Koreans Update Project - So Hwa-ja

Additions and modifications to the database

Koreans Update Project - So Hwa-ja

Postby J.J.Hayden » Thu Sep 21, 2023 2:34 pm

Another easier one. Easier in terms of getting pics and uploading data, as researching him has been a nightmare that after several years has still not ended. That being that I still don't know who this person actually is, as the name So Hwa-ja is just a stage name, it's the Korean name for the legendary drunken master Beggar So, who I'm sure most HK fans are aware of.


There's basically no info whatsoever to go on. If have some theories on who So Hwa-ja really could be but nothing that I'm confident with and I've hit pretty much a dead end with it, for the moment at least.

He already had two separate pages on HKMDB so I've merged the data and deleted the smaller page. The only new things to add was the Hangul and to correct the gender to male. I've added pics and character names, I also updated Gaijin84's pic too as requested.

New IDs (as already was credited by name on both films, although as Siu Wo-chi):
Dreadnaught Rivals [1982] https://hkmdb.com/db/movies/view.mhtml?id=19075&display_set=eng --- actor [character name]

Duel Of Ultimate Weapons [1983] https://hkmdb.com/db/movies/view.mhtml?id=19076&display_set=eng --- actor [character name]

Hopefully one day I'll find an answer to the mystery, but for now we've at least got a face to go with the stage name.

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