[English] [中文] [中英文]
語言顯示 : 中英文
施思  ♀
Shih Szu
拼音: shī
Lei Qiu-si,  Szu Szu,  Shin Szu,  Si Si,  Shih Si-Si,  Shy Sy

影視作品 / Filmography (1971-1988)
  演員 / Actor (1971-1988)
    龍虎會風雲 / Heroes of Sung (1971) ... / Hong-Erh/Meng Hong
    女捕快 / Lady of the Law (1971) ... 冷如霜 / Leng Rushuang
    血符門 / The Crimson Charm (1971) ... / Chiang Shang-Ching
    血酒天牢 / The Rescue (1971) ... / Bai Yaerh
    鍾馗娘子 / The Lady Hermit (1971) ... / Cui Ping
    月夜煞星 / The Noctural Killer (1971)    
    群英會 / Trilogy of Swordsmanship (1972) ... 1) / 1) Ying Ying
    霹靂拳 / The Thunderbolt Fist (1972) ... / Die Er
    黑店 / The Black Tavern (1972) ... / Zhang Caibing
    小毒龍 / The Young Avenger (1972) ... / Li Bao Zhu
    小孩與狗 / The Two Faces of Love (1972)    
    逃亡 / The Bloody Escape (1973) ... / Tang Li
    七十二家房客 / The House of 72 Tenants (1973) ... / Student who buys olives from Ah Fook
    牛鬼蛇神 / Tales of Larceny (1973) ... / 1) Woman at festival
    土匪 / The Villains (1973) ... 曉虹 / Lin Xiao Hong
    豪客 / The Champion (1973) ... / Ah Chu
    七金屍 / The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires (1974) ... / Hsi Mai-Kwei
    太極拳 / The Shadow Boxer (1974) ... / Ah Jen
    四王一后 / Supermen Against the Orient (1974) ... / Suzy
    亡命天涯 / The Warrant (1974) ... / Shih Ting-Ting
    鬼馬小天使 / Cheeky Little Angels (1974) ... / Nightclub visitor
    香港73 / Hong Kong 73 (1974) ... 教員 / Teacher
    新啼笑姻緣 / Lover's Destiny (1975) ... 官秀珠 / Guan Xiu-Zhu
    神女蕩婦綽頭王 / The Hooker and the Hustler (1975) ... 羅桂芬 / Lo Kuei-Fang
    馬哥波羅 / Marco Polo (1975) ... 天道莊主之女 / Zu's widdow
    牡丹淚 / I Remember (1975)    
    嬉笑怒罵 / Temperament of Life (1975) ... / Telephone operator
    少林寺 / Shaolin Temple (1976) ... / Yan Yong Chun
    香港奇案 / The Criminals (1976) ... 1) / 1) Jenny
    伴遊小姐 / The Escort Girls (1976)    
    白玉老虎 / Jade Tiger (1977) ... 唐羽 / Tang Yu
    明月刀雪夜殲仇 / Pursuit of Vengeance (1977) ... 馬芳鈴 / Ma's daughter
    海軍突擊隊 / The Naval Commandos (1977) ... 翠霞 / Cui Hsia
    第三把飛刀 / The Third Sword (1978)    
    冷血十三鷹 / The Avenging Eagle (1978) ... / Siu Fung
    绣花大盜 / Clan of Amazons (1978) ... 江輕霞 / Jiang Qingxia, 3rd Sister
    清宮大刺殺 / Flying Guillotine, Part II (1978) ... 納蘭 / Na Lan
    笑傲江湖 / The Proud Youth (1978) ... 白鶯鶯 / Bai Yingying
    斷劍無情 / Relentless Broken Blade (1979) ... / Han Bing (5th sister)
    風流斷劍小小刀 / The Deadly Breaking Sword (1979) ... 柳輕絮 / Liu Yinxu
    人在江湖 / A Massacre Survivor (1979) ... / Kao Jo-hsueh
    連城訣 / A Deadly Secret (1980) ... 凌霜華 / Ling Seung Wa
    浪子名花金光黨 / The Crooked Profligates (1980)    
    金劍 / The Revenger (1980)    
    風流殘劍血無痕 / The Great Conspiracy (1980)    
    少林英雄 / The Heroes (1980) ... / Madame Shui Liang
    兵來賊擋 / One Step Ahead (1980)    
    玄機 / Keep Out Of Danger (1980)    
    地獄來的女人 / A Woman from Hell (1981)    
    王牌大老千 / The Great Cheat (1981)    
    賭王鬥千王 / The King of Gambler (1981)    
    戒賭 / The Reformed Gambler (1981)    
    刺客列傳 / Night of the Assassins (1981) ... / Yan Yan
    二等兵 / Private First Class (1981)    
    功夫皇帝 / The Kung Fu Emperor (1981) ... / Lady in brothel
    二等兵續集 / Private First Class, Part II (1981)    
    動員令 / Happy Days in the Army (1982)    
    水月十三刀 / Miraculous Sword Art (1982) ... / Windy Lin
    復仇者 / Sweet Vengeance (1982)    
    心事誰了解 / Xin Shi Shui Liao Jie (1982)    
    沙煲兄弟 / Dirty Angel (1982) ... / Yiang Chiu Yien
    龍女下凡 / A Fairy to the World (1982)    
    賭王鬥千王續集 / The King of Gambler II (1983)    
    馬屁世家 / Flattering Family (1983)    
    邪花劫 / The Murder (1983) ... / Joyce Ho
    中國法術 / Chinese Magic (1983)    
    中國邪術(符法奇兵鬥魔女) / Chinese Evil Technique (1985)    
    林投姐 / The Revenge Ghost of the Tree (1988)    
  With parents coming from Hunan (Henan), originally named Lei Qiu-Si, Shih Szu was born in Taiwan. She joined Shaw Brothers in 1970 and appearing as a martial arts heroine. Acclaimed by a wide range of audience, Shaw Brothers regarded her as the next Cheng Pei-Pei. As such she appeared in many martial arts movies which included "The Rescue", "The Lady Hermit", "Heroes of Sung", "The Villains", "The Bloody Scape" and "Lady of the Law" etc. Her agility and skills established her position as one of the top female martial arts stars. After starring in "A Deadly Secret" in 1980, she left Hong Kong and continued her filming career in Taiwan. She retired from the limelight in early 80s.

From the Celestial DVD release of "The Young Avenger".