[English] [中文] [中英文]
語言顯示 : 中英文
張志蓀  ♂
Cheung Chi-Suen
拼音: zhāng zhì sūn

影視作品 / Filmography (1951-1967)
  副導演 / Assistant Director
    三審玉堂春 / The Three Tests of Yuk Tang-Chun (1955)    
  製片 / Production Manager
    烏龍姻緣 / Marriage by Mistake (1951)    
    到處惹人憐 / Everyone's Darling (1952)    
    呆佬嫁女 / The Marriage of the Fool's Daughter (1953)    
    方世玉義救洪熙官 / Fang Shiyu Comes to Hong Xiguan's Rescue (1956)    
    女俠紅蝴蝶 / Red Butterfly the Heroine (1957)    
    步步追蹤 / The Chase (1962)    
  演員 / Actor (1951-1967)
    紅菱血(下集) / Hongling's Blood (Part 2) (1951)    
    紅粉飄零 / Pretty Girl Homeless (1951)    
    血染杜鵑紅 / Blood-stained Azaleas (1951) ... 會計 / Accountants
    怪錯有情郎 / The Wrongly Accused Lover (1951)    
    烏龍姻緣 / Marriage by Mistake (1951)    
    繁華夢 / A Dream of Wealth and Splendour (1951)    
    雙料夫妻 / A Couple with Double Identities (1951)    
    摩登新娘 / Bride a la Mode (1952) ... / Friend of Heung
    月媚花嬌 / Charming Night (1952) ... 舞場經理 / Dance hall manager
    淘金記 / The Gold Hunt (1953)    
    處處喜相逢 / Lucky Gathering (1953) ... 三叔 / 3rd Uncle
    山水有相逢 / We'll Meet Again (1954)    
    金蘭姊妹 / Sworn Sisters (1954) ... / Ngau Gor
    落花流水 / Spring's Flight (1954)    
    自梳女 / The Bachelor-Girls (1954)    
    川島芳子 / Beautiful Spy, Kawashima Yoshiko (1955) ... / Poisoned prisoner
    鴻運喜當頭 / As Luck Will Have It (1955)    
    後窗 / Backyard Adventures (1955) ... / Onlooker
    寒夜 / Cold Nights (1955) ... 張先生 / Mr. Cheung
    龍虎笙歌戲鳳凰 / Sing Her a Love Song (1955)    
    愛(上集) / Love (Part 1) (1955) ... 船員 / Crew
    愛(下集) / Love (Part 2) (1955) ... 船員 / Ship crew
    山河戀 / This Wonderful Land (1955)    
    / The Wall (1956) ... / School servant
    朱門怨 / The Sad Wife in a Grand House (1956) ... 十叔 / 10th Uncle
    奇人奇遇 / The Strange Adventures of a Strange Man (1956)    
    七重天 / The Seven Heavens (1956) ... / Laborer
    肥廋姻緣 / Fatty Marries Skinny (1956) ... / Shareholder
    王昭君琵琶動漢皇 / Wang Zhaojun's Lute Song Touches the Emperor of Han (1956)    
    碧玉簪 / The Green Jade Hairpin (1956)    
    早知當初我唔嫁 / Too Late for Divorce (1956)    
    荒唐鏡三氣胭脂馬 / How Fangtangjing Made a Fool of the Unruly Girl (1956)    
    烈女報夫仇 / A Brave Girl Avenges Her Husband's Death (1956)    
    家和萬事興 / A Peaceful Family Will Prosper (1956) ... 收租人 / Rent collector
    慈母頌 / A Hymn to Mother (1956) ... / Village head
    女俠響尾追魂鏢 / The Heroine of Deadly Darts (1956)    
    雷振聲縱橫江湖錄 / Lei Zhensheng's Many Adventures (1956) ... 陸仲 / Luk Muk-Chung
    呂蒙正祭灶 / Lu Mengzheng Prays to the Stove God (1956)    
    狂風暴雨吊寒梅 / Mourn for the Storm-Beaten Flower (1956) ... / Uncle So Yan Yee
    九九九命案 / Dial 999 for Murder (1956) ... 編輯 / Editor
    王老虎搶親 / Wang the Bully Seizes the Bride (1957) ... 狎客乙 / Wong's pal
    呆佬遇鬼 / The Dunce Bumps into a Ghost (1957) ... / Brothel client
    珠江河畔 / On the Banks of the Pearl River (1957)    
    啼笑姻緣 / A Tale of Laughter and Tears (1957) ... / Guan's doctor
    水滸傳:知取生辰綱 / Taking the Birthday Gifts Caravan by Strategy (1957)    
    琵琶怨 / The Pipa's Lament (1957)    
    鐵咀雞水鬼陞城隍 / The Saucy Girl's Sudden Rise to Power (1957)    
    黃飛鴻河南浴血戰 / Wong Fei-Hung's Fight in He'nan (1957)    
    血染黃金 / Blood and Gold (1957)    
    刁蠻郡主戲玉郎 / The Naughty Princess and Her Lover (1957)    
    荔枝記 / The Lizhi's Tale (1957)    
    唐山阿嫂 / She Married an Overseas Chinese (1957) ... 職員甲 / Office worker A
    鴛鴦谷 / Valley of the Love-Birds (1958)    
    玉女驚魂 / Sweet Girl in Terror (1958)    
    奸情 / Adultery (1958)    
    烽火佳人 / A Beautiful Girl at War (1958) ... / Wong Ho
    橫刀奪愛 / The Love Thief (1958) ... 警官 / Police inspector
    香城兇影 / Murderer in Town (1958) ... / Doctor
    第七號司機 / Driver No. 7 (1958) ... / Bus driver
    兩傻捉鬼記 / Two Fools Capture a Ghost (1959)    
    乖侄 / My Good Nephew (1959)    
    兩個大泡和 / Two Good-for-Nothings (1959)    
    戰國佳人 / A Beauty in Times of War (1959)    
    蛋家公主爭駙馬 / Boat-girls' Battle for Love (1959)    
    白髮魔女傳(大結局) / Story of the White-Haired Demon Girl (Grand Finale) (1959)    
    龍宮戇駙馬 / Dragon King's Idiot Son-in-Law (1959)    
    阿福當兵 / A Fool in the Army (1959) ... / 2nd Uncle
    兩個大老襯 / Two Outstanding Asses (1959)    
    一命三兇手 / One Death, Three Criminals (1959)    
    正德皇海角尋春 / Emperor Zhengde's Romantic Adventures (1959)    
    翠樓春曉 / Second Spring (1960)    
    人海孤鴻 / The Orphan (1960)    
    女黑俠飛鵝嶺救夫 / Adventure of Black Heroine (1960) ... 老僕張伯 / servant Old Zhang
    苗山白毛女(上集) / White Hair Girl of Miu Shan (Part 1) (1961)    
    糊塗金龜婿 / Non-sensical Son-in-law (1961) ... / Hotel desk attendant
    金粉世家(下集) / House of Kam Topples (Part 2) (1961)    
    關東三女俠 / The Three Chivalrous Girls of Kwan Tung (1961)    
    神童歷險記 / Adventures of Genius Boy (1961) ... 警長 / Policeman
    金粉世家(上集) / House of Kam Topples (Part 1) (1961)    
    姻緣路情殺案 / Appointment with Death (1961)    
    數口之家 / Family Planning (1961)    
    落霞孤鶩 / Many Aspects of Love (1961) ... / Doctor
    崑崙三女俠夜盜香魂帕 / Nocturnal Mission of Three Kunlun Swordswomen (1961)    
    玉女求凰 / Manhunt (1961)    
    一劍九連環 / Sword and 9 Rings (Part 1) (1961)    
    紐約唐人街碎屍案 / Murder Case in Chinatown (1961) ... 陳仔 / Chan
    苗山白毛女(下集) / White Hair Girl of Miu Shan (Part 2) (1961)    
    良心 / Conscience (1961) ... / Waiter at Shatin Heights Hotel
    警察捉小偷 / Larceny (1961) ... 珠寶店老闆 / Jewelery boss
    苦雨春風 / Our Love Solid as Gold (Part Two) (1962) ... 經理 / Manager
    雙劍盟(上集) / Crossed Swords (Part 1) (1962)    
    情比金堅 / Our Love Solid as Gold (1962) ... 經理乙 / Manager B
    雙劍盟(大結局) / Crossed Swords (Part 2) (1962)    
    花花世界 / This Merry World (1962)    
    夜夜望娘婦 / Longing for Mother's Return (1962) ... 凌伯豪 / Ling Pak-Ho
    奪魄橫財 / The Fortune That Becomes a Nightmare (1962)    
    浴室飛屍 / Murder in the Bathroom (1962)    
    難得有情郎 / It's Hard to Get a Loving Man (1962) ... / Director Cheung
    新姊妹花 / Sisters (1962)    
    黑海擒凶 / Hunting for the Murderer (1962) ... 賓客 / Guest
    新夜光杯 / The Magic Cup (Remake) (1962) ... 張大叔 / Boatman
    滿江紅 / Sunset on the River (1962) ... / Passerby on road/Farmer
    血繡鞋 / Blood-Stained Shoe (1962) ... / Villager
    雙鳳仇 / Revenge of the Twin Phoenixes (1962)    
    鬼俠 / Ghost Hero (1962)    
    唐三藏取西經 / The Road to the West (1962)    
    招郎入舍 / Take a Husband (1963) ... 荐人館老板 / Job broker
    大俠金葫蘆 / The Golden Gourd (1963)    
    秋鳳(上集) / Miss Qiu Feng (Part 1) (1963)    
    狂人塔(下集) / The Mad Tower (Part 2) (1963)    
    難測女兒心 / She Is Different (1963)    
    狂人塔(上集) / The Mad Tower (Part 1) (1963)    
    薄命紅顏 / An Ill-fated Beauty (1963) ... / Housekeeper
    苦海親情 / Grievances of a Family (1963) ... 凌天揚 / Ling Tin-Yeung
    金玉滿堂 / House of Prosperity (1963) ... / Ah Seun
    情之所鍾 / My Only Love (1963)    
    五諫刁妻 / The Shrewd Wife (1963)    
    復活玫瑰 / The Revived Rose (1963) ... 曹父 / Mr. Cho
    碧血金釵(下集) / The Golden Hairpin (Part 2) (1963)    
    亂拜石榴裙 / Lousy Womaniser (1963)    
    豪門怨 / The Unbearable Sorrow (1963) ... / Hong servant
    冷秋薇(上集) / A Girl Named Leng Chau-Mei, Part One (1963)    
    無敵鴛鴦劍 / The Invincible Yuanyang Swords (1963)    
    昨夜夢魂中 / In My Dream Last Night (1963)    
    秋鳳(下集) / Miss Qiu Feng (Part 2) (1963)    
    恩怨情天 / Between Love and Hatred (1963) ... 胡誠 / Woo Ching
    冷秋薇(下集) / A Girl Named Leng Chau-Mei Concluding Episode (1963)    
    化骨神龍劍 / The Dragon Sword (1963)    
    春到人間 / When Spring Comes (1963)    
    八表雄風 / The Magnificent Ones (Part 2) (1963)    
    怪俠燕子飛 / The Strange Hero 'Flying Swallow' (1963) ... 陳員外 / Chan
    碧血金釵(三集大結局) / The Golden Hairpin (Part 3) (1964)    
    海角驚魂 / Horror by the Sea (1964) ... 醫生 / Doctor
    摩登二世祖 / Young and Idle (1964)    
    瘋婦 / A Mad Woman (1964)    
    街頭巷尾 / In the Neighbourhood (1964) ... 上海佬 / Shanghai guy
    情與愛 / Love and Passion (1964)    
    天從人願 / Dreams Come True (1964) ... 校務主任 / School official
    香港屋簷下 / Under Hong Kong's Roof (1964) ... 部長 / Club manager
    蘭閨淚影 / A Girl's Tears (1964)    
    雪花神劍(下集) / The Snowflake Sword (Part 2) (1964)    
    鬼新娘 / The Bride from the Grave (1964) ... 袁伯 / Uncle Yuen
    大丈夫日記(下集) / Diary of a Chauvinistic Husband (Part 2) (1964) ... 日明父 / Yat Ming's father
    學生王子 / Student Prince (1964) ... / Mr. Ou
    七寶金剛劍 / Sword of the Buddha's Warrior (1964)    
    兩個懵仔爭老豆 / In Search of a Father (1964) ... 契爺 / Godfather
    花花公子 / The Beau (1964)    
    痴男怨女 / Desperately in Love (1964) ... / Chan Sam
    生神仙 / Living Immortals (1964)    
    自君別後 / Since Your Departure (1964)    
    郎心如鐵 / The Heartless Lover (1964) ... 侍者 / Hotel 'boy'
    午夜招魂 / Conjuring Spirit at Midnight (1964) ... / Doctor
    血染蝴蝶山 / The Blood-Stained Butterly Mountain (1965)    
    武林第一劍 / Sword of Swords (1965)    
    情天劫 / Doomed Love (1965) ... 廠長 / Director Cheung
    紅色響尾蛇 / The Red Rattlesnake (1965)    
    珍珠淚 / Tears of Pearl (1965) ... 胡六 / Wu Luk
    閨房趣史 / Inside the Bedroom (1965) ... 舅父 / Chi-Ping's uncle
    情海茫茫 / Lost in Love (1965)    
    花癲大少 / Crazy Young Master (1965) ... 花大德 / Fa Tai-tak
    戰地奇女子 / Adventures of a Woman in a War (1965) ... 王醫生 / Doctor Wong
    點心皇后 / Dim-Sum Queen (1965) ... / Teahouse patron
    女賊金蝴蝶 / Golden Butterfly, the Lady Thief (1965)    
    天荒情未了 / Love Never Ages (1965)    
    飄零雁 / The Drifting Girl (1965) ... / Doctor
    特務黑蜘蛛 / Agent Black Spider (1965)    
    一滴俠義血(上集) / A Drop of Chivalrous Blood (Part 1) (1965)    
    春殘花末落 / Love Never Fades (1965) ... 警官 / Police officer
    黑玫瑰 / The Black Rose (1965) ... / Doctor
    撈世界要醒目 / You'd Better Be Smart (1965) ... 律師 / Lawyer
    女生外向 / When Girls Are in Love (1965)    
    馬陵道 / The Valley of Death (1965)    
    巫山夢斷相思淚 / Endless Love (1965) ... / Tam's uncle
    巧破箱屍案 / There's a Dead Body in the Case (1965) ... 王學儒 / Scholar Wong
    傻大姐當兵 / The Funny Girl Joins the Army (1965) ... 小兵 / Doctor
    血字第一號 / Blood No. 1 (1965) ... / Patriot
    六指琴魔(下集) / The Six-fingered Lord of the Lute (Part 2) (1965)    
    白頭情侶 / White-haired Lovers (1966) ... 周同廣 / Chow Tung-Kwong
    後備新娘 / Back-up Bride (1966)    
    一水隔天涯 / The Story Between Hong Kong and Macau (1966) ... / 3rd doctor
    聖火雄風(上集) / Sacred Fire, Heroic Wind (Part 1) (1966) ... 明鏡大師 / Mirror Master
    彈劍江湖(下集) / One Duel Too Many (Part 2) (1966) ... 錢可通 / Magistrate
    碧落紅塵(大結局) / Jade in the Red Dust (Grand Finale) (1966)    
    碧落紅塵(下集) / Jade in the Red Dust (Part 2) (1966)    
    聖火雄風(下集) / Sacred Fire, Heroic Wind (Part 2) (1966)    
    黑玫瑰與黑玫瑰 / Spy with My Face (1966) ... / Boss at office
    小康之家 / Little Foursome Family (1966)    
    碧落紅塵(上集) / Jade in the Red Dust (Part 1) (1966)    
    肉搏明月灣 / Duel in Moonlight Bay (1966) ... / Ah Kam
    如花美眷 / I Want You (1966) ... / Office manager
    神秘的血案 / A Fatal Adventure (1966) ... 陳大年 / Manager Chan
    郎心何太忍 / But How Cruel You Are (1966)    
    聖火雄風大破火蓮陣 / How the Sacred Fire Heroic Winds Defeat the Fire Lotus Array (1967)    
    多少柔情多少淚 / Tender Tears (1967)    
    小姐、先生、師奶 / Miss. Mr. Mrs. (1967)    
    離婚之喜 / The Divorce Brinkmanship (1967)