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魯平  ♂
Lu Ping

Bitter Heart (1957)

Hai Nu Kung Tuan Ku (1966)

The Lady Spy (1966)

The Flying Killer (1966)
Seems in that take they forget to put on his wig!!
The Ghost's Sword (1971)

Swordsman at Large (1971)

The Matchless Conqueror (1971)

The Mighty One (1971)

Tiger (1972)

The Ferocious Brothers (1972)

The Death Duel (1972)

The Fist That Kills (1972)

Valley of the Double Dragon (1973)

Iron Man (1973)

The Assignment (1974)

The Iron Profligates (1974)

Shaolin Kung Fu (1974)

The Living Buddha Chikung (1975)

The Shaolin Kids (1975)

The Prodigal Boxer (II) (1976)

Shaolin Wooden Men (1976)

The Invincible Super Guy (1976)

New Fist of Fury (1976)

The Invisible Terrorist (1976)

The Eight Masters (1976)

The Best of Shaolin Kung Fu (1976)

The Invincible Kung Fu Trio (1977)

The Gloomy Tower (1977)

Let's Fall in Love (1977)

Super-Chaser (1978)

The Master and the Kid (1978)

Militant Eagle (1978)
Cropped from STSH picture as portrait
The Romantic Double Rings (1979)

Love in Chilly Spring (1979)

Legend of Chu Liu Hsiang (1980)

The Imperial Sword Killing the Devil (1981)

The Nude Body Case in Tokyo (1981)

The Switch (1982)

The Boy from the Dark Street (1983)