[English] [中文] [中英文]
語言顯示 : 中英文
陳會毅  ♂
Billy Chan Wui-Ngai
拼音: chén huì
Chan Kooi-Aau,  Ah B,  Chan Wai-Yee,  Chan Wu-Ngar,  Cheng Hui-Yi,  Chen Hui-Yi,  Bee Chan,  Chan Ngai,  B. Chan,  Chan Fu-Yee,  Chan Wui-Kan,  Bee Chan,  陳毅,  陳會勤,  Chan Wui-Ngai,  Billy Chan

影視作品 / Filmography (1969-2020)
  動作指導 / Action Choreographer
    追女重案組 / Running Mate (1989)    
    至激殺人犯 / Mad Stylist (1997)    
    心寒 / Shiver (2003)    
  製片 / Production Manager
    人嚇鬼 / Hocus Pocus (1984)    
  製作總監 / Production Controller
    殺出個未來 / Dead End (2001)    
    敵對 / The Enemy (2001)    
    新流氓醫生 / Doctor No... (2001)    
    二五傳說 / Gold Fingers (2001)    
    逆天者 / Thou Shall Not Commit (2001)    
  導演 / Director
    殭屍翻生 / New Mr. Vampire (1986)    
    義本無言 / Brotherhood (1987)    
    黑心鬼 / Three Wishes (1988)    
    赤膽情 / No Compromise (1988)    
    龍鳳賊捉賊 / License to Steal (1990)    
    非洲和尚 / Crazy Safari (1991)    
    鬼打鬼之黃金道士 / Mad Mad Ghost (1992)    
    甩皮鬼 / Skin Striperess (1992)    
    水滸傳之英雄本色 / All Men Are Brothers - Blood of the Leopard (1993)    
    運財童子 / Beginner's Luck (1994)    
    霹靂鳳凰 / Velvet Gloves (1996)    
    生日多戀事 / Stand Behind the Yellow Line (1997)    
    白色風暴 / White Storm (2000)    
    飛哥傳奇 / The Legend of a Professional (2001)    
    橫行霸盜 / Partners (2002)    
    七夜追魂 / The Missing (2015)    
  動作設計 / Action Designer
    奇謀妙計五福星 / Winners and Sinners (1983)    
    省港旗兵 / Long Arm of the Law (1984)    
  策劃 / Planning
    義本無言 / Brotherhood (1987)    
    養鬼仔 / Crazy Spirit (1987)    
    天官賜福 / Reincarnation (1987)    
  出品人 / Presenter
    水滸傳之英雄本色 / All Men Are Brothers - Blood of the Leopard (1993)    
  動作導演 / Action Director
    至尊無上 / Casino Raiders (1989)    
    富貴兵團 / The Fortune Code (1990)    
    古宅魅影 / Fearful 24 Hours (2004)    
    蔡李佛拳 / Choy Lee Fut Kung Fu (2011)    
  副武術指導 / Assistant Martial Arts Director
    死亡挑戰 / Bloody Ring (1973)    
    三德和尚與舂米六 / The Iron Fisted Monk (1977)    
    贊先生與找錢華 / Warriors Two (1978)    
    無名小卒 / His Name Is Nobody (1979)    
    搏命單刀奪命搶 / Odd Couple (1979)    
    林世榮 / The Magnificent Butcher (1979)    
    雜家小子 / Knockabout (1979)    
  監製 / Producer
    養鬼 / Ghost Nursing (1982)    
    傲氣雄鷹 / Proud and Confident (1989)    
    追女重案組 / Running Mate (1989)    
    麻衣傳奇 / Ghost Legend (1990)    
    捉鬼合家歡 / The Spooky Family (1990)    
    霸王花之皇家賭船 / Raid on Royal Casino Marine (1990)    
    喋血江湖 / No Way Back (1990)    
    四大家族之龍虎兄弟 / Legend of the Brothers (1991)    
    俠聖 / The Sting (1992)    
    非洲超人 / The Gods Must Be Funny in China (1994)    
    飛虎雄師之極道戰士 / S. D. U. Mission in Mission (1994)    
    千禧願 / Wishful Milenio (2001)    
    驚聲尖叫 / Scaremonger (2001)    
    奪魄勾魂 / Possessed (2002)    
    心寒 / Shiver (2003)    
    打雀英雄傳 / Bet to Basic (2006)    
    截拳道 / Jeet Kune Do (2010)    
    大話天仙 / Just Another Margin (2014)    
  副導演 / Assistant Director
    龍的心 / Heart of the Dragon (1985)    
  故事 / Story
    運財童子 / Beginner's Luck (1994)    
    敵對 / The Enemy (2001)    
    殺出個未來 / Dead End (2001)    
  演員 / Actor (1969-2020)
    燕娘 / The Swordmates (1969) ... / Bandit
    武林風雲 / A Taste of Cold Steel (1970) ... / Tiger's gang member
    鐵羅漢 / The Iron Buddha (1970) ... / Geng's thug
    飛龍奪寶 / Treasure Castle (1971)    
    唐山大兄 / The Big Boss (1971) ... / Ah Pei
    瘋狂大拳王 / Crazy Champion (1971)    
    俠女 / A Touch of Zen (1971) ... / East Chamber guard
    鬼太監 / The Eunuch (1971) ... / Assassin
    天龍八將 / The Invincible Eight (1971) ... / Whip-wielding henchman
    精武門 / Fist of Fury (1972) ... / Susuki's student
    十四女英豪 / The 14 Amazons (1972) ... / Soldier
    合氣道 / Hap Ki Do (1972) ... / Hapkido student
    亡命徒 / The Fugitive (1972) ... / Ma's thug
    吉祥賭坊 / The Casino (1972) ... / Casino thug
    跆拳震九州 / When Taekwondo Strikes (1973) ... / Japanese
    死亡挑戰 / Bloody Ring (1973)    
    小霸王 / Superior Youngster (1973) ... / Extra
    英雄榜 / Chinese Kung Fu (1973)    
    老虎煞星 / End of the Wicked Tigers (1973) ... / Thug
    李小龍的生與死 / Bruce Lee, the Man and the Legend (1973) ... / Himself
    馬路小英雄 / Back Alley Princess (1973) ... / Rascal
    龍爭虎鬥 / Enter the Dragon (1973) ... / Guard
    魔鬼天使 / Devil and Angel (1973) ... / Thug
    功夫兄弟 / The Dynamite Brothers (1974) ... / Fighter in the final fight
    福建少林拳 / The Shaolin Boxers (1974) ... / Guard
    中泰拳壇生死戰 / The Tournament (1974) ... / Martial arts association member
    唐山猛虎 / The Chinese Tiger (1974) ... / Thug
    財星高照 / This Time I'll Make You Rich (1974) ... / Extra
    鐵金剛大破紫陽觀 / Stoner (1974) ... / Thug
    忠烈圖 / The Valiant Ones (1975) ... / Pirate
    艷窟神探 / The Association (1975) ... / Extra
    半斤八兩 / The Private Eyes (1976) ... / Robber at bus
    酒帘 / The Girlie Bar (1976) ... / Thug
    江湖子弟 / Brotherhood (1976) ... / San He Tang's gangster
    大毒后 / The Drug Queen (1976) ... / Ah Wen's thug
    密宗聖手 / The Himalayan (1976) ... / Kao's guard
    陸阿采與黃飛鴻 / Challenge of the Masters (1976) ... / Master Pang's student
    破戒 / Broken Oath (1977) ... / Guard
    三德和尚與舂米六 / The Iron Fisted Monk (1977)    
    面懵心精 / Winner Takes All! (1977)    
    發錢寒 / The Pilferer's Progress (1977) ... / Hitman
    四大門派 / The Shaolin Plot (1977) ... / Monk / Temple guardian
    功夫小子 / He Has Nothing But Kung Fu (1977) ... / Casino guard
    洪熙官 / Executioners from Shaolin (1977) ... / Pai Mei's monk
    金鎖匙 / Who Holds the Golden Key? (1978) ... / Cheng's thug
    鬼馬功夫 / Dirty Kung Fu (1978) ... / Policeman
    老虎田雞 / Dirty Tiger, Crazy Frog! (1978) ... / One of Panther's men
    荷京喋血 / The Amsterdam Kill (1978) ... / Extra
    贊先生與找錢華 / Warriors Two (1978) ... / Thunder's men/Leung's student
    谷爆 / Gee and Gor (1978) ... / Wedding guest
    少林卅六房 / The 36th Chamber of Shaolin (1978) ... / Officer beaten with hammer
    出鐘 / My Darling Gals (1978)    
    荷蘭賭人頭 / Amsterdam Connection (1978) ... / Tung's henchman
    肥龍過江 / Enter the Fat Dragon (1978) ... / Thug
    肥龍功夫精 / The Incredible Kung Fu Master (1979) ... / Uses Snake Fist style
    新貼錯門神 / Crazy Partner (1979)    
    無名小卒 / His Name Is Nobody (1979) ... / Killer with long white hair
    雜家小子 / Knockabout (1979) ... / Waiter
    林世榮 / The Magnificent Butcher (1979) ... / Tai Hoi's man
    搏命單刀奪命搶 / Odd Couple (1979) ... / Humpback/Tien [2 roles]
    空手入白刃 / Daggers 8 (1980) ... / Fights at opening titles
    鬼打鬼 / Encounter of the Spooky Kind (1980) ... / Cart driver eating tofu with Cheung
    身不由己 / The Victim (1980) ... / Friend of Chung Yau
    甩牙老虎 / Two Toothless Tigers (1980)    
    人嚇人 / The Dead and the Deadly (1982) ... / Uncle Ko's worker
    提防小手 / Carry On Pickpocket (1982) ... / Thug at disco
    養鬼 / Ghost Nursing (1982) ... / Sorcerer/Kidnapper
    貓頭鷹與小飛象 / The Owl vs Bumbo (1984) ... / Gang member
    智勇三寶 / Mr. Boo Meets Pom Pom (1985) ... / Robber
    龍的心 / Heart of the Dragon (1985) ... / SWAT member at training
    霹靂大喇叭 / Where's Officer Tuba? (1986) ... / Wanted thug
    龍.一九七三以後... / Dragon Since 1973 (2004)    
    打雀英雄傳 / Bet to Basic (2006) ... / Candy factory's boss
    一個人的武林 / Kung Fu Jungle (2014) ... / Inmate
    龍虎武師 / Kungfu Stuntmen (2020) ... / Himself
  武術指導 / Martial Arts Director
    黑煞 / Way of the Black Dragon (1978)    
    肥龍功夫精 / The Incredible Kung Fu Master (1979)    
    甩牙老虎 / Two Toothless Tigers (1980)    
    鬼打鬼 / Encounter of the Spooky Kind (1980)    
    身不由己 / The Victim (1980)    
    錢作怪 / From Riches to Rags (1980)    
    敗家仔 / The Prodigal Son (1981)    
    粉骷髏 / The Phantom Killer (1981)    
    撞板神探電子龜 / Krazy Kops (1981)    
    摩登保鑣 / Security Unlimited (1981)    
    人嚇人 / The Dead and the Deadly (1982)    
    提防小手 / Carry On Pickpocket (1982)    
    福星高照 / My Lucky Stars (1985)    
    平安夜 / Night Caller (1985)    
    龍的心 / Heart of the Dragon (1985)    
    奪寶計上計 / From Here to Prosperity (1986)    
  Brother of Peter Chan Lung

Also in