[English] [中文] [中英文]
語言顯示 : 中英文
陳鴻烈  ♂
Chen Hung-Lieh
拼音: chén hóng liè
Chan Hung-Lit,  Golden Chen Hung-Lieh,  Chen Hon-Lei,  Chan Hung-Lik,  Chen Hong-Lie,  Cheng Hung-Lien,  Chan Hung-Lai,  Chen Hong-Rie,  Chern Horng-Lieh

影視作品 / Filmography (1964-2008)
  監製 / Producer
    騙術大王 / The Deceiver (1971)    
  導演 / Director
    沖天炮 / The Inheritor of Kung Fu (1974)    
    狼吻 / Kissed by the Wolves (1975)    
    我是一片雲 / Cloud of Romance (1977)    
    我伴彩雲飛 / Interlude on Rails (1978)    
  策劃導演 / Planning Director
    辣手小子 / The Bone Crushing Kid (1979)    
  演員 / Actor (1964-2008)
    玉堂春 / The Story of Sue San (1964) ... / Musician at Mei's party
    萬花迎春 / The Dancing Millionairess (1964) ... / Dancer
    血濺牡丹紅 / The Warlord and the Actress (1964) ... / Rebel
    鴛鴦劍俠 / The Twin Swords (1965) ... / Zhiyuan
    江湖奇俠 / Temple of the Red Lotus (1965) ... 紅蓮寺和尚 / Monk Zhi Yuan
    小雲雀 / The Lark (1965) ... / Reporter
    大醉俠 / Come Drink with Me (1966) ... 玉面虎殷中玉 / Jade Faced Tiger
    文素臣 / The Knight of Knights (1966) ... / 3rd brother Li
    歡樂青春 / The Joy of Spring (1966) ... / Himself [cameo]
    邊城三俠 / Magnificent Trio (1966) ... / Sheng Chien, Bandit Leader
    斷腸劍 / The Trail of the Broken Blade (1967) ... 屠龍 / Tu Long
    少年十五二十時 / That Tender Age (1967) ... / David Feng
    明日之歌 / Song of Tomorrow (1967) ... 小丁 / Xiao Ding
    青春鼓王 / King Drummer (1967) ... / Charlie Chao
    龍虎溝 / The Dragon Creek (1967) ... / Wu Da Chang
    女巡按 / The Pearl Phoenix (1967) ... / Zhou Feng Chun
    盜劍 / Rape of the Sword (1967) ... 魯天霞 / Lord Lu Tian Xia
    大俠復仇記 / Sweet Is Revenge (1967) ... 馬千里 / Ma Qian-Li
    神劍震江湖 / The Thundering Sword (1967) ... / Master So's son
    花月良宵 / Hong Kong Rhapsody (1968) ... / Li Jia Wen
    斷魂谷 / Death Valley (1968) ... 金虎 / Jin Fu
    / The Rainbow (1968) ... 梁明傑 / Liang Ming-Chieh
    女俠黑蝴蝶 / Black Butterfly (1968) ... / 3rd Chief Jade Nan
    死角 / Dead End (1969) ... 溫強 / Wen Qiang
    慾燄狂流 / Torrent of Desire (1969) ... / Mona's boyfriend
    陰陽刀 / Twin Blades of Doom (1969) ... / Ma Lok
    鐵羅漢 / The Iron Buddha (1970) ... 醉眼獅 / Master Geng Xian
    插翅虎 / The Winged Tiger (1970) ... 郭九如 / Flying Hero Guo Jiou Ru
    鐵腿降魔 / Duel of Karate (1970)    
    武林風雲 / A Taste of Cold Steel (1970) ... / Prince Lu Tien Hsia
    獨臂空手刀 / Unparallelled Judo Knife (1970)    
    雲州大儒俠 / The Scholar Swordsman (1971)    
    蕭十一郎 / Swordsman at Large (1971) ... / Escort robber [guest star]
    大漠英雄傳 / Unsung Heroes of the Wilderness (1971) ... 鄭翔 / Cheng Hsiang
    老爺酒店 / Hotel Esquire (1971) ... / Chang Yun
    騙術大王 / The Deceiver (1971)    
    血豹 / Blood Leopard (1971)    
    黑白傘 / Black and White Umbrellas (1971)    
    燕子李三 / Chivalrous Robber Lee San (1971) ... / Whipmaster Wu
    劍女幽魂 / Mission Impossible (1971) ... / Jade child Xia Zhao
    一夫當関 / The Invincible Sword (1971) ... 司馬長弘 / Szu-Ma Chang Hung
    幾時再回頭 / When Will You Come Back Again? (1971)    
    搏命 / Hellfighters (1971)    
    太極劍決鬥武士刀 / Duel with Samurai (1971) ... / Samurai Han Da-Wei / Kageo
    紅鬍子 / Redbeard (1971) ... / Szu Chih-Erh
    黑白雙俠 / Black and White Swordsmen (1971) ... / Wu Hsin-Tin (Black)
    頭條好漢 / A Real Man (1971)    
    龍形八劍 / The Eight Dragon Swords (1971) ... 封俊傑 / Feng Chun-Chieh
    黃浦灘頭 / On the Waterfront (1972)    
    盲俠血滴子 / The Blind-Swordsman's Revenge (1972) ... / Tan Long
    唐手跆拳道 / The Crush (1972) ... 秋山一郎 / Aoyama Ichiro
    辣手強徒 / The Notorious Ones (1972)    
    拳王之王 / The Champion of the Boxers (1972) ... 渡邊 / Watanabe
    一身是胆 / The Gallant (1972) ... / 3) Li San
    上海灘 / A Brave Girl-Boxer in Shanghai (1972) ... / Boss Liu
    午夜女郎 / Midnight Cowgirl (1972)    
    硬碰硬 / Tough Duel (1972)    
    龍虎豹 / The Bold Three (1972) ... / Leong Tse-John (Dragon)
    精忠報國 / The Decisive Battle (1972) ... 小梁王 / Hsiao Liang-Wang
    黑吃黑 / The Cannibals (1972) ... 曾世光 / Tsang
    梅山收七怪 / Na Cha and the Seven Devils (1973) ... / Horse Spirit
    大密探 / The Private Eye (1973)    
    股票股票 / Stock Fever (1973)    
    廣東小老虎 / The Cub Tiger from Kwangtung (1973) ... / Chow Bin (Lu Chi)
    心有點點愁 / Smoke in His Eye (1973) ... / [Deleted footage?]
    土匪 / The Villains (1973) ... 方風 / Fang Feng
    阿福正傳 / The Little Man, Ah Fook (1973)    
    沖天炮 / The Inheritor of Kung Fu (1974) ... / Big Boss Chu
    應召男郎 / The Gigolo (1974)    
    海艷 / Wild as the Waves (1974)    
    別了親人 / Farewell Dearest (1974)    
    早婚 / Too Young (1974)    
    大鄉里 / The Country Bumpkin (1974) ... / Fake blind beggar
    運財童子小祖宗 / Lucky, Lucky (1974)    
    大惡寇 / The Notorious Bandit (1974) ... / Chinese broke own leg
    冬戀 / The Splendid Love in Winter (1974) ... / Publisher
    乜都得先生 / Lovable Mr. Able (1974)    
    遊戲人間三百年 / Enjoy Longevity-300 Years (1975)    
    吾土吾民 / Land of the Undaunted (1975) ... 韓士欽 / Han Shi-Yin
    蠱惑女光棍才 / The Winner Takes All (1975)    
    肉蒲團 / Fertility Bank (1975)    
    鄉下畢業生 / Paul the Kid (1975)    
    狼吻 / Kissed by the Wolves (1975)    
    南俠展昭 / The Majesty Cat (1975) ... / Ma Chiang
    社女 / Bald-Headed Betty (1975) ... / Club manager
    桃花三娘子 / The Phantom Madam Peach Blossom (1975)    
    風起雲湧鬥狂龍 / Super Dragon (1976)    
    獨臂拳王勇戰楚門九子 / One Armed Against Nine Killers (1976) ... / Liu, one of the 9 killers
    明天20歲 / Tomorrow I'm 20 (1976)    
    老虎嶺女子監獄 2 / Revenge in the Tiger Cage (1976) ... / Prison chief
    八百壯士 / Eight Hundred Heroes (1976)    
    老虎嶺女子監獄 / Girls in the Tiger Cage (1976) ... / Prison officer
    獵人 / The Great Hunter (1976)    
    燈籠街 / The Lantern Street (1977)    
    一代俠女 / Woman of the Hour (1977)    
    雍正命喪少林門 / The Shaolin Invincibles (1977) ... / His Majesty
    辣手小子 / The Bone Crushing Kid (1979)    
    刁手怪招 / Master with Cracked Fingers (1979) ... / Chow Bin (Lu Chi) [CUB TIGER FROM KWANGTUNG footage]
    發圍 / The Fool Escape (1980)    
    月夜斬 / Moonlight Murderer (1980)    
    賭王鬥千王 / The King of Gambler (1981)    
    職業兇手 / The Professional Killer (1981) ... / Secretary Chou Chong
    千王鬥千后 / The Gambler's Duel (1981) ... 紀昌威 / Chi Chang-Wei
    頂爺 / Big Boss (1981) ... / Su's lawyer
    女王蜂 / Queen Bee (1981)    
    望子成龍 / Go On, My Son (1981)    
    歹路不可行 / Don't Take the Wrong Way (1981)    
    上海灘大爺 / Shanghai Massacre (1981)    
    風流彎彎刀 / The Swordsman (1981)    
    地獄來的女人 / A Woman from Hell (1981)    
    火拼浪子 / The Desperate Prodigal (1981) ... / Smokes a pipe
    少林寺傳奇 / Shaolin Legend (1981) ... / Ling Szi, Yi Tin Sao's main fighter
    邪魔 / The Devil (1981)    
    西門町小子 / The Guy at Simenting (1981)    
    戒賭 / The Reformed Gambler (1981)    
    鐵窗誤我二十年 / Tie Chuang Wu Wo Er Shi Nian (1981)    
    摩登雜差 / The Sweet and Sour Cops Part II (1982)    
    賭王千王群英會 / The Stunning Gambling (1982)    
    殺人玫瑰 / Killer Rose (1982)    
    沙煲兄弟 / Dirty Angel (1982) ... / Dealer
    心愛的人 / Spoony Love (1982)    
    神探梟雄 / Who Is the Killer? (1982)    
    男子漢 / Manhood (1982) ... 賈老板 / Boss Cha
    我要做好子 / I Want to Be a Good Person (1982)    
    酒色財氣 / Four Encounters (1982)    
    換帖兄弟 / Blood Brothers (1982)    
    黑市夫人 / Underground Wife (1982)    
    黑獄大逃亡 / Escape to Freedom (1982)    
    人偷人 / People Who Steal (1982)    
    大手王 / Da Shou Wang (1982)    
    一線兩星大進擊 / One Stripe Two Stars (1982)    
    糊塗妙諜立大功 / Funny Spies (1982)    
    火龍任務A級計劃 / Fire Dragon (1983) ... / Sai-ichi
    脂粉硬漢 / Zhi Fen Ying Han (1983)    
    中國法術 / Chinese Magic (1983)    
    誰人了解我 / Who Knows About Me (1983)    
    亡命忍者 / A Life of Ninja (1983) ... / Chan Ming-Fu
    賭王鬥千王續集 / The King of Gambler II (1983)    
    玉劍留香 / Swordsman Adventure (1983)    
    浪子與舞女 / Lang Zi Yu Wu Nu (1983)    
    邪門 / The Evil Ones (1983) ... 左懷丹 / Tso Huai-Tan
    女人禁地 / The Masks (1983) ... 杜榮 / Tu Jung
    鄉下阿郎 / The Boy from the Dark Street (1983) ... 杜國斌 / Du Kou-Wei
    迷你特攻隊 / Fantasy Mission Force (1983) ... / Nazi officer
    惡漢笑擊隊 / Mob Busters (1985)    
    霹靂天使 / American Commando: Angel's Blood Mission (1987) ... / [I WANT TO BE... footage]
    午夜過後 / After the Midnight (1987)    
    煉獄天使 / American Commando 4: Dressed to Fire (1987) ... [片段來源:鄉下阿郎] / [Footage from THE BOY FROM THE DARK STREET]
    霊幻襲撃 / Ninja, the Violent Sorceror (1987) ... / [STUNNING GAMBLING footage]
    闖將 / Clash of the Professionals (1988)    
    Ninja 8: Warriors of Fire / Ninja 8: Warriors of Fire (1988) ... / [Queen Bee footage]
    轟天大對決 / Ninja: The Shadow Killer (1989) ... / [Girls in the Tiger Cage footage]
    嫁到宮中的男人 / Forbidden Imperial Tales (1990)    
    神經刀與飛天貓 / Flying Dagger (1993) ... 雷天敵 / Dicky Lui
    特警神龍 / Urban Cop (1994)    
    運財五福星 / How to Meet the Lucky Stars (1996) ... 賭尊 / [Cameo]
    赤色玫瑰 / Got No Choice (1997)    
    終極火線 / Against (1997)    
    雀聖3自摸三百番 / Kung Fu Mahjong 3 - The Final Duel (2007) ... 貓叔 / Uncle Powell
    黑勢力 / Hong Kong Bronx (2008) ... 張警司 / Inspector Cheung
  Although his family is from Shanghai, Chen Hung-Lieh was born in Hong Kong, brother of actor Chen Hao. He began his film career after graduating in the second Shaw Brothers actor training course. He signed with Shaw Brothers in 1964 and made his first starring role in Come Drink With Me as one of the villains. From that time on he became known for playing villainous characters in many other classic films. Chen left Shaw Brothers in 1971, and because of his famous character pieces he had become popular in both Hong Kong and Taiwan. Then he set up a film production company with his brother Chen Hao and produced several well-known films. [Celestial Pictures]

Brother of Steve Chan Ho