News Links - 10/20/06

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News Links - 10/20/06

Postby dleedlee » Fri Oct 20, 2006 11:16 am

After This Our Exile production still (AP Photo/Pusan International Film Festival, HO)

Anthony Wong Exiled

"After This Our Exile" Premieres at Pusan Film Festival ... 152923.htm ... 229730.htm

Exiled ... 96114.html

Chinese Film Tops Pusan Int'l Film Festival ... 152989.htm
'Love Convquers All' conquers Pusan fest ... id=19&cs=1

Malaysian-Chinese director major winner at Busan film festival ... Awards.php ... ec=apworld
Pusan International Film Festival ... 811680.htm
Fresh ‘New Current’ Films From SE Asia ... 811700.htm
11th Pusan International Film Festival, Awards:

New Currents Award for new Asian filmmaker ($30,000) (tie)
"Betelnut" (China), dir. Yang Heng "Love Conquers All" (Malaysia), dir. Tan Chui Mui

FIPRESCI Award for best film from New Currents section
"Love Conquers All" (Malaysia), dir. Tan Chui Mui

NETPAC Award for best Korean film
"The Last Dining Table", dir. Roh Gyeong-tae

KNN Audience Award for most popular film from New Currents section
"The White Silk Dress" (Vietnam), dir. Huynh Luu

Sunje Fund for Best Korean Short Film ($20,000) (tie)
"The Wind Stirs", dir.
Lee Jin-woo "Portfolio", dir. Yoon Seong-ho

Woonpa Fund for best Korean documentary ($20,000) (tie)
"People Crossing the River", dir.
Kim Duk-chul "Our School", dir. Kim Myeong-joon

"Prince of Himalaya" Hits Chinese Cinemas ... 152930.htm

"Golden Flower" Online ... 152932.htm

Zhang Ziyi Wants to be Wild Girl ... 152960.htm

Chinese Actress Sun Li ... 152925.htm
???? Better to light a candle than curse the darkness; Measure twice, cut once.
Pinyin to Wade-Giles. Cantonese names file
HKMDB Immortal
Posts: 4883
Joined: Wed Aug 01, 2001 7:06 pm
Location: USA

Postby dleedlee » Fri Oct 20, 2006 5:01 pm


Malaysia bans Hong Kong triad movie 'Exiled,' report says ... e_id=27833

In 'Love Conquers All,' Tan crafts quiet, elegant romance ... e_id=27860


Directed by Lam Wah Chun
Starring Dayo Wong Chi Wah, Cherrie Ying, Debbie Goh, Andy On, Lau Kar Yan

HONG KONG movies spotlighting gambling is common but they usually concentrate on mahjong, rolling the dice or cards. Nothing Is Impossible goes one step further by introducing the art of the fist game, which goes back over a 1,000 years in Chinese history.

However, not many people may be familiar with this game as it is usually played during drinking sessions.

It is a fresh concept to the gambling genre of films but a little confusing if you know nothing of the game. Apparently, there are no sure-win strategies and no magic formula — only trying to make correct guesses.

Of course, a quick mind and hands are a bonus. To be honest, I was lost from the beginning!

The movie centres on Vivian (Cherrie Ying), who loses her lover (Andy On) and her dignity in a pub one night. She finds him cheating on her with Mango (Debbie Goh), an expert on the fist game, a sport that has lightning action.

Vivian is determined to learn and win everything back. Enters Turtle (Dayo Wong Chi Wah), a former champion of the game, who is bulldozed into teaching her.

During the process, the inevitable happens and Vivian falls in love, not only with the game itself but also Turtle and the two truly join forces in heart and mind to beat Mango in the championship of the fist game.

Nothing Is Impossible is a comedy and we all know that anything goes where Hong Kong comedies are concerned but I feel that Cherrie was way over-zealous in portraying the desperate Vivian. Her loud, crazy and “in-your-face” delivery comes across as too strong and gets a tad irritating.

On the other hand, local girl-made-good-in-Hong Kong, Debbie, was excellent as Mango. Her delivery was smooth and her unsheathed claws quite convincing as she flexes her muscles in the role of a villain.

Although the movie is based on the fist game — you get enough displays here to make your head spin — it also has more down-to-earth moments as with Turtle’s domestic problems and Vivian’s love life blues.

Nothing Is Impossible offers light-hearted entertainment.

Independent spirit
Chinese distrib Lin explores new rev streams ... id=13&cs=1

YouTube erases 29,549 clips on Japan media demand ... hvBHNlYwM-
YouTube purges 30,000 copyright files ... NlYwMxNjk1
???? Better to light a candle than curse the darkness; Measure twice, cut once.
Pinyin to Wade-Giles. Cantonese names file
HKMDB Immortal
Posts: 4883
Joined: Wed Aug 01, 2001 7:06 pm
Location: USA

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