[English] [中文] [中英文]
語言顯示 : 中英文
成奎安  ♂
Shing Fui-On
拼音: chéng kuí ān
Big Silly Head,  Sing Fui-On,  F. O. Shing,  Shing Fu-On,  Shing Fai-On,  Shing Quo-On,  David Tsui,  Dai Sor

影視作品 / Filmography (1972-2007)
  製片助理 / Production Assistant
    精武門 / Fist of Fury (1972)    
  演員 / Actor (1972-2007)
    鐵漢柔情 / The Young Dragons (1973) ... / Wan Fai's attendant with bird cage
    馬路小英雄 / Back Alley Princess (1973) ... / Boss Han's thug
    賭人頭 / Gambling for Head (1975) ... / Extra
    兵兵賊賊 / The Bomb-Shell (1981) ... [沒被列在名單] / Robber shot by Lun
    難兄難弟 / It Takes Two (1982) ... / Butcher's customer
    少爺威威 / Play Catch (1983) ... / Angry man looking for chief editor
    我愛夜來香 / All the Wrong Spies (1983) ... / Police Commissioner's guard
    摩登衙門 / Oh, My Cops! (1983) ... / Nut
    碼頭 / The Pier (1983)    
    公僕 / Law with Two Phases (1984) ... / Idiot, one of Apache's men
    上海之夜 / Shanghai Blues (1984) ... / Gangster
    上天救命 / Heaven Can Help (1984) ... / Devil in hell
    1/2段情 / Infatuation (1985) ... / Bridegroom
    流氓公僕 / Cops in the Town (1985) ... / Robber selling gold loot
    何必有我? / Why Me? (1985) ... 積遜吉 / Jackson Ken
    拖錯車 / Cop Busters (1985)    
    吉人天相 / Chase a Fortune (1985) ... 大傻 / Big Silly
    恭喜發財 / Kung Hei Fat Choy (1985)    
    青春節拍 / How Are You My Friends (1985) ... / Tai
    求愛反斗星 / Crazy Romance (1985) ... / Angry car driver
    龍在江湖 / Legacy of Rage (1986) ... / Fool
    代客泊車 / Parking Service (1986) ... / Dummy
    兄弟 / Brotherhood (1986) ... 恐龍 / Lung
    流氓英雄 / The Innocent Interloper (1986) ... / Wicked Brain
    茅山學堂 / The First Vampire in China (1986) ... / Skipping Corpse
    皇家飯 / The Law Enforcer (1986) ... 壞腦 / Bad Brain
    魔翡翠 / Magic Crystal (1986) ... / Prisoner
    我的愛神 / My Heavenly Lover (1986) ... / Tough guy
    英雄本色 / A Better Tomorrow (1986) ... 譚成手下打手 / Shing's bodyguard
    殺妻二人組 / 100 Ways to Murder Your Wife (1986) ... / Fa's football teammate
    省港旗兵續集兵分兩路 / Long Arm of the Law II (1987) ... / Hok / Ah Kong
    英雄本色續集 / A Better Tomorrow II (1987) ... / Pui's partner
    開心勿語 / Trouble Couples (1987) ... Mark哥 / Siu Ma
    不夜天 / Killer's Nocturne (1987) ... 九哥 / Brother Nine
    魔高一丈 / Return of the Demon (1987)    
    標錯參 / To Err is Humane (1987) ... / Bank robber
    鐵血騎警 / Road Warriors (1987) ... Commando / Commando
    英雄好漢 / Tragic Hero (1987) ... / Number Six
    義本無言 / Brotherhood (1987) ... / Mad Piao
    精裝追女仔 / The Romancing Star (1987) ... / A Better Tomorrow ending extra
    心跳一百 / Heartbeat 100 (1987) ... 阿海 / Hoi
    江湖情 / Rich and Famous (1987) ... / Luk
    監獄風雲 / Prison on Fire (1987) ... 大傻 / Madly
    Ninja Vs Ninja / Ninja Vs Ninja (1987) ... / ['The Bomb-Shell' - Footage]
    吉屋藏嬌 / Guests in the House (1988) ... 水電工人 / Utilities worker
    大話神探 / Stumbling Cops (1988) ... / Mr Man
    霸王花 / The Inspector Wears Skirts (1988) ... / Robber
    大丈夫日記 / The Diary of a Big Man (1988) ... / Criminal
    捕風漢子 / He Who Chases After the Wind (1988)    
    最佳損友 / The Crazy Companies (1988) ... 屈原 / Beanie's brother
    飛龍猛將 / Dragons Forever (1988) ... 成事毛 / Cheng Shih-Mao
    群龍奪寶 / Three Against the World (1988) ... 大小不良 / Sung's thug at bathhouse
    好女十八嫁 / 18 Times (1988) ... 蘇眉 / Robber
    最佳損友闖情關 / The Crazy Companies 2 (1988) ... 屈原 / Amy's brother
    血玫瑰 / Her Vengeance (1988) ... / Long Fellow
    龍之家族 / The Dragon Family (1988) ... / Bill, Er's bodyguard
    肥貓流浪記 / The Beloved Son of God (1988) ... / Jackson Ken
    公子多情 / The Greatest Lover (1988) ... 傻雞 / Silly Chick
    黑心鬼 / Three Wishes (1988) ... / Master Wu Pak Tung
    月亮 星星 太陽 / Moon, Star, Sun (1988) ... 全哥 / Brother Chuen
    龍虎智多星 / The Criminal Hunter (1988) ... / Idiot
    霹靂先鋒 / Final Justice (1988) ... 法官 / Judge
    赤膽情 / No Compromise (1988) ... / Thief
    火舞風雲 / Bet on Fire (1988) ... 大傻 / Madly
    老虎出更 / Tiger on the Beat (1988) ... 大傻 / Dummy
    法內情 / The Truth (1988) ... 傻哥 (放高利貸者) / Madly
    奪寶龍虎鬥 / Satanic Crystals (1989)    
    喋血雙雄 / The Killer (1989) ... 汪海 / Hay Wong Hoi
    猛鬼大廈 / Operation Pink Squad II (1989) ... / Maddy / Big Oaf
    喋血風雲 / Return to Action (1989) ... / Mad Man
    殺手天使 / Killer Angels (1989)    
    追女重案組 / Running Mate (1989)    
    瀟洒先生 / Mr. Smart (1989) ... 海鷗 / Seagull
    忠義群英 / Seven Warriors (1989) ... 阿九 / Karl
    轟天龍虎會 / China White (1989) ... / Tuko
    我在江湖 / Fight to Survive (1989)    
    妙探雙龍 / City Cops (1989) ... / Tai Kau
    小小小警察 / Little Cop (1989) ... / Restuarant waiter
    最佳男朋友 / Perfect Match (1989) ... Joseph / Joseph
    八寶奇兵 / They Came to Rob Hong Kong (1989) ... / Dean
    專釣大鱷 / Crocodile Hunter (1989) ... / Chiang
    人海孤鴻 / City Kids 1989 (1989) ... / Big Skin Chuen
    流氓差婆 / Thunder Cops II (1989) ... 肥七 / Fei Tsat Ko
    龍之爭霸 / Burning Ambition (1989)    
    我在黑社會的日子 / Triads - The Inside Story (1989) ... / Crazy Keung / Mad Keung
    賭神 / God of Gamblers (1989) ... 大口九 / Big Mouth
    壯志雄心 / Thank You, Sir (1989) ... 杰父 / Kit's father
    精裝追女仔之3狼之一族 / The Romancing Star III (1989) ... 周時劈 / Chow Si Pak
    再見王老五 / The Bachelor's Swan Song (1989) ... / Loanshark Cheng
    義膽群英 / Just Heroes (1989) ... 華哥 / Brother Wah
    火舞儷人 / Club Girls (1989) ... 大傻 / Maddy
    愛人同志 / Stars and Roses (1989) ... 被俘的解放軍排長 / Chen Fei Ehn
    黑道福星 / Carry On Yakuza (1989)    
    黑色迷牆 / The Black Wall (1989) ... / Ben
    痴狼劫 / Bullet to Survive (1990)    
    金牌雙龍 / Day of Thunder (1990)    
    無名家族 / Family Honor (1990) ... / Tao
    殭屍醫生 / Doctor Vampire (1990) ... / Mr Ta
    富貴兵團 / The Fortune Code (1990) ... / Ugly prisoner of war
    賭俠 / God of Gamblers II (1990) ... 大口九 / Brother Kau
    朋黨 / Against All (1990) ... 大頭/傻哥 / Nut
    摩登如來神掌 / Kung Fu Vs. Acrobatic (1990) ... 大傻 / Policeman on motorcycle [cameo]
    望夫成龍 / Love Is Love (1990) ... 吳帶娣父親 / Tai's father
    霸王花之皇家賭船 / Raid on Royal Casino Marine (1990) ... / Richard
    捉鬼合家歡 / The Spooky Family (1990)    
    快樂的小雞 / Chicken a La Queen (1990) ... / Sgt Mak Ka Shing
    風雨同路 / Unmatchable Match (1990) ... 大膽 / Guts
    一本漫畫闖天涯 / My Hero (1990) ... 阿標 / Bill Chu
    至尊計狀元才 / No Risk, No Gain (1990) ... 大傻哥 / Big Fool
    無悔行動 / Never Say Regret (1990) ... / Prison warden
    江湖最後一個大佬 / Triad Story (1990) ... 大傻 / Maddy
    天師捉姦 / Ghostly Vixen (1990) ... / Wizard Miu
    黑海霸王花 / Brave Young Girls (1990)    
    殭屍福星仔 / Vampire Kids (1990) ... / Vampire
    小心間諜 / To Spy with Love!! (1990) ... / Police officer
    靚足100分 / Perfect Girls (1990) ... / Leslie Lok Cheung Jian
    摩登襯家 / It Takes Two to Mingle (1990)    
    義膽雄心 / Gangland Odyssey (1990) ... / Maddy
    無敵幸運星 / When Fortune Smiles (1990) ... / Lung
    捉鬼專門店 / Ghost for Sale (1991) ... / Uncle Shui
    夜生活女王霞姐傳奇 / Queen of Underworld (1991) ... 爛口祥 / Brother Cheung
    整蠱專家 / Tricky Brains (1991) ... 朱先生 / Mr Chu [cameo]
    賭霸 / The Top Bet (1991) ... 魚市場賭徒 / Brother Shaw
    賊聖 / Scheming Wonders (1991) ... / Chilli Chiu
    龍的傳人 / Legend of the Dragon (1991) ... 龍哥手下 / Fong's man
    著牛仔褲的鍾馗 / The Blue Jean Monster (1991) ... 祖哥 / Hsiang Tsu
    猛鬼狐狸精 / Return of the Evil Fox (1991) ... / Big Rope
    反斗馬騮 / Come Fly the Dragon (1991)    
    志在出位 / Today's Hero (1991) ... / Policeman 3662
    老表發錢寒 / Easy Money (1991) ... 戴卓爾 / Tatcher
    天地玄門 / An Eternal Combat (1991) ... 馬尚峰 / Dai Yat / Fung
    五虎將之決裂 / The Tigers (1991) ... / Shing Sha-Pi
    中環英雄 / Don't Fool Me (1991) ... 黑幫小弟 / Mad Po
    賭尊 / All for the Gamblers (1991) ... / BoBo's pal
    天使特警 / Angel Force (1991)    
    暴風少年 / A Rascal's Tale (1991)    
    福星威龍 / Lucky Dragon (1991)    
    虎豹小子 / Heroic Brothers (1991)    
    猛鬼入侵黑社會 / My Flying Wife (1991) ... / Officer of reincarnation
    雷霆掃穴 / Red Shield (1991) ... / Shing Biu
    新精武門1991 / Fist of Fury 1991 (1991) ... 趙東 / Master Chiu Tung
    油尖少爺 / Night Life Hero (1992) ... / Chiu
    黑街舞男 / A Dancing Boy in Underworld Street (1992)    
    何日金再來 / Rich Man (1992) ... / Chiu
    俾鬼玩 / Ghost Killer (1992) ... 成 / Shing Yiang To
    獵殺豪放女 / Wonderful Killer (1992)    
    奸人世家 / Hong Kong Adam's Family (1992) ... 奸巨 / Kan Kui
    車神 / The Night Rider (1992)    
    執法威龍 / Fatal Chase (1992) ... / Drug dealer
    伴我縱橫 / Rhythm of Destiny (1992) ... 超人 / Superman
    獵豹行動 / Cheetah on Fire (1992) ... / Tong
    中國最後一個太監第二章告別紫禁城 / The Twilight of the Forbidden City (1992) ... / General Tuen
    積奇瑪莉 / Sisters in Law (1992) ... / Shark Wong
    絕代雙驕 / Handsome Siblings (1992) ... / Ko Chi Sum
    嘩!英雄 / What a Hero! (1992) ... 郵差 / Lantau's postman
    虎膽六蛟龍 / The Vengeance of Six Dragon (1992) ... / Tuo
    魔圖 / Who's Killer (1992) ... / Crackpot
    聊齋三集之燈草和商 / Erotic Ghost Story III (1992) ... / Reverend Wick
    黑道女霸王 / Lady Killer (1992) ... / [VENGEANCE OF SIX DRAGONS footage]
    俠聖 / The Sting (1992)    
    花貨 / The Unleaded Love (1992) ... / Brother Kin
    芝士火腿 / Chez N'Ham Story (1993) ... 柏林 / Pa Lam
    廣東五虎之鐵拳無敵孫中山 / The Tigers - The Legend of Canton (1993) ... / Rickshaw puller [cameo]
    追男仔 / Boys Are Easy (1993) ... 家祥 / Triad
    神鬼奇兵 / Ultimate Warrior (1993) ... / [Footage from LUCKY DRAGON]
    走佬威龍 / Bogus Cops (1993) ... / Rose's admirer
    八仙飯店之人肉叉燒飽 / The Untold Story (1993) ... 鄭本 / Cheng Poon
    笑八仙 / The Eight Hilarious Gods (1993) ... / Sheriff Lee
    '93街頭霸王 / Drug Tiger (1993) ... / Jay
    笑俠楚留香 / Legend of the Liquid Sword (1993) ... / [Taiwan Version only]
    神探乾濕褸 / Shadow Cop (1993) ... / Maddie
    李麗珍蜜桃成熟時 / Crazy Love (1993) ... / Sits next to woman breaking matches
    999誰是兇手 / The Crucifixion (1994) ... 陳虎 / Chan Fu
    同床2夢 / The Lady Punisher (1994) ... / Muddy
    青樓十二房 / Ancient Chinese Whorehouse (1994) ... / Magistrate Chin [cameo]
    赤裸狂花 / Naked Rose (1994) ... / Kuei [cameo]
    新邊緣人 / To Live and Die in Tsimshatsui (1994) ... 安叔 / Uncle On
    山雞變鳳凰 / Don't Shoot Me, I'm Just a Violinist! (1994) ... / Killer Ming
    流氓大狀 / The Reckless Barrister (1994)    
    初生之犢 / Fearless Match (1994) ... / Crazy Dragon
    機密檔案之致命誘惑 / Rock on Fire (1994) ... / Insp Huang
    影子敵人 / Enemy Shadow (1995)    
    元洲街王后 / Candlelight's Woman (1995) ... 大佬文 / Daai Liu-Man
    霹靂火 / Thunderbolt (1995) ... / Illegal race car driver
    精裝情不自禁 / Secret Lover (1995) ... 吳小幹 / Ng, Hubby
    月黑風高 / The Case of the Cold Fish (1995) ... / Sgt Kong Yan Yin
    玻璃鎗的愛 / Love, Guns & Glass (1995) ... 龍哥 / Brother Lung
    賭聖2街頭賭聖 / The Saint of Gamblers (1995) ... / Big Mouth Dog
    香江花月夜 / Hong Kong Graffiti (1995) ... 大傻 / Mad Dog
    賊王 / Twist (1995) ... / Mao Dong
    野性的邂逅 / Dream Killer (1995)    
    古惑仔之人在江湖 / Young and Dangerous (1996) ... 大傻 / Boss Saur
    人皮高跟鞋 / Horrible High Heels (1996) ... / Kao Kuen
    運財五福星 / How to Meet the Lucky Stars (1996) ... 大傻 / Brother Saur
    珠江恩仇記 / Days in Guangzhou (1996)    
    大三元 / Tri-Star (1996) ... / Father Robin
    黃金島歷險記 / Adventurous Treasure Island (1996) ... / Policeman
    古惑奇兵之兵行險著 / 18 Shaolin Golden Boys (1996)    
    運財智叻星 / Twinkle Twinkle Lucky Star (1996) ... 大傻 / Brother Saur
    古惑女之決戰江湖 / Sexy and Dangerous (1996) ... 傻哥 / White Hair / Brother Saur
    伊波拉病毒 / Ebola Syndrome (1996) ... 大佬 / Boss Kwan
    奪舍 / Walk In (1997) ... / Saur
    陰陽路之升棺發財 / Troublesome Night 3 (1998) ... / Wah, loan shark
    想見妳 / You Light Up My Life (1998) ... 傻哥 / Brother Maddy
    北俠歐陽春 / The Northern Swordsman (1999)    
    娛樂之王 / The Lord of Amusement (1999) ... / Ted
    賭王千霸之偷龍轉鳳 / Gambler Series: Perfect Skill (1999) ... [沒被列在名單] / One of Wei's Big Brothers
    暴風少年之三大家族 / Raging Youth: Organised Crime (1999)    
    賭王千霸之爛命賭王 / Gambler Series: Rake Gambler (1999) ... [沒被列在名單] / 2nd Brother
    宋朝風月 / Love & Sex in Sung Dynasty (1999)    
    古惑仔之在走馬崗的日子 / Street Kids: Early Life (1999)    
    黑社會.com / MAFIA.COM (2000) ... / Chiu's village gang boss
    魔影 / The Devil Shadow (2000) ... / Mr Lau
    兄弟 / Fidelity (2001)    
    殺科 / Killing End (2001) ... / Uncle Ted
    絕機 / Jyut Kei (2001)    
    麻煩三角錯 / The Troublesome Romance (2002) ... 仔仔哥 / Brother Baby
    新收數王 / The New Debt Collectors (2002)    
    猛鬼放暑假 / Summer Vacation (2002) ... / Brother Nine
    跌打婆與辣妹 / Chinese Orthopedist and the Spice Girls (2002) ... / Officer Ho
    這個警察不用槍 / Lethal Cop (2002) ... 成叔 / [Cameo]
    喋血別戀 / Messing Passion (2002) ... / Yang Gui
    毀屍滅跡 / A Mysterious Murder (2002)    
    監獄風雲之傳教士 / Prison on Fire - Preacher (2002) ... / Silly
    豹女凶鈴 / Sanguinary Requital (2002) ... / Tang Jin
    龍虎英雄 / Boxing Hero (2003) ... / Sing
    水滸笑傳之黑店尋寶 / Laughter of "Water Margin" - Treasure Quest (2003)    
    阿龍的故事 / The Story of Long (2003)    
    失鎗72小時 / Unarm 72 Hours (2003) ... 大麻成 / Sing
    小偷捉賊記 / To Catch Thieves (2003)    
    午夜出租 / Midnight Rental (2003) ... / Uncle Wah
    我的麻煩老友 / My Troublesome Buddy (2003) ... / Chow Yun Fat
    道中道 / Virtue One, Vice Ten (2003) ... / Tiger Ko
    古惑仔之天地無盟:人在江湖 / Drug Baron (2004)    
    喜馬拉亞星 / Himalaya Singh (2005) ... 三大惡人之一 / Sor (Tally's worker)
    C+偵探 / The Detective (2007) ... 肥龍 / Fei Lung / Wong Yau Choi
    大話股神 / Crazy Money & Funny Men (2007) ... / Chen Kulan
  Died of cancer at age 54.