[English] [中文] [中英文]
語言顯示 : 中英文
麥偉章  ♂
Mak Wai-Cheung
拼音: mài wěi zhāng
Mak Wai,  Monkey,  Walter Mak

影視作品 / Filmography (1979-2008)
  武師 / Stunts
    綻親陎 / No Retreat, No Surrender 2 (1987)    
    獵魔群英 / Devil Hunters (1989)    
    雷霆行動 / Ultimate Revenge (1995)    
    幻影特攻 / Hot War (1998)    
    殺殺人、跳跳舞 / Ballistic Kiss (1998)    
    玻璃樽 / Gorgeous (1999)    
    環遊地球八十天 / Around the World in 80 Days (2004)    
  動作指導 / Action Choreographer
    電影故事 / The Movie Story (1996)    
    戰狼傳說 / Legend of the Wolf (1997)    
  武術組 / Martial Art Group
    警察故事III超級警察 / Police Story III Super Cop (1992)    
  副動作指導 / Assistant Action Choreographer
    龍之家族 / The Dragon Family (1988)    
    我是一個賊 / Legendary Couple (1995)    
  動作設計 / Action Designer
    精裝追女仔之2 / The Romancing Star II (1988)    
    驚天龍虎豹 / Lethal Panther (1991)    
  副武術指導 / Assistant Martial Arts Director
    少林與武當 / Shaolin and Wu Tang (1983)    
    江湖接班人 / Hero of Tomorrow (1988)    
    情債 / The Rapist Beckons (1992)    
    方世玉續集 / Fong Sai Yuk II (1993)    
    赤腳小子 / The Bare-Footed Kid (1993)    
    終極危情 / Final Target (1994)    
    武術 / Wushu (2008)    
  替身 / Stunt Double
    少年阿虎 / Star Runner (2003)    
  演員 / Actor (1979-2008)
    佛都有火 / The Boxer from the Temple (1979) ... / Waiter
    少林佛家大道 / The Shaolin Disciple (1980) ... / Young monk
    通天小子紅槍客 / The Kid with a Tattoo (1980) ... / He Ji Transport worker
    少林搭棚大師 / Return to the 36th Chamber (1980) ... / Boss Wang's thug
    發圍 / The Fool Escape (1980)    
    破戒大師 / Carry on Wise Guy (1980) ... / Extra
    何方神聖 / The Crazy Chase (1981) ... / Extra
    武館 / Martial Club (1981) ... / Student
    長輩 / My Young Auntie (1981) ... / One of Charlie's friends / Sheng's page
    龍虎小英雄 / Treasure Hunters (1981) ... / Young monk/Casino thug
    格食格 / The Super Gang (1982)    
    鬼畫符 / The Fake Ghost Catchers (1982) ... / Constable
    佳人有約 / The Perfect Match (1982) ... / Robber
    十八般武藝 / Legendary Weapons of China (1982) ... / Rascal/Servant/Waiter/Boxer
    御貓三戲錦毛鼠 / Cat Vs. Rat (1982) ... / Emperor's bodyguard / Chiu's servant
    提防小手 / Carry On Pickpocket (1982) ... / One of Sheng's men
    凶終 / Bruce Strikes Back (1982) ... / Thug
    最佳拍檔大顯神通 / Aces Go Places II (1983) ... / Gangster in club
    神龍猛探 / Challenge of the Tiger (1983) ... / Thug
    少林與武當 / Shaolin and Wu Tang (1983) ... / Wu Tang member
    掌門人 / The Lady Is the Boss (1983) ... / Shiang's thug
    打擂台 / Health Warning (1983) ... / Student
    少爺威威 / Play Catch (1983) ... / Extra
    五郎八卦棍 / The 8 Diagram Pole Fighter (1984) ... / Temple student
    南斗官三鬥北少爺 / Wits of the Brats (1984) ... / Constable
    最佳拍檔女皇密令 / Aces Go Places - Our Man from Bond Street (1984) ... / Bald thug
    唔係嘢少 / The Investigator (1984) ... / Extra
    至尊神偷 / To Catch a Thief (1984) ... / Killer at the beach
    時來運轉 / Those Merry Souls (1985) ... / Thug at beach
    皇家師姐 / Yes, Madam! (1985) ... / Henry's thug
    青春差館 / Young Cops (1985) ... [沒被列在名單] / Gang member
    霹靂十傑 / Disciples of the 36th Chamber (1985) ... / Fong Maiyu
    龍的心 / Heart of the Dragon (1985) ... / SWAT member at training
    魔翡翠 / Magic Crystal (1986) ... / Karov's fighter with red headband
    龍在江湖 / Legacy of Rage (1986) ... / Policeman at raid
    英雄本色 / A Better Tomorrow (1986) ... / Man in brawl
    執法先鋒 / Righting Wrongs (1986) ... / Buffalo's thug
    南北少林 / Martial Arts of Shaolin (1986) ... / Wei Fang
    綻親陎 / No Retreat, No Surrender 2 (1987) ... / Thug
    監獄風雲 / Prison on Fire (1987) ... / Prisoner
    天使行動 / Angel (1987) ... / Extra
    殺出香港 / City Warriors (1988)    
    亡命天涯 / Bitter Taste of Blood (1988) ... / Robber
    江湖接班人 / Hero of Tomorrow (1988) ... / Monkey
    陷阱邊沿 / Edge of Darkness (1988) ... / Policeman
    精裝追女仔之2 / The Romancing Star II (1988) ... / CID at bank
    撞邪先生 / Mr. Possessed (1988) ... / Traffic policeman
    情義心 / Fury (1988) ... / Lau's assassin
    龍之家族 / The Dragon Family (1988) ... / Keung's man
    捕風漢子 / He Who Chases After the Wind (1988)    
    老虎出更 / Tiger on the Beat (1988) ... / Johnny's thug
    刑警本色 / The Last Conflict (1988) ... / Extra
    皇家師姐III雌雄大盜 / In the Line of Duty III (1988) ... / Policeman
    阿修羅 / Saga of the Phoenix (1989) ... / Hell Concubine's man
    神行太保 / News Attack (1989) ... / Thug
    忠義群英 / Seven Warriors (1989) ... / Bandit
    轟天龍虎會 / China White (1989) ... / Extra
    省港旗兵第三集 / Long Arm of the Law III (1989) ... / Thug
    猛虎發火 / Fury of a Tiger (1989) ... / Thug
    獵魔群英 / Devil Hunters (1989) ... / Extra
    福星臨門 / Lucky Guys (1989) ... / Burglar
    群龍戲鳳 / Pedicab Driver (1989) ... / Extra
    喋血雙雄 / The Killer (1989) ... / Hay's man
    同根生 / Bloody Brotherhood (1989) ... / Policeman
    火舞儷人 / Club Girls (1989) ... [臨時演員] / Extra
    脂粉雙雄 / Pantyhose Hero (1990) ... / Gangster in opening scene
    地頭龍 / The Dragon Fighter (1990)    
    禿鷹檔案 / Mission of Condor (1990) ... / Extra
    咖喱辣椒 / Curry and Pepper (1990) ... / Worker in ship's engine room
    特警90 II 之亡命天涯 / The Iron Butterfly 2 (1990) ... / Japanese hitman
    越軌行動 / That's Money (1990) ... / Thug
    洗黑錢 / Tiger Cage II (1990) ... / Bodyguard
    喋血街頭 / Bullet in the Head (1990) ... / Mr Leong's thug
    師兄撞鬼 / Look Out, Officer! (1990) ... / Tang's drug worker
    表姐,你好嘢! / Her Fatal Ways (1990) ... / CID
    痴狼劫 / Bullet to Survive (1990)    
    一咬OK / A Bite of Love (1990) ... / Fung's thug
    賭聖 / All for the Winner (1990) ... / Extra
    舞台姊妹 / Stage Door Johnny (1990) ... / Troublemaker at restaurant
    四度誘惑 / Temptation Summary II (1991) ... / Killer
    奪寶俏佳人 / Dead Target (1991) ... / Thug
    逃學威龍 / Fight Back to School (1991) ... / Big's man
    驚天龍虎豹 / Lethal Panther (1991) ... / Yuen Nam / Tom
    毒網 / Drugs Area (1991)    
    烈火情仇 / Godfather's Daughter Mafia Blues (1991) ... / Yung's thug
    正紅旗下 / Running on Empty (1991) ... / Policeman
    鬼幹部 / Red and Black (1991) ... / Robber
    喋血邊緣 / The Real Me (1991) ... / Extra
    天地玄門 / An Eternal Combat (1991) ... / Extra
    五億探長雷洛傳(雷老虎) / Lee Rock (1991) ... / Extra
    子彈出租 / Bullet for Hire (1991) ... / Extra
    海狼 / Sea Wolves (1991) ... / Pirate
    霸道縱構 / Fighting Fist (1992) ... / Thug
    勝者為王 / The Mighty Gambler (1992) ... / Thug
    越柙飛龍 II 虎穴潛龍 / The Undercover (1992) ... / Hitman
    情債 / The Rapist Beckons (1992)    
    奸人世家 / Hong Kong Adam's Family (1992) ... / Thug
    警察故事III超級警察 / Police Story III Super Cop (1992) ... / Passerby shot at train station
    戰龍在野 / Invincible (1992) ... / Japanese legionary
    浪子殺手霸王花 / Killer Flower (1992)    
    戰神傳說 / The Moon Warriors (1992) ... / Kite killer
    射鵰英雄傳之東成西就 / The Eagle Shooting Heroes (1993) ... / Extra
    艷降 / Fatal Seduction (1993)    
    赤腳小子 / The Bare-Footed Kid (1993) ... / Pu's thug
    至尊三十六計之偷天換日 / Perfect Exchange (1993) ... / Extra
    縱橫天下 / Angel the Kickboxer (1993) ... / Thug
    新英雄本色 / Return to a Better Tomorrow (1994) ... / Bill's assassin in restaurant
    終極危情 / Final Target (1994) ... / Thug
    地下裁� / Underground Judgement (1994) ... / Extra
    7金剛 / Wonder Seven (1994) ... / Robber
    玻璃鎗的愛 / Love, Guns & Glass (1995) ... / Extra
    我是一個賊 / Legendary Couple (1995) ... / Extra
    霹靂火 / Thunderbolt (1995) ... / Kong's thug / Jail guard
    賭聖2街頭賭聖 / The Saint of Gamblers (1995) ... / Assassin
    雷霆行動 / Ultimate Revenge (1995) ... / Extra
    666魔鬼復活 / Satan Returns (1996) ... / Suspect in restaurant
    新喋血雙雄 / Thunder Cop (1996) ... / Extra
    古惑仔2之猛龍過江 / Young and Dangerous 2 (1996)    
    國產雪蛤威龍 / Combo Cops (1996) ... / SDU trainee
    最佳拍檔之醉街拍檔 / 97 Aces Go Places (1997) ... / Yeung's thug
    97家有囍事 / All's Well, End's Well '97 (1997) ... / Smartie's thug
    戰狼傳說 / Legend of the Wolf (1997) ... / Monkey style fighter
    殺殺人、跳跳舞 / Ballistic Kiss (1998) ... / Extra
    幻影特攻 / Hot War (1998) ... / Alien's thug
    玻璃樽 / Gorgeous (1999)    
    僱傭兵 / Killers from Beijing (2000) ... / Policeman
    浪漫鎗聲 / Romancing Bullet (2000) ... / Extra
    中華賭俠 / Conman in Tokyo (2000) ... / Swordsman
    鍾無艷 / Wu Yen (2001) ... / Yen's swordsman
    極地皇陵 / Undiscovered Tomb (2002) ... / Wild Wolf
    誘人犯罪 / To Seduce an Enemy (2003) ... / Thug
    飛龍再生 / The Medallion (2003) ... / Harbour Police
    誓不低頭 / Cop Unbowed (2004) ... / Thug
    2004新紮師兄 / Moving Targets (2004) ... / Policeman
    環遊地球八十天 / Around the World in 80 Days (2004) ... / Scorpion
    赤子拳王 / Boxer's Story (2004) ... / Boxer in flashback
    旺角黑夜 / One Nite in Mongkok (2004) ... / One of Tim's men
    我要做Model / Super Model (2004) ... Mandom 跳舞替身 / Mandom dancing double
    我老婆是大佬3 / My Wife Is a Gangster 3 (2006) ... / Thug
    反斗狂奔 / Midnight Running (2006) ... / Man in shootout
    武術 / Wushu (2008) ... 反派導演 / Villian director
  武術指導 / Martial Arts Director
    愛人同志 / Stars and Roses (1989)    
    雷霆行動 / Ultimate Revenge (1995)    
    國產雪蛤威龍 / Combo Cops (1996)    
    火鴛鴦 / The Wild Couple (1996)    
  also in

Forced Vengeance (1982)

He was an "unofficial member" of the Jackie Chan Stunt Team.