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袁日初  ♂
Yuen Yat-Choh

The Rescue (1971)

Call to Arms (1971)

The Master of Kung Fu (1973)

Lover's Destiny (1975)

Broken Oath (1977)

The Teenager's Nightmare (1977)

The Sentimental Swordsman (1977)

Legend of the Bat (1978)

Soul of the Sword (1978)

Dynamo (1978)

Shaolin Hand Lock (1978)

Snake in the Eagle's Shadow (1978)

A Massacre Survivor (1979)

Six Directions of Boxing (1980)

What Price Honesty? (1981)

The Miracle Fighters (1982)
Yuen Yat-Choh
Postman Strikes Back (1982)

Drunken Tai Chi (1984)

Taoism Drunkard (1984)

Lucky Diamond (1985)

Long Arm of the Law II (1987)

In the Line of Duty 4 (1989)