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莊威  ♂
Chong Wai

Hired Guns (1981)

Hired Guns (1981)

The Blazing Temple (1976)

Freedom Strikes a Blow (1973)


Twins (1981)

Magnificent Fist (1978)

Wild Whirlwind (1974)

Rivals of Kung Fu (1974)

Wild Whirlwind (1974)

Two on the Road (1980)

The Mad Cold-Blooded Murder (1981)

Challenge of the Gamesters (1981)

Challenge of the Gamesters (1981)
Master Leng's clan member
Clan Feuds (1982)

Shaolin Iron Finger (1977)

The Mortal Storm (1980)

The Fierce One (1974)

The Mysterious Heroes (1977)

Freedom Strikes a Blow (1973)

The Super Gang (1982)

Magnificent Fist (1978)

The Super Gang (1982)

Wild Whirlwind (1974)