[English] [中文] [中英文]
語言顯示 : 中英文
王羽  ♂
Jimmy Wang Yu
拼音: wáng
Wang Zheng-Quan,  Wong Jing-Kuen,  Jimmy Wong Yu,  Wang Yu

影視作品 / Filmography (1965-2013)
  導演 / Director
    龍虎鬥 / The Chinese Boxer (1970)    
    黑白道 / The Brave and the Evil (1971)    
    / The Sword (1971)    
    獨臂拳王 / One-Armed Boxer (1972)    
    戰神灘 / Beach of the War Gods (1973)    
    四大天王 / Four Real Friends (1974)    
    獨臂雙雄 / The One-Armed Swordsmen (1976)    
    虎鶴雙形 / Tiger & Crane Fists (1976)    
    獨臂拳王大破血滴子 / One-armed Boxer vs. the Flying Guillotine (1976)    
    神拳大戰快鎗手 / Return of the Chinese Boxer (1977)    
  聯合導演 / Co-Director
    直搗黃龍 / The Man from Hong Kong (1975)    
  策劃 / Planning
    雞蛋石頭碰 / The Taxi Driver (1981)    
    火燒島 / Island of Fire (1990)    
  出品人 / Presenter
    迷你特攻隊 / Fantasy Mission Force (1983)    
    龍的心 / Heart of the Dragon (1985)    
    賭尊 / All for the Gamblers (1991)    
  監製 / Producer
    夜女郎 / Girls of the Night (1972)    
    獨臂拳王勇戰楚門九子 / One Armed Against Nine Killers (1976)    
    大圈套 / Return of the Tiger (1977)    
    神拳大戰快鎗手 / Return of the Chinese Boxer (1977)    
    大江南北 / The Double Double Cross (1977)    
    俏師妹 / Cute Foster Sister (1979)    
    鳳凰淚 / Only Yesterday (1980)    
    最毒婦人心 / Zui Du Fu Ren Xin (1986)    
    闖將 / Clash of the Professionals (1988)    
    火燒島 / Island of Fire (1990)    
    密宗威龍 / The Tantana (1991)    
    千人斬 / The Beheaded 1000 (1993)    
    生日多戀事 / Stand Behind the Yellow Line (1997)    
    半生緣 / Eighteen Springs (1997)    
  演員 / Actor (1965-2013)
    鴛鴦劍俠 / The Twin Swords (1965) ... 桂武 / Gui Wu
    江湖奇俠 / Temple of the Red Lotus (1965) ... 桂武 / Gui Wu
    邊城三俠 / Magnificent Trio (1966) ... / Lu Fang
    虎俠殲仇 / Tiger Boy (1966) ... 雷虎 / Lei Hu (Tiger Boy)
    歡樂青春 / The Joy of Spring (1966) ... / Himself [cameo]
    獨臂刀 / One-Armed Swordsman (1967) ... 方剛 / Fang Kang
    大刺客 / The Assassin (1967) ... 聶政 / Nie Zheng
    亞洲秘密警察 / Asia-Pol (1967) ... 賴雨田 / Yang Ming Xuan
    琴劍恩仇 / The Sword and the Lute (1967) ... 桂武 / Kuei Wu
    斷腸劍 / The Trail of the Broken Blade (1967) ... / Li Yue /Jiang Qi
    蘭姨 / Auntie Lan (1967) ... 有為 / He You-Wen
    神刀 / The Sword of Swords (1968) ... / Lin Jenshiau
    金燕子 / Golden Swallow (1968) ... / Silver Roc Xiao Pang
    獨臂刀王 / Return of the One-Armed Swordsman (1969) ... 方剛 / Fang Gang/One Armed Swordsman
    春火 / My Son (1969) ... / Yang Kuo-Liang
    獨臂刀大戰盲俠 / Zatoichi and the One-Armed Swordsman (1970) ... 獨臂刀 / Wang Gang
    龍虎鬥 / The Chinese Boxer (1970) ... / Lei Ming
    黑白道 / The Brave and the Evil (1971) ... 白四風 / Iron palm Bai Si-Feng
    俠義雙雄 / The Last Duel (1971) ... / Yi Chun
    / The Sword (1971) ... / Hsia Ho Wei
    追命槍 / The Desperate Chase (1971) ... / White Dragon/Lung Tai
    威震四方 / The Hero (1971) ... / Tiger Wong
    大煞星 / Professional Killer (1971) ... / Lu He-Gang
    獨行大鏢客 / The Magnificent Chivalry (1971) ... / Lai Piao
    一夫當関 / The Invincible Sword (1971) ... / Ling Yu-Feng
    大盜 / The Fast Fists (1972) ... / Hong Ching-Pau/Red Lantern
    一身是胆 / The Gallant (1972) ... / 1), 2) and 3) Lead character
    忠義門 / Boxers of Loyalty and Righteousness (1972) ... / Li Yu / Yeh Tian-Hsin
    天王拳 / Showdown (1972)    
    驚天動地 / Chow Ken (1972)    
    英雄膽 / The Lion's Heart (1972) ... / Wang Yu Shan
    馬素貞報兄仇 / Ma Su Chen (1972) ... / Ma Yuen Chen
    霸王拳 / Furious Slaughter (1972) ... / Ma
    狂風沙 / The Adventure (1972) ... 關東山 / Guan Dong-Shan
    獨臂拳王 / One-Armed Boxer (1972) ... / Yu Tien-Lung
    何日再吻君 / A Kiss to Remember (1972) ... / Jimmy
    縱橫天下 / The Invincible (1972) ... 李慕白 / Li Mu Pai
    雙龍出海 / The Two Cavaliers (1973)    
    龍虎金剛 / The Tattooed Dragon (1973) ... 條龍 / Tattooed Dragon
    戰神灘 / Beach of the War Gods (1973) ... / Hsiao Feng
    海員七號 / Seaman No. 7 (1973) ... / Wang Hai-Lung
    英雄本色 / Knight Errant (1973) ... 林火生 / Lin Huo-Shan
    冷面虎 / A Man Called Tiger (1973) ... / Chin Fu
    黑色星期五 / The Black Friday (1973) ... / Chen Ah Kwang
    鐵漢 / The Iron Man (1973) ... / Chin
    唐人票客 / Wang Yu, King of Boxers (1973) ... / Ma Tai-Yung
    四大天王 / Four Real Friends (1974) ... / Hsiao Pao
    大千世界 / My Wacky, Wacky World (1975) ... / Fake villager
    避孕大全 / A Cookbook of Birth Control (1975)    
    直搗黃龍 / The Man from Hong Kong (1975) ... 范星寧/方盛齡 / Inspector Fang Sing-Ling
    獵人 / The Great Hunter (1976)    
    獨臂雙雄 / The One-Armed Swordsmen (1976) ... / Fong Ping
    獨臂拳王勇戰楚門九子 / One Armed Against Nine Killers (1976) ... / Liu Ching Wu/Liu Yi Su
    風雨雙流星 / The Killer Meteors (1976) ... / Killer Meteor Mei Sin Her
    半斤八兩 / The Private Eyes (1976) ... / Actor in theatre movie
    鱷潭群英會 / A Queen's Ransom (1976) ... / Jimmy
    虎鶴雙形 / Tiger & Crane Fists (1976) ... / Sing Chen
    獨臂拳王大破血滴子 / One-armed Boxer vs. the Flying Guillotine (1976) ... / One-armed boxer
    血連環 / The Deadly Silver Spear (1977) ... / Lung Fei-Yung
    神拳大戰快鎗手 / Return of the Chinese Boxer (1977) ... / Sau Bai-Lung
    大江南北 / The Double Double Cross (1977) ... / Black suit
    獨臂俠大戰獨臂俠 / One Arm Chivalry Fights Against One Arm Chivalry (1977) ... / Chi Chu-Chang
    判決 / The Criminal (1977)    
    大腳娘子 / Revenge of Kung Fu Mao (1977) ... / Mayor
    燈籠街 / The Lantern Street (1977)    
    手足情深 / Boxer, Lover, Lawyer (1978)    
    大躍進 / Big Leap Forward (1978)    
    古寧頭大戰 / The Battle of Ku-Ning-Tou (1979) ... 楊展 / Tank commander
    鳳凰淚 / Only Yesterday (1980)    
    迷你特攻隊 / Fantasy Mission Force (1983) ... / Captain Don Wen
    馬屁世家 / Flattering Family (1983)    
    上海灘十三太保 / The Shanghai Thirteen (1984) ... / Black Hat
    富貴列車 / The Millionaires' Express (1986) ... / Master Wong
    Thundering Ninja / The Thundering Ninja (1987) ... / [Footage from The Criminal (1977)]
    闖將 / Clash of the Professionals (1988)    
    火燒島 / Island of Fire (1990) ... 桂老大 / Kui (Lucas)
    五湖四海 / Requital (1992) ... / Wai's hired assassin
    伙頭福星 / Shogun and Little Kitchen (1992) ... 林中原 / Mr Lin Chong Yun
    千人斬 / The Beheaded 1000 (1993) ... 袁德泰 / Executioner Ren De-Tie
    武術 / Wu Xia (2011) ... 72地煞教主 / The Master
    保衛戰隊之出動喇!朋友! / Let's Go! (2011) ... 安妮之父 / Mr Hon Yu
    血滴子 / The Guillotines (2012) ... 龔額 / Gonge
    失魂 / Soul (2013) ... 傅阿川父親 / Old Wang
  編劇 / Writer
    龍虎鬥 / The Chinese Boxer (1970)    
    黑白道 / The Brave and the Evil (1971)    
    獨臂拳王 / One-Armed Boxer (1972)    
    戰神灘 / Beach of the War Gods (1973)    
    獨臂拳王大破血滴子 / One-armed Boxer vs. the Flying Guillotine (1976)    
  武術指導 / Martial Arts Director
    / The Sword (1971)    
  Wang Yu was born in 1944 in Jiangsu, China. He attended school in Shanghai, where he excelled in swimming. He went to Hong Kong in 1960, where he continued to excel in swimming, horse riding, and car racing, which paved the way for his future in wuxia movies. He tested into the Shaw Brothers studio in 1963. With Chang Cheh's "Tiger Boy" in 1966, he made a name for himself in the industry. A hard working, intelligent person, Wang Yu quickly became one of the hottest male actors in the Chinese world. He has starred in and has directed many classics, including the "One Armed Swordsman" and the "Chinese Boxer." He married Ling Cui in 1969, and in 1975 they divorced with Wang Yu marrying a flight attendant. He made appearences in such movies in the 80s as "Fantasy Mission Force" and "Shanghai 13." In 1991, Wang Yu served on Taiwan's "Two Worlds of Chinese Films Organization" committee, his films "Temple of the Red Lotus" and "One Armed Swordsman" (among others) represented.