[English] [中文] [中英文]
語言顯示 : 中英文
于謙  ♂
Yu Qian
拼音: qiān

影視作品 / Filmography (2010-2024)
  演員 / Actor (2010-2024)
    三笑 / The Love of Three Smile: Scholar and the Beauty (2010) ... 華夫人 / Madame Hua
    越光寶盒 / Just Another Pandora's Box (2010) ... 手語老師 / Sign language performer
    就是鬧著玩的 / Just for Fun (2012) ... / Governor/Deputy mayor
    車在囧途 / The Unfortunate Car (2012) ... / Manager Yu
    親・愛 / BeLoved (2013) ... / Zhou Dawei
    大片 / Blockbuster (2013)    
    大話天仙 / Just Another Margin (2014) ... / Butler Feng
    仙班校園2 / The Eight Immortals in School 2 (2016)    
    搖滾藏獒 / Rock Dog (2016) ... [國語配音員] / [Voice:Mandarin]
    相聲大電影之我要幸福 / Our Happiness (2017)    
    戰狼 II / Wolf Warrior 2 (2017) ... / Qian Bida
    縫紉機樂隊 / City of Rock (2017) ... / Sun Dali
    鼠膽英雄 / Coward Hero (2019)    
    革命者 / The Pioneer (2021) ... / Wu Yuwen
    沒有一頓火鍋解決不了的事 / Nothing Can't Be Undone By A Hotpot (2024)