film is watchable enough and has a WAY above average theme song, (I don't like pop music at all, but it's fairly catchy) but it doesn't really go beyond its gags, and they aren't good enough or plentiful enough to make the movie more memorable. To be fair, it's gotten better reviews from Cantonese speakers.

Reviewed by: Inner Strength
Date: 01/04/2002
Summary: Not that great

I must start by saying, although Miriam Yeung is much better at singing than acting, this film is quite funny. There is not much to the story, and some of the jokes are not funny, but others are very funny. It's not as good as the recent rival film 'La Brassiere' which is very funny indeed, but it's worth watching. YOu can get the DVD for about $8.

Rating: 2/5

Reviewed by: Waiming
Date: 12/31/2001

Dummy Mommy, without a Baby is a film full of hilarity. It mainly focuses on LK Fong, a character played by Miriam Yeung. About how she plays a stunt to release herself from a job dismissal sent out from her manager. She, herself is a character of illogic and ludicrous manner. Her performance is mainly based on her real self, so for her character not much acting is required.

Miriam isn't a good actor, she is just good at expressing herself. Film directors found a perfect person for this role to make the film to a comedy.

I found out something really true about this film, refering to lies, lying once can lead to an endless string of lies, constant covering of each false statement.

With the help of Wyman Wong Wai-Man, he expectedly appears in all sorts of films to support his good friends in their almighty and corrupt situations.

I didnt quite like Edision Character, he seemed like a foreigner, running a business he didnt know how to take care of.

I think Monica (Pauline Yam Bo-Lam) had a big role in this film, she has the evil look and the cold hearted voice to play her character. She is mainly the person who gives the trouble and hassle for LK Fong. In which Monica wanted LK Fong to resign.

The film has great actors to go along with the characters, the acting performance was brillant to follow an amusing script with many funny lines through-out. A film well worth watching for a good laugh and to cheer yourself up.

Overall review rating : 4/5

Review by : Waiming Mak

Location : London UK

Time : 02:03 Monday 31st December 2001

Reviewer Score: 8