[English] [中文] [中英文]
語言顯示 : 中英文
劉克宣  ♂
Lau Hak-Suen
拼音: liú xuān
Lau Hark-Suen

影視作品 / Filmography (1934-1983)
  監製 / Producer
    I.Q 小子 / IQ Kid (1969)    
    發財埋便 / Money on the Way (1978)    
    廟街女強人 / Spiteful Women (1978)    
  導演 / Director
    六渡何仙姑 / Six Attempt to Immortalise the Goddess of Lotus (1950)    
    淒涼金葉菊 / The Sad Tale of the Golden-leaf Chrysanthemum (1955)    
    花落斷腸橋 / Heartbreak Bridge (1956)    
    王妃入楚軍 / The Princess Joins the Chu Army (1957)    
    陳宮罵曹 / How Chan Kung Reprimanded Cho (1957)    
    寶兒孝祖救雙親 / The Best Filial Piety (1960)    
    妻嬌郎更嬌 / The Naughty Couple (1960)    
  演員 / Actor (1934-1983)
    泣荊花 / Mourning of the Chaste Tree Flower (1934)    
    毒玫瑰 / The Deadly Rose (1935)    
    火燒阿房宮 / Burning of the Efang Palace (1935)    
    馬介甫 / My Friend, the Ghost (1935)    
    梁山伯祝英台下集 (後集梁山伯祝英台) / The Butterfly Lovers (Sequel to The Butterfly Lovers) (1935)    
    梁山伯祝英台上集 / The Butterfly Lovers (Part 1) (1935)    
    夜弔白芙蓉 / Nocturnal Mourning (1935)    
    女賊蘭娘 / The Woman Thief (1936)    
    桃色血案 / Crinma of Passion (1936)    
    博愛 / Compassion (1936)    
    黎夫人 / Madam Lai (1936)    
    蛋家妹 / A Fisherman's Girl (1936)    
    賣怪魚龜山起禍 / Incident in the Turtle Mountain (1936)    
    密室怪人 / Monster of the Secret Chamber (1936)    
    廣州一婦人 / A Woman of Guangzhou (1936)    
    世道人心 / Love and Morality (1936)    
    愛國花 / A Patriotic Woman (1936) ... 魏君甫 / Ngai Kwan-Fu
    有女懷春 / Yearning for Love (1937)    
    老婆皇帝 / Wife, Emperor! (1937)    
    誰之過 / Who's to Blame? (1937)    
    時勢造英雄 / Hero of the Times (1937)    
    春花秋月 / Spring Flower and Autumn Moon (1937)    
    酸甜苦辣 / The Joys and Sorrows of Love (1937)    
    妻多夫賤續集 / The Polygamist, Part Two (1937) ... 五子 / 5th Son
    錯點鴛鴦 / The Wrong Couple (1938)    
    風流財主 / Rich Man, Poor Man (1938)    
    苦盡甘來 / Sorrow Gives Way to Happiness (1938)    
    捨子奉姑 / Sacrifice of a Son (1938)    
    難得有情郎 / Husbands Are Hard to Get (1938)    
    周氏反嫁 / The Second Marriage of Madam Chow (1938) ... 唐俊 / Tong Chun
    拗碎靈芝 / Where the Roots Bend (1938)    
    乞米養家姑 / The Good Gaughter-in-Law (1938)    
    花心蘿蔔大結局 / The Philanderer - The Final Chapter (1938)    
    琵琶行 / The Pipa (1938)    
    三娘汲水 / Sanniang Draws Water (1938)    
    血肉長城 / Fortress of Flesh and Blood (1938) ... / Traitor
    花心蘿蔔 / The Philanderer (1938)    
    戰士情花 / A Warrior's Love (1938) ... 白修文 / Pak Sau-Man
    紫霞杯 / The Purple Cups (1938) ... 進福 / Chun Fook
    好女十八嫁 / A Woman of Many Husbands (1938)    
    女戰士 / The Woman Warrior (1938)    
    粉妝樓 / Chamber of Powder and Rouge (1938) ... 侯登 / Hau Dang
    女人經 / Women's Bible (1938)    
    柳曼玲 / Fallen Angel (1938)    
    大平洋上的風雲 / Incident in the Pacific (1938)    
    桃花將軍 / General of Love (1938)    
    拉車被辱 / The Humiliation of the Rickshaw Man (1938)    
    叱吒風雲 / Shaking Heaven and Earth (1938)    
    敗家子 / The Profligate Son (1938)    
    大破白蓮教 / The White Lotus Menace (1939)    
    女俠紅蝴蝶 / Swordswoman Red Butterfly (1939)    
    香江花月夜 / Hong Kong Nocturne (1939)    
    卅年苦命女 / Thirty Years of Misery (1939)    
    妲己 / The Story of a Seductress (1939) ... 紂王 / Emperor Chau
    狸貓換太子包公夜審郭槐 / Judge Bao Vs. the Eunuch (1939) ... 郭槐 / Kwok Huai
    三審玉堂春 / Three Trials of Yu Tangchun (1939)    
    背解紅羅 / Intrigue in the Palace (1939)    
    濟公活佛 / The Living Buddha (1939) ... 志清 / Chi Ching
    烈婦報夫仇:三司會審 / Trial of the Vengeful Woman (1939) ... 張宏 / Cheung Wang
    廣州一婦人續集 / A Woman of Guangzhou, Part 2 (1939)    
    桂枝告狀 / Daughter Vs. Stepmother (1939)    
    口花花 / The Frivoller (1939)    
    火燒少林寺 / Burning of the Shaolin Temple (1939)    
    瓦崗寨 / The Brick Stockade (1939)    
    姜太公 / Master Jiang (1939)    
    打勢陰司路 / Robbing the Dead (1939)    
    萬里行屍 / The Walking Corpse (1939)    
    大鬧三門街 / Hubbub at Three Gate Street (1939)    
    夜光杯 / The Luminescent Cup (1939) ... 應爾康 / Ying Yee-Hong
    胭脂馬 / Untamed Woman (1939)    
    羅卜救母 / Rescue My Mother (1939) ... 傅羅卜舅 / Fu's uncle
    三戲白菊花 / Triple Flirtation of the White Chrysanthemum (1939)    
    美人局 / The Beauty Trap (1939)    
    食人太太 / The Cannibalic Woman (1939)    
    方世玉二卷之胡惠乾打機房 / The Adventures of Fong Sai Yuk (Part 2) (1939) ... 機房惡霸 / Local tyrant
    紅拂女私奔 / The Bandit Queen Elopes (1939) ... 宇文化及 / Yue Man Dut Gap
    春情烈火 / Love Burns (1939)    
    三氣宣王 / Three Provocations Against the Emperor (1939)    
    紅衣女俠 / Lady in Red (1939)    
    姑嫂墳 / Grave of the Sisters-in-Law (1939)    
    南國姊妹花 / Twin Sisters of the South (1939) ... 張兆光 / Cheung Siu-Gwong
    棺材精 / Spirit of the Coffin (1939)    
    三盜九龍杯 / Triple Stealing of the Nine-Dragon Cup (1939)    
    鳳嬌投水 / Suicide of an Empress (1939)    
    樊梨花移山倒海 / For the Love of a Woman (1940)    
    姊妹花 / Twin Sisters (1940)    
    梅花落 / Fall of the Plum Blossoms (1940)    
    強盜孝子 / The Thief Who Is a Filial Son (1940)    
    穆桂英 / The Lady Takes Command (1940) ... 焦贊 / Chiu Tsan
    歌場魅影 / The Phantom of the Theatre (1940)    
    小英雄 / The Little Hero (1940)    
    插翼虎 / The Flying Tiger (1940)    
    廣州順母橋 / The Mother Bridge (1940) ... 吳公 / Mr. Ng
    慈禧西太后 / The Empress Dowager (1940) ... 大學士肅順 / Daai Hok Si Suk Shun
    慈雲走國 / Escape from the Palace (1940)    
    虎嘯枇杷巷 / The Lion Roars in Pipa Alley (1940)    
    荒江女俠第一集大破韓家莊 / The Swordswoman of the Wild River: Against the Han Clan (1940)    
    花公花婆 / The Philanderer and His Mate (1940)    
    中國野人王 / The Chinese Tarzan (1940)    
    多情燕子歸 / The Sentimental Swallow Returns (1941)    
    孤兒救祖記 / Rescue Grandpa (1941)    
    銀槍盜 / The Silver Pistol (1941)    
    錦上添花 / Let's Make Things Perfect (1941)    
    俠盜錦毛鼠 / The Furry Rat (1941)    
    喜事重重 / Overflowing Joy (1941)    
    古屋情魔 / The Amorous Ghost (1941)    
    倒亂乾坤 / Chaos in the Universe (1941)    
    彩鳳隨鴉 / The Phoenix Marries a Crow (1941)    
    羅通掃北 / Expedition to the North (1941)    
    國難財主 / My Money, My Country (1941)    
    人去樓空 / An Empty House (1941)    
    一代藝人 / The Great Artist (1941)    
    永春三娘 / The Lady in Combat (1941)    
    弦斷曲終 / Gone with the Song (1943)    
    大地兒女 / Children of the Earth (1945)    
    閃電姑娘 / Faster Than Lightning (1946)    
    新白金龍 / The New White Golden Dragon (1947) ... 余日池 / Gentleman thief
    洞房花燭夜 / The Wedding Night (1947)    
    情深恨更深 / More Love, More Bitter (1947) ... 杜大章 / To Tai-Cheung
    苦鳳鶯憐 / Bitter Phoenix, Sorrowful Oriole (1947)    
    週身膽鬧廣州 / The Guangzhou Adventure of the Fearless (1947) ... 油炸蟹 / Fried Crab
    借屍還魂 / Coming Back to Life in a Dead Body (1947) ... 趙君宣 / Chiu Kwun-Suen
    藕斷絲蓮 / Unforgettable Love (1947) ... 畢士奇 / But Si-Kei
    怪俠獨眼龍 / One-Eye Dragon, the Strange Hero (1947)    
    紅樓鬼影 / Spirit of the Red Chamber (1947)    
    我為卿狂 / I'm Crazy About You (1947)    
    沙三少與銀姐 / Third-Master Sha and the Lady Yin (1947)    
    情天血淚 / Sad Love Stories (1947) ... 李寶富 / Lee Po-Fu
    難測婦人心 / The Inscrutable Heart of Women (1947) ... 劉醫生 / Doctor Lau
    鬼馬砍王戇舅爺 / The Tricky and the Honest (1947)    
    賣肉養孤兒 / Prostituting to Raise the Orphan (1947)    
    危城蝶侶 / The Spy Lovers in the Dangerous City (1947)    
    麗春花 / Story of Li Chunhua (1947)    
    辣手蛇心 / The Evil Mind (1947) ... 魯鐵 / Lo Tit
    江湖奇俠(續集) / The Vagabond Master (Part 2) (1948)    
    金鏢黃天霸(下集) / Bodyguard Huang TianBa (Part 2) (1948) ... 張七 / Cheung Seven
    飛金剛大戰牛魔王 / The Fight Between King Kong and Cow Evil (1948) ... 金義 / Kam Yee
    蕩婦魂歸 / Return of the Lascivious Woman's Soul (1948)    
    情淚種情花 / Tears to be Harvested (1948)    
    步步高陞 / Moving Upward (1948)    
    本地狀元 / Local Scholar (1948)    
    太太萬歲 / Three Cheers for My Wife (1948)    
    吉人天相 / A Lucky Fellow (1948)    
    審死官 / The Judge Goes to Pieces (1948) ... 顧讀 / Koo Duk
    武松大鬧獅子樓 / Wu Song's Adventure of the Lion Pavilion (1948)    
    戲迷姑爺 / Stage-Fan Husband (1948) ... 全生 / Chuen Sang
    歡天喜地 / Happiness Everywhere (1948)    
    雷劈好心人 / God's Punishment to the Good Man (1948)    
    金鏢黃天霸(上集) / Bodyguard Huang TianBa (Part 1) (1948) ... 張七 / Cheung Seven
    孫悟空大戰豬八戒 / The Big Duel Between the Monkey King and Pigsy (1948)    
    刁蠻宮主 / A Spoilt Brat (1948) ... 明珠父 / Ming-Chu's father
    江湖奇俠(第三集) / The Vagabond Master (Part 3) (1948)    
    十三妹大鬧能仁寺 / The Thirteenth Girl's Adventure in Nengren Temple (1948)    
    拷打紅娘 / Beating the Matchmaker (1949) ... 鄭恒 / Cheng Hang
    相依為命 / Hanging on Together (1949) ... 劉郎 / Lau Long
    武則天 / Empress Wu Zetian (1949)    
    一劍定江山 / A Sword to Save a Country (1949)    
    紅孩兒大戰五龍公主 / The Big Fight between Red Kid and Five Dragon Princess (1949)    
    姑嫂墳 / Tomb for My Sister and Wife (1949)    
    牛郎織女 / The Cow Boy and the Sewing Girl (1949)    
    桃花女鬥法 / Peach Blossom Girl's Magic (1949) ... 周公 / Master Chow
    小青吊影 / Xiao Qing's Shadow (1949)    
    辣手碎情花 / To Kill the Love (1949) ... 郁秀風 / Yuk Sau-Fung
    肉陣葬龍沮 / Sex to Kill the Devil (1949) ... 龍沮 / Lung Chui
    七劍十三俠 (下集) / Thirteen Heroes with Seven Swords (Part 2) (1949) ... 非非僧 / Monk
    卓文君夜訪相如 / Zhuo Wenjun's Night Visit to Xiangru (1949) ... 孫子策 / Suen Tsi-Tsak
    拗碎靈芝 / Breaking the Medicinal Herb (1949)    
    羅宮春色 / Romance of Rome Palace (1949)    
    怪俠飛天龍 / Flying Dragon, the Strange Hero (1949) ... 陳萬成 / Chan Man-Sing
    六月飛霜 / Snow Storm in June (1949)    
    黑妖婦 / The Devil Woman in Black (1949)    
    周氏反嫁 / Madame Zhou's Second Marriage (1949)    
    大鬧廣昌隆 / Ruckus at Guangchanglong (1949)    
    淒涼姊妹花 / The Miserable Sisters (1949) ... 畢良 / But Leung
    司馬夫大破密糖黨 / Sima Fu's Encounter with the Honey Gang (1949) ... 胡大哥 / Brother Wu
    夜吊白芙蓉 / Night Hanging of Bai Furong (1949) ... 胡山 / Wu Shan
    飛燕迎春 / Swallows Welcome Spring (1949)    
    哪�饡鬗s收七怪 / Nazha Conquered the Seven Devils at Mei Hill (1949) ... 潘公子金華 / Pun
    金絲蝴蝶 / The Gold-braided Butterfly (1949)    
    方世玉胡惠乾三探武當山 / Fang Shiyu and Wu Weiqian's Three Attemps at Wudang Mountain (1949)    
    孽海癡魂(上集) / A Devoted Soul (Part 1) (1949) ... 白利重 / Pak Lei-Chung
    夜祭雷峰塔 / Nocturnal Sacrifice to Leifeng Tower (1949)    
    客途秋恨 / A Sorrowful Journey in Autumn (1949)    
    桃花大俠 / Peach Blossom Hero (1949) ... 黃百萬 / Wong Pak-Mang
    孽海癡魂(下集大結局) / A Devoted Soul (Part 2) (1949) ... 白利重 / Pak Lei-Chung
    石秀大鬧翠屏山 / Shi Xiu's Uproar in Cuiping Hill (1949) ... 楊雄 / Yeung Hung
    滿天神佛 / Gods Are Everywhere (1949)    
    萬里長城 / The Great Wall (1949)    
    蜀山劍俠 / Swordsman of Shu Mountain (1949)    
    慈母殺嬌兒 / A Good Mother Killed Her Son (1949)    
    武松血濺鴛鴦樓 / Mo Tsung's Bloody Fight at Double Pavilion (1949)    
    倫文敘賣菜 / Lun Wenxu Sells Vegetables (1949)    
    差利遊地獄 / Charlie's Visit to Hell (1949)    
    呂洞賓三戲白牡丹 / Lui Tung-Ban's Three Tricks on White Peony (1949) ... 黃龍真人 / Wong Lung
    空屋箱屍 / Corpse in a Case (1949)    
    梁天來 / Liang Tianlai, the Loser (1949)    
    賣肉救家姑 / A Moral Hooker (1949)    
    甘羅拜相 / Kam Luo, the New Prime Minister (1949) ... 趙王 / King Chiu
    鐵羅漢勇救玉觀音 / Goddess' Rescue by Buddha (1949)    
    濟公活佛 / Ji Gong, Reincarnated Buddha (1949)    
    七劍十三俠 (上集) / Thirteen Heroes with Seven Swords (Part 1) (1949) ... 非非僧 / Monk Fei Fei
    血染斷腸碑 / The Blood-Soaked Tomb (1949) ... 王德仁 / Wong Tak-Yan
    海角沉冤 / Misjudged (1949) ... 黃金學 / Wong Kam-Hok
    石鬼仔出世 / The Birth of Kiddy Stone (1949) ... 王彥章 / Wong Yin-Cheung
    小俠艾虎 / The Junior Hero, Ai Hu (1949)    
    我愛薄情郎 / Devoted to the Unfaithful (1949)    
    豬八戒打爛盤絲洞 / Pigsy Destroys the Spider Cave (1949)    
    三娘教子 / Third Madame Educates Her Son (1949) ... 劉球 / Lau Kau
    守得雲開見月明 / It Will Pay Off (1949) ... / Lau Kei
    大破白蓮教 / Uprooting the White Lotus Gang (1949)    
    玉面霸王 / The Handsome Master (1949) ... 史星南 / Si Sing-Nam
    肉山藏妲己 / Tan Kei in the Meat Hill (1949) ... 紂王 / King Tzau
    呂布戲貂蟬 / Lu Bu's Trick on Diao Chan (1949)    
    真假方世玉 / Fang Shiyu and His Impersonator (1950)    
    梁冷艷(上集) / A Girl Named Liang Lengyan (Part 1) (1950) ... 羅拔 / Robert
    天涯歌女 / The Girl Minstrel (1950) ... / Tai-nan Hung
    風火送慈雲(上集) / Ciyun's Farewell in Storm and Fire (Part 1) (1950)    
    火燒紅蓮寺 / The Burning of Red Lotus Monastery (1950) ... 潘道興 / Poon Do-Hing
    飄零二孤女 / Two Roaming Orphan Girls (1950)    
    夜半鐘聲 / Midnight Bells (1950)    
    風火送慈雲(下集) / Ciyun's Farewell in Storm and Fire (Part 2) (1950)    
    綺羅春夢 / A Dream of Silken Finery (1950)    
    暴雨寒梅 / Pear Blossom in a Winter Storm (1950)    
    腸斷十八年 / Eighteen Years of Woe (1950)    
    六渡何仙姑 / Six Attempt to Immortalise the Goddess of Lotus (1950)    
    魔鬼家庭 / Devil's Family (1950) ... 賈洪 / Commander Ka
    俠盜黑海棠 / A Chivalrous Bandit (1950)    
    花街慈母 / A Good Mother and a Hooker (1950) ... 蔣文甫 / Chiang Man-Fu
    七劍十三俠 (第六集) / Thirteen Heroes with Seven Swords (Part 6) (1950)    
    紅娘子 / Red Lady (1950)    
    白楊紅淚 / White Poplar, Red Tears (1950)    
    金玉奴棒打薄情郎 / Slave Girl Spanks Her Faithless Lover (1950)    
    白蟒佔龍宮 / A White Python Usurps the Dragon's Palace (1950)    
    梁冷艷(下集) / A Girl Named Liang Lengyan (Part 2) (1950) ... 羅拔 / Robert
    東成西就 / Success All the Way (1950)    
    小羅賓漢 / Robin Hood, Junior (1950)    
    宋江怒殺閻婆惜 / How Song Jiang Slew His Mistress Yan Poxi (1950)    
    血海蜂 / The Blood Bee (1950)    
    魂斷藍橋 / Love Ended by the Blue Bridge (1950)    
    濟公三氣華雲龍 / How the Monk Chai Kung Thrice Insulted Wah Wan-Lung (1950)    
    火燒玉石琵琶精 / The Impenetrable Pi-pa Spirit of Fire (1950)    
    封神榜之一: 大破黃河陣 / Nazha Shatters the Yellow River Scheme (1950) ... 趙公明 / Chiu Kung-Ming
    大破銅網陣 / Solving the Copper-netted Trap (1950)    
    天涯何虎再相逢 / Where Shall We Meet Again? (1950) ... 周經理 / Manager Chow
    李鐵北海斬妖龍 / How the Immortal Cripple Lee Slew the Dragon in the North Sea (1950)    
    千古女兒千古恨 / Woman's Eternal Sorrow (1950) ... 章老虎 / Tiger Cheung
    井底冤魂 / The Misjudged Spirit in the Well (1950)    
    脂粉豺狼 / A Wolf in the Girl's Fold (1950) ... 秦大麟 / Chun Tai-Lun
    江南八大劍俠 / Eight Swordsmen of Jiangnan (1950)    
    天魔女大戰牛魔王 / The Battle Between Demon Girl and the Ox Devil (1950) ... 牛魔王 / Ox Devil
    豹子頭林沖 / Lan Chung, the Panther-head Hero (1950)    
    天魔女三戲濟顛 / How Demon Girl Thrice Tricked Monk Jigong (1950)    
    風流寡婦 / The Amorous Lady (1950)    
    蕩婦殺妾慘案 / The Cruel Murder of Concubine (1950) ... 韓德生 / Han Desheng
    鳳驕投水 / She Plunged to Her Death (1950)    
    憐我憐卿 / Mutual Affections (1951)    
    斷腸母子心 / Mother and Son in Grief (1951) ... 鄭德忠 / Cheng Tak-Chung
    大班周 / Taipan Chow (1951)    
    誰憐後母心 / Who Will Sympathize with Stepmother? (1951) ... 蕭槐雅 / Siu Wai-Nga
    恩重情深 / Debt of Love (1951)    
    對錯親家 / The Mis-Matched In-Laws (1951) ... 劉德 / Lau Tak
    十二金釵戲玉郎 / Twelve Cheeky Girls (1951)    
    真假玉面霸王 / A Handsome Hero and His Double (1951)    
    歌院香魂 / The Singing Girl's Spirit (1951)    
    皆大歡喜 / Everybody's Happy (1951) ... / Grandfather Chow
    三打祝家莊(上集) / The Three Sieges of Zhu Village (Part 1) (1951) ... 鑾廷玉 / Luen Ting Yuk
    一帆風順 / Sail on to Success (1951) ... 胡六叔 / Sixth Uncle, Wu
    七虎渡金灘(上集) / How Seven Heroes Crossed the Golden Bank (Part 1) (1951)    
    三打祝家莊(下集) / The Three Sieges of Zhu Village (Part 2) (1951) ... / Luen Ting Yuk
    春殘燕未歸 / No Sign of the Swallow's Return (1951) ... / Siu Tai-Hoi
    銀河飛馬 / Stallion on the Milky Way (1951)    
    傻俠妖姬 / Stooge Hero and Beautiful Siren (1952)    
    貧賤夫妻百事哀 / Everything Goes Wrong for the Poor Couple (1952) ... 劉望 / Lau Mong
    賊王子巧遇情僧 / The Encounter Between the Prince of Thieves and the Lovelorn Monk (1952) ... / Madam Lau
    朱門紅淚 / Sad Tale of a Wife a Rich Household (1952)    
    呂布戲刁蟬 / The Affair Between Lu Bu and Diaochan (1952)    
    光緒皇傳 / The Story of Emperor Guangxu (1952)    
    難為了爸爸 / Poor Daddy (1952) ... 仇如海 / Sau Yu-Hoi
    啼笑因緣 / A Tale of Laughter and Tears (1952)    
    珍珠淚 / Pearly Tears (1952) ... 鄧慶南 / Tang Hing-Nam
    月夜痴魂 / The Devoted Soul (1952) ... 侯山 / Hau Shan
    春風得意鳳求凰 / A Schoolar's Love-Song (1953)    
    秦淮月下再生緣 / Under the Moon, by the Huai River, We Meet Again (1953)    
    偷雞奉母 / Stealing Chickens to Help Mother (1953) ... 黃百萬 / Huang
    雪夜訪情憎 / Meeting the Lovelorn Monk on a Snowy Night (1953) ... / Liu
    人隔萬重山 / The Hills Divide Us (1954)    
    百變婦人心 / Her Fickle Heart (1954) ... 梅嶺魂 / Mui Ling-Wan
    貍貓換太子 / Racoon for a Prince (1955)    
    方世玉與胡惠乾 / Story of Fang Shiyu and Hu Weiqian (1955) ... 雷老虎 / Lei Lao Hu
    孤星血淚 / An Orphan's Tragedy (1955) ... / Toh
    孤兒行 / Orphan's Song (1955)    
    女黑俠 / Heroine in Black (1955)    
    臥薪嘗膽 / A King's Revenge (1955)    
    金生桃盒 / A Scholar Meets His Girlfriend in Disguise (1955)    
    夜盜美人屍 / Stealing the Beauty's Corpse at Night (1955) ... 劉司令(劉大剛) / Commander Lau
    薛平貴與王寶釧 / The Story of Sit Ping-Kwai and Wong Bo-Chuen (1955)    
    關東四俠血戰榴花塔 / How Four Heroes from Guangdong Stormed the Pagoda of Pomegranate Flowers (1955)    
    人道 / Humanity (1955)    
    苦吻 / Bitter Kisses (1955)    
    秋海棠 / The Actor's Romance (1955)    
    乞兒太子 / The Pauper-Prince (1955)    
    卿本佳人 / Why Should a Nice Girl....? (1955)    
    長相憶 / Never Forgotten (1955)    
    碎琴樓 / Broken Zither Bower (1955)    
    復活 / Resurrection (1955) ... / Pang Kau
    下一代 / The Next Generation (1955)    
    桃李滿天下 / A Teacher's Reward (1955)    
    血洗少林刀 / The Blood-Stained Swords of Shaolin (1955)    
    銀鳳 / Silver Phoenix (1955)    
    淒涼金葉菊 / The Sad Tale of the Golden-leaf Chrysanthemum (1955)    
    花好月圓 / Matching the Beauty and the Handsome (1956)    
    詐痲納福 / The Wise Guys Who Fool Around (1956)    
    穆桂英三擒三縱楊宗保 / How Mu Guiying Captured and Released Yang Zongbao 3 Times (1956)    
    春燈羽扇 / Feather Fan Under Spring Lantern (1956)    
    呆佬拜壽 / The Dunce Attends a Birthday Party (1956) ... / 1st son-in-law
    呂洞賓三戲白牡丹 / How the Immortal Lu Dongbin Made a Fool of White Peony (1956)    
    斬龍遇仙 / Meeting a Fairy While Slaying the Dragon (1956)    
    大鬧三門街 / The Sanmen Street Brawl (1956)    
    生死同心 / Life and Death Together (1956)    
    小白菜情困楊乃武 / The Story of Little Cabbage and Yang Naiwu (1956)    
    荒唐鏡三氣胭脂馬 / How Fangtangjing Made a Fool of the Unruly Girl (1956)    
    霸王妖姬 / The King and the Beauty (1956)    
    梅娘 / Madam Mei (1956)    
    家和萬事興 / A Peaceful Family Will Prosper (1956) ... 巡場 / Money collector
    鬼俠 / The Ghost Hero (1956)    
    王昭君琵琶動漢皇 / Wang Zhaojun's Lute Song Touches the Emperor of Han (1956)    
    呂布搶貂蟬 / Lui Bo Captures Diu Sim (1956)    
    關公月下釋貂蟬 / General Kwan Seduced by Diaochan Under Moonlight (1956)    
    呂蒙正祭灶 / Lu Mengzheng Prays to the Stove God (1956)    
    永春三娘與洪熙官 / Hong Xiguan and Third Madam of Yongchun (1956)    
    乾隆皇大鬧萬花樓 / Emperor Qianlong's Adventures in the Bower of a Million Flowers (1956)    
    大團圓 / The Grand Reunion (1956)    
    洛神 / The Nymph of the River Lo (1957)    
    天后娘娘 / The Goddess of Heaven (1957)    
    妙善公主 / Princess Miaoshan (1957)    
    黛綠年華 / The Splendour of Youth (1957) ... 薛行長 / Banker Xue
    荔枝記 / The Lizhi's Tale (1957)    
    猛鬼橋 / Haunted Bridge (1957)    
    牡丹花發狀元紅 / Happy Reunion (1957)    
    包公合珠記 / Pearl's Reconciliation (1957)    
    七劍十三俠 (上集) / Seven Swordsmen and Thirteen Knights, Part One (1957)    
    劉備過江招親(關公守華容) / Lui Bei Crosses the River to Meet His Bride (1957)    
    黃飛虎反五關 / Wong Fei-Hung's Rebellion, Part 1 (1957)    
    大明忠烈傳 / Martyrs of Ming (1957)    
    呆佬遇鬼 / The Dunce Bumps into a Ghost (1957) ... / Chiu Wai-On
    烈女春香 / Chun Xiang, the Girl Martyr (1957)    
    龍虎渡姜公 / How Old Master Jiang Crossed the River (1957)    
    賣肉養孤兒 / An Orphan Raised on Love (1957)    
    唐伯虎點秋香 / How the Scholar Tang Bohu Won the Maid Qiuxiang (1957)    
    黃飛鴻河南浴血戰 / Wong Fei-Hung's Fight in He'nan (1957) ... 馬雲德 / Ma Wan-tak
    香羅塚 / The Beauty's Grave (1957)    
    千里送京娘 / Escorting Lady Jing on a 1,000 Mile Journey (1957)    
    木蘭從軍 / Hua Mulan, the Girl Who Went to War (1957) ... 軍師 / Military counselor
    包公三審血掌印 / The Case of the Blood Stain (Judge Bao's Three Trials) (1957)    
    王妃入楚軍 / The Princess Joins the Chu Army (1957)    
    水滸傳:知取生辰綱 / Taking the Birthday Gifts Caravan by Strategy (1957)    
    包公奇案 / Judge Bao's Mysterious Case (1957)    
    陳宮罵曹 / How Chan Kung Reprimanded Cho (1957) ... / Warlord Cho Cho
    寶扇緣 / The Precious Fan (1957)    
    畫裡天仙 / The Fairy in the Picture (1957)    
    薛仁貴三戲柳金花 / How Xue Rengui Thrice Mocked Liu Jinhua (1957)    
    無頭東宮生太子(下集大結局) / Headless Queen Bears a Son (Part 2) (1957)    
    無頭東宮生太子(上集) / Headless Queen Bears a Son (Part 1) (1957)    
    十三妹大鬥能仁寺 / How Miss Thirteenth Raided Nengren Monastery (1957)    
    姑緣嫂劫 / Two Sisters-in-law (1958)    
    黃飛虎反五關(續集) / Wong Fei-Hung's Rebellion (sequel) (1958)    
    新肉山藏妲己 / Tan Kei in the Meat Hill (1958)    
    艷陽丹鳳 / Radiant Phoenix (1958)    
    冰山火線 / In the Snowy Mountain (1958)    
    花債狀元還 / A Scholar Redeems His Love (1958) ... / Kam Pak-Fu
    兒心碎母心 / Mother's Broken Heart (1958) ... / Yam Wai-Cheung
    方世玉三打乾隆皇 / Fang Shiyu's Three Attacks on Emperor Qianlong (1958)    
    寶鼎明珠 / The Tripod and the Pearl (1958)    
    漢宮生死恨 / The Tragedy of Han Palace (1958)    
    千金小姐 / The Rich Young Lady (1958)    
    一夜九更天 / The Long Night (1958)    
    文姬歸漢 / Lady Wen's Return to the Han People (1958)    
    狸貓換太子 / Substituting a Racoon for the Prince (1958)    
    仙女牧羊 / The Fairy Shepherdess (1958)    
    紅娘 / Red Maid, the Matchmaker (1958)    
    清官斬節婦 / The Story of a Chaste Woman (1958)    
    張巡殺妾饗三軍 / Zhang Xun Slays His Concubine to Please the Army (1958)    
    龍飛鳳舞 / Dragon and Phoenix Revelry (1958)    
    玉堂春 / The Story of Yu Tang-Chun (1958)    
    泥馬渡康生 / Prince Kang Crosses the River on a Clay Horse (1958)    
    柳毅傳書 / Liu Yi Sends His Letters (1958) ... / Ging Ho Siu Lung
    三審狀元妻 / The Three Trials of the Scholar's Wife (1958)    
    斷腸碑 / Heartbreak Plaque (1958)    
    枇杷巷口故人來 / The Departed One's Return to Pipa Lane (1959)    
    龍宮戇駙馬 / Dragon King's Idiot Son-in-Law (1959)    
    鳳燭燒殘淚未乾 / A Sad Wedding Night (1959)    
    漢武帝夢會衛夫人 / The Dream Meeting Between Emperor Wu of Han and Lady Wei (1959)    
    六月雪 / Snow Storm in June (1959)    
    桂枝告狀 / Gui Zhi Sues (1959)    
    龍鳳喜迎春 / Springtime Lovers (1959) ... / Chau Tung
    聞天香三戲聞太師 / How Wen Tianxiang Thrice Tricked Grand Sire Wen (1959)    
    含笑飲砒霜 / Swallow the Poison with a Smile (1959) ... 黃百壇 / Wong Pak-tan
    花開並蒂蓮 / Twin Lotuses (1959)    
    毒婦點天 / A Sorceress Lights the Lamp of Heaven (1959)    
    王寶釧 / Story of Wang Bao Chuan (1959)    
    漢女貞忠傳 / The Brave Daughters of Han (1959)    
    節婦審貪官 / Magistrate on Trial (1960) ... 胡恩 / Wu Yun
    女黑俠飛鵝嶺救夫 / Adventure of Black Heroine (1960)    
    三女性 / Three Females (1960) ... 張振華 / Cheung Chen-Wah
    寶兒孝祖救雙親 / The Best Filial Piety (1960)    
    白門斬呂布 / Lui Po (1961)    
    侯門怨 / An Aristocratic Affair (1961)    
    漢宮英烈傳 / Fall of Liang (1961)    
    萬劫孤兒 / Pity Orphan (1961) ... 屠岸賈 / To On-ku
    夜夜杜鵑啼 / Song of the Nightingale (1961)    
    女飛俠紅姑 / Crimson Girl (1961)    
    子母橋(下集) / The Bridge (Part 2) (1961)    
    母愛 / Mother Love (1961)    
    小俠白金龍 / Little White Golden Dragon (1961)    
    追魂太極鏢 / Sword and 9 Rings (Part 2) (1961) ... 應天龍 / Ying Tin-Lung
    無敵楊家將 / Female General Mrs. Yang (1961)    
    紅爐火 / The Stove Fire (1961)    
    倩女情俠(上集) / Public Spirited Lovers (Part 1) (1961)    
    兒女情深 / Love's Obligation (1961)    
    女俠草上飛 / Lady 'Lightning' Among Swordsmen (1961)    
    雙飛蝴蝶 / Pair of Jade Butterfly (1961)    
    關東三女俠 / The Three Chivalrous Girls of Kwan Tung (1961)    
    子母橋(上集) / The Bridge (Part 1) (1961)    
    武林十三劍(上集) / Thirteen Swords (Part 1) (1961) ... 十四皇叔允禔 / 14th Uncle Lord Wan-Tai
    飛天小俠 / Little Cosmonaut (1961)    
    萬里尋親記 / The Search of Loved One (1961) ... 金二叔 / 2nd uncle Kam
    一劍九連環 / Sword and 9 Rings (Part 1) (1961)    
    楊門女將告御狀 / Lodging of a Complaint Before the Imperial Court by the Young Amazons (1961)    
    仙笛神龍(下集) / Ingenious Fluter (Part 2) (1961) ... 吞心魔宮天魁 / Kung Tin-Fui
    義犬神童 / The Prodigious Child and Her Loyal Dog (1961) ... 蔡豹 / Choi Pau
    武林十三劍(下集) / Thirteen Swords (Part 2) (1961) ... / 14th Uncle Lord Wan-Tai
    雷克探案之血影驚魂 / Shadow of a Doubt (1961)    
    羅剎嬌娃 / Romance and the Adventure of Roza (1961)    
    大鄉里出城 / Dai Heung Lei Cheut Sing (1961)    
    天山龍鳳劍(下集) / The Swords of Tien Shan (Part 2) (1961) ... 陶三顛 / To Sam-Tin
    天山猿女 / Tian Shan Gibbon Girl (1961) ... 陸虹 / Luk Hung
    拉車行大運 / Rickshaw Puller and Orphan (1961) ... / Lau Chai-Tong
    丹鳳屠龍劍 / Killing Dragon Sword (1961)    
    怪俠金絲貓 / The Golden Cat (1961)    
    天山龍鳳劍(上集) / The Swords of Tien Shan (Part 1) (1961) ... 陶三顛 / To Sam-Tin
    八大女俠鬧江湖(上集) / 8 Roaming Heroines (Part 1) (1962)    
    真假小俠紅蝴蝶 / Little Red Butterfly and Her Double (1962)    
    車底驚魂 / Trauma Under the Car (1962)    
    天山神俠 / The Magic Hero of Tian Shan (1962)    
    乞兒小皇帝 / Little Beggar King (1962)    
    探花夫婿狀元妻 / The Female Champion (1962) ... 王提督 / Commander Wong
    七鳳鬥魔龍 / The Battle Between the Seven Phoenixes and the Dragon (1962) ... / Qin emperor
    木偶公主 / Puppet Princess (1962)    
    秋香怨(下集) / The Sorrowful Tale of Qiu Xiang (Part 2) (1962)    
    一曲琵琶動漢皇 / Emperor Han Lured by the Romantic Tune (1962)    
    春滿帝皇家 / Spring Comes to the Palace (1962)    
    一笑傾城 / A Smile for a Kingdom (1962)    
    恩重如山 / A Gratitude as Weighty as the Mountain (1962)    
    仙鶴神針(大結局) / Secret Book (Part 3) (1962) ... 玉簫仙子 / Wong Hon Seung
    七鳳鬥魔龍 / The Battle Between the 7 Phoenixes and the Dragon (1962)    
    魔影驚魂 / The Haunting Shadow (1962)    
    多計姑娘 / The Quick-witted Woman Detective (1962)    
    紅梅仙借屍還魂記 / Reincarnation of the Red Plum (1962)    
    隱形女俠 / The Invisible Heroine (1962) ... / Sung Hung
    雙劍神鞭俠 / Hero of the Twin Swords and the Magic Whip (1962)    
    神眼峨眉尋太子 / The Woman with the Magic Eyes in Search of Her Son (1962)    
    橫掃江南七霸天 / The 7 Tyrants of Jiangnan (1962) ... 金清 / Kam Ching
    飛天雷震子 / The Flying Hero (1962)    
    富貴榮華第一家 / Grandest of All Families (1962)    
    夜夜望娘婦 / Longing for Mother's Return (1962) ... 陸昌廷大帥 / Marshal Luk Cheong-Ting
    紅孩兒 / Scarlet Boy (1962) ... 牛魔王 / Bull King
    望娘灘 / Awaiting Mother to Return on the Beach (1962)    
    洪宣嬌 / Hung Suen-Kiu (1962)    
    八大女俠鬧江湖(下集) / 8 Roaming Heroines (Part 2) (1962)    
    峨嵋三劍俠 / 3 Swordsmen from Emei (1962)    
    灕江河畔血海仇(上集) / The Big Revenge (Part 1) (1963)    
    半劍一鈴(下集) / Half a Sword (Part 2) (1963)    
    亂拜石榴裙 / Lousy Womaniser (1963)    
    二郎神楊戩 / God Erlang (1963)    
    血滴龍鳳杯 / The Blood-Stained Cup (1963)    
    刀劍緣(上集) / The Blade and the Sword (Part 1) (1963)    
    龍虎三女霸(下集) / Three Wild Beauties (Part 2) (1963)    
    猴子兵華山救駕 / The Monkey Soldiers Come to the Rescue (1963)    
    金鎖匙 / The Golden Key (1963)    
    龍虎三女霸(上集) / Three Wild Beauties (Part 1) (1963)    
    賢妻良母 / The Poor Wife (1963)    
    天字間諜網 / The Spy (1963)    
    火燒紫凌宮 / Gone with the Flame (1963)    
    白猿太子陰陽崖會母 / Prince White-ape and His Mother (1963)    
    豹山神鶴劍 / The Magic Sword of Leopard Mountain (1963)    
    血洗蝴蝶鏢 / The Blood-Stained Butterfly Dart (1963)    
    大俠金葫蘆 / The Golden Gourd (1963)    
    紅線女夜盜寶盒 / Red Thread Steals a Precious Box (1963)    
    灕江河畔血海仇(下集) / The Big Revenge (Part 2) (1963)    
    刀劍緣(下集) / The Blade and the Sword (Part 2) (1963)    
    半劍一鈴(上集) / Half a Sword (Part 1) (1963) ... / One-armed swordsman
    雌虎鬧京華(下集) / The Tigress' Adventures in the Capital (Part 2) (1963)    
    雌虎鬧京華(上集) / The Tigress' Adventures in the Capital (Part 1) (1963)    
    霹靂金較剪(上集) / Golden Scissors (Part 1) (1963)    
    霹靂金較剪(下集) / Golden Scissors (Part 2) (1964)    
    通天師父 / The Teacher Who Knows Everything (1964)    
    武當飛鳳(下集) / The Flying Phoenix from Wudang (Part 2) (1964)    
    武當飛鳳(上集) / The Flying Phoenix from Wudang (Part 1) (1964)    
    錦繡天堂 / Beautiful Heaven (1964)    
    碧血金釵大結局 / The Golden Hairpin (Final Episode) (1964)    
    打龍袍 / Striking the King (1964)    
    七彩神火棒 / The Club of Magic Flame (1964) ... / Chow Wai-Kwan
    碧血金釵(三集大結局) / The Golden Hairpin (Part 3) (1964)    
    海底龍吟劍(下集) / The Sword from the Sea (Part 2) (1964)    
    半壁江山一美人 / The Empire and the Beauty (1964)    
    海底龍吟劍(上集) / The Sword from the Sea (Part 1) (1964)    
    神鶴金鷹 / The Magic Crane and the Golden Eagle (1964)    
    蒸生瓜 / The Immature Bunch (1965)    
    雄心太子 / The Ambitious Prince (1965)    
    閻王令 / The Decree of Death (1965) ... 白骨閻君 / White-bone King of Hell
    神鵰女俠 / The Vulture and the Heroine (1965)    
    恩義難忘 / Your Infinitive Kindness (1965) ... / Hong
    特務黑蜘蛛 / Agent Black Spider (1965)    
    聖劍風雲(下集) / Priceless Sword (Part 2) (1965)    
    聖劍風雲(上集) / Priceless Sword (Part 1) (1965)    
    麗娘尋夫記 / Looking For Her Husband (1965)    
    春色滿璇宮 / Spring Time in the Jade Hall (1966)    
    I.Q 小子 / IQ Kid (1969)    
    女魔 / The Devil in Her (1974) ... / Exorcist
    烏龍賊阿爸 / The Nutty Crook (1975)    
    阿牛出獄記 / Return of the Crazy Bumpkin (1975) ... / [only deleted footage]
    發財埋便 / Money on the Way (1978)    
    撞到正 / The Spooky Bunch (1980)    
    打雀英雄傳 / Mahjong Heroes (1981) ... 平五爺 / Ping Wu
    公子嬌 / Wedding Bells, Wedding Belles (1981) ... / Mr Chow
    鬼域 / Avengers from Hell (1981) ... 九叔 / 3) Ninth Uncle
    摩登保鑣 / Security Unlimited (1981) ... 劉Sir / Taipan Law
    八彩林亞珍 / Plain Jane to the Rescue (1982) ... 厰長 / Zanda factory manager
    野狼幫 / The Gang of Five (1982)    
    鯊魚燒賣 / Food for the Sharks (1982)    
    八十二家房客 / The 82 Tenants (1982) ... / Uncle Po
    佳人有約 / The Perfect Match (1982) ... / Uncle Sun
    提防小手 / Carry On Pickpocket (1982) ... 金明 (金師父) / Pot & Chimney's teacher
    俏皮女學生 / Happy Sixteen (1982) ... 校長 / Principal
    無牙殭屍 / Toothless Vampires (1983)    
    A計劃 / Project A (1983) ... 石幫辦 / Lieutenant Shih
    風生水起 / The Fung Shui Master (1983)    
    小生作反 / Give Me Back (1983) ... / Sir Lau
  編劇 / Writer
    寶兒孝祖救雙親 / The Best Filial Piety (1960)    
  Native of Guangxi Province.

Son, by 3rd wife: David Lau Chi-Wing.

Nieces: Chun Siu-Lei, Chun Siu-Kei.

Granddaughter: Carol Yeung.