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鄭君里  ♂
Zheng Jun-Li
Cheng Kwan-Lee,  Chen Chun-Li
Born: December 6th, 1911 (Shanghai, China) - Died: April 23rd, 1969

Filmography (1932-1959)
  Actor (19 films)
    A Rosy Dream (1932)    
    Wild Rose (1932)    
    The Striving (1932)    
    Answering the Nation's Call (1932)    
    Loving Blood of the Volcano (1932)    
    Swallow from the South (1932)    
    The Road (1933)    
    New Women (1934) ... Yu Haichou
    The Highway (1934) ... Jun Zheng
    Life (1934)    
    The Kindred Feelings (1934)    
    Song of China (1935)    
    National Customs (1935) ... Chen Zuo
    A Lamb Astray (1936)    
    A Girl in an Isolated City (1936)    
    Lianhua Symphony (1937)    
    Song of Kind Mother (1937)    
    Money Tree (1937)    
    Vistas of Art (1938) ... 2)
  Director (5 films)
    Spring River Flows East - The Eight War-Torn Years (1947)    
    Spring River Flows East - The Dawn (1947)    
    Crows and Sparrows (1949)    
    Nieh Erh (1959)    
    The Opium War (1959)    
  Writer (4 films)
    Spring River Flows East - The Eight War-Torn Years (1947)    
    Spring River Flows East - The Dawn (1947)    
    Crows and Sparrows (1949)    
    Nieh Erh (1959)