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Chen Hsiao-Tao
Chan Siu-Tou,  Hsiao Tao
Filmography (1966-1973)
  Writer (48 films)
    Homeless Guest (1966)    
    Hai Nu Kung Tuan Ku (1966)    
    Malaysian Tiger (1966)    
    Love You Forever (1966)    
    Young Knight Errand of the Seven Seas (1966)    
    Golden Erotic Loose Battle (1966)    
    Drunken Sword-Woman (1967)    
    Qi Gai Guai Lou Han (1967)    
    Life Begins (1967)    
    Tale of Two Beads (1967)    
    Dragon, Tiger, Leopard (1967)    
    Masked Guest (1968)    
    Spring Heaven - A Moment Worth Pounds of Gold (1968)    
    Moonlight Warrior (1968)    
    Just As Never Loved Me (1968)    
    Skyfly Superman (1968)    
    Never Give Up Hope (1968)    
    Blind Knight Phantom Sword (1968)    
    Dangerous Seventeen Aged (1968)    
    Dragon Ghost Flying Knight (1968)    
    End of an Era (1968)    
    Wandering Four Brothers and Sisters (1968)    
    One Night Couple's Great Kindness (1968)    
    Starry Night Departure (1969)    
    Ah Cao Leaves Mountain (1969)    
    Tuo Tai Huan Gu (1969)    
    One Night Husband (1969)    
    Mother's Heart (1969)    
    Wild Rose (1969)    
    Confused (1969)    
    Grieving People (1969)    
    Virgin Heart Period (1969)    
    Zhang Fu Yu Sheng Yu (1969)    
    Joys of Love on a Spring Night (1969)    
    Taipei City at Night (1969)    
    Ghost Beauty (1969)    
    Spy Little Mudan (1970)    
    Clever Thief (1970)    
    Meet Again 17 Years Old (1970)    
    The Great Duel (1970)    
    Duel of Karate (1970)    
    Love Secret (1971)    
    Young Lady's Secret (1971)    
    Continue the Ancestral Line (1972)    
    Qing Fu (1972)    
    A Brave Girl-Boxer in Shanghai (1972)    
    The Woman from the Hell (1973)    
    Swimming Pool Episode (1973)    
  Props (1 film)
    Homeless Guest (1966)