[English] [中文] [中英文]
語言顯示 : 中英文
井莉  ♀
Ching Li
拼音: jǐng
Cheng Lee,  Jing Li

影視作品 / Filmography (1967-1987)
  演員 / Actor (1967-1987)
    神劍震江湖 / The Thundering Sword (1967) ... / Hau Er
    七俠五義 / King Cat (1967) ... 金花 / Chin Hua
    / My Dreamboat (1967) ... / Cheng Shiang Yi
    雲泥 / When the Clouds Roll By (1968) ... / Xiong Su Su
    寒煙翠 / Mist Over Dream Lake (1968) ... 章凌雲 / Chang Ling Yun
    十二金錢鏢 / Twelve Deadly Coins (1969) ... 袁玉蓉 / Yu Yung/Yuan Rung Er
    陰陽刀 / Twin Blades of Doom (1969) ... / Yin-erh
    雙喜臨門 / Double Bliss (1970) ... 李明珠 / Li Mingzhu (Li Ming-Chu)
    大羅劍俠 / The Secret of the Dirk (1970) ... 柳明珠 / Liu Ming-Chu
    一池春水 / Ripples (1970) ... 阿香 / Ah Hsiang
    拳擊 / Duel of Fists (1971) ... 玉蘭 / Yu Lan
    惡客 / The Angry Guest (1971) ... / Yu Lan
    夕陽戀人 / Sunset (1971) ... / Huang Xiao-Ping
    劍女幽魂 / Mission Impossible (1971) ... / Huo Xiao-Fen
    無名英雄 / The Anonymous Heroes (1971) ... 洪銀鳳 / Pepper/Hung Yin Fung
    少奶奶的絲襪 / Intrigue in Nylons (1972) ... / Helen Tse
    仇連環 / Man of Iron (1972) ... / Chen Chu-Fung/Shen Ju-Fang
    落葉飛刀 / The Deadly Knives (1972) ... / Guan Yue Hua
    馬永貞 / The Boxer from Shantung (1972) ... 金鈴子 / Chin Lin Chi (Jin Lingzi)
    四騎士 / Four Riders (1972) ... / Song Hua
    太陰指 / Finger of Doom (1972) ... [已刪除的場景] / Clan's long-haired lady [unfinished first version]
    丁一山 / Heroes of the Underground (1973) ... / Dpy Commander Wang Ling
    梅山收七怪 / Na Cha and the Seven Devils (1973) ... / Yue Hua
    刺馬 / The Blood Brothers (1973) ... 黃妻 / Mi Lan
    牛鬼蛇神 / Tales of Larceny (1973) ... / 1) Daughter at festival
    七十二家房客 / The House of 72 Tenants (1973) ... / Ah Heung
    舞衣 / Sex, Love and Hate (1974) ... / Zhu Dai
    香港73 / Hong Kong 73 (1974) ... 福妻/周玉芳 / Chow Yuk Fong
    朱門怨 / Sorrow of the Gentry (1974) ... / Ya Tong
    大劫案 / The Big Holdup (1975) ... 張志芬 / Zifen
    新啼笑姻緣 / Lover's Destiny (1975) ... / Chen Feng-Shian
    天涯明月刀 / The Magic Blade (1976) ... / Chiu Yu Cheng
    小樓殘夢 / The Forbidden Past (1976) ... / Julie
    五毒天羅 / The Web of Death (1976) ... / Hong Susu
    流星蝴蝶劍 / Killer Clans (1976) ... 孫蝶 / Hsiao Tieh, Sun Yu's daughter
    決殺令 / Judgement of an Assassin (1977) ... / Miss Sek
    多情劍客無情劍 / The Sentimental Swordsman (1977) ... 林仙兒 / Lin Xian Er
    绣花大盜 / Clan of Amazons (1978) ... 薛冰 / Xue Bing
    哪吒三太子 / Third Prince Na Cha (1978)    
    倚天屠龍記 / Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre (1978) ... 趙明 / Princess Chiu Ming
    倚天屠龍記大結局 / Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre, Part II (1978) ... 趙明 / Princess Chiu Ming
    蕭十一郎 / Swordsman and Enchantress (1978) ... / Mrs. Lian/Chen Bijun
    蝙蝠傳奇 / Legend of the Bat (1978) ... 柳無名 / Lau Mo Meng
    孔雀王朝 / Murder Plot (1979) ... 朱七七 / Zhu Qi Qi
    無翼蝙蝠 / Bat Without Wings (1980) ... / Szma Dongcheng
    插翅難飛 / The Convict Killer (1980) ... / Shang Lin
    絕代英雄 / Fight for Glory (1980) ... 龍雪兒 / Lung Cher
    碟仙 / Haunted Tales (1980) ... 雅莉 / 1) Ya-Li
    摩登土佬 / Disco Bumpkins (1980) ... 史蓮娜 / Celina
    射鵰英雄傳第三集 / The Brave Archer Part III (1981) ... 瑛姑 / Auntie Ying/Lady Liu
    賭王鬥千王 / The King of Gambler (1981)    
    碧血劍 / The Sword Stained with Royal Blood (1981) ... 溫儀 / Wen Yi
    十殿閻羅 / Shi Dian Yan Luo (1981)    
    陸小鳳之決戰前後 / The Duel of the Century (1981) ... / Leng Chingchiou
    魔劍俠情 / Return of the Sentimental Swordsman (1981) ... 林詩音 / Lin Shiyin
    沙家十五女英豪 / Consolidated Dougherty (1981)    
    大賭場 / The Casino (1981) ... 世傑妻 / Shih-chieh's wife
    御劍伏魔 / The Imperial Sword Killing the Devil (1981)    
    雜牌大進擊 / Raiders (1982)    
    血旗變 / Bloody Mission (1982) ... / White Lotus
    大手王 / Da Shou Wang (1982)    
    賭王千王群英會 / The Stunning Gambling (1982)    
    賭王鬥千王續集 / The King of Gambler II (1983) ... / [Footage from THE KING OF GAMBLER]
    少林與武當 / Shaolin and Wu Tang (1983) ... / Yue Lam
    大俠沈勝衣 / The Roving Swordsman (1983) ... / Bu Yan-Fei
    霊幻襲撃 / Ninja, the Violent Sorceror (1987) ... / [STUNNING GAMBLING footage]
  Daughter of actor Ching Miao.

Ching Li started acting in Taiwan at the age of 6. In 1967, she joined Shaw Brothers and quickly became one of Shaw's bright new darlings of films with a large male following. Ching did such an outstanding job in her first film "My Dream Boat", a film based on a novel by Qiong Yao, that she landed a lead role in "When the Clouds Roll By" which launched her into superstardom. Her father, Ching Miao, famous actor, was a good friend of legendary director Chang Cheh. She also had a long list of movies like "The Anonymous Heroes", "Duel of Fists", "Boxer From Shantung" and "Blood Brothers" all supported Chang's observation that she had the natural good looks suitable for period and contemporary films, a rare asset for Hong Kong actresses. Besides Chang Cheh, she was also director Chu Yuan's favorite leading lady. Chu cast her in over 20 films in a wide variety of roles like in the comedy "The House of 72 Tenants" (1973's highest grossing film in Hong Kong outdoing Bruce Lee's "Enter the Dragon"), the hit dramas "Sex Love And Hate" and "Sorrow of the Gentry", and a series of martial art affairs like "Killer Clans", "The Magic Blade" and the ground breaking swordsman film "Return of the Sentimental Swordsman".

From the Celestial DVD release of "Man of Iron".