Eighteen Jade Arhats

Additions and modifications to the database

Eighteen Jade Arhats

Postby STSH » Fri Dec 24, 1999 11:53 am

I saw this one as an American version dubbed into English (i.e. no subs), and they were good enough to list what must have been the entire cast......<br>But of course, they listed the cast etc without Chinese Characters.<br><br>Here is the full cast list, as I copied it from the front credits. The actors marked "*" I have added to the movie listing. The others I know nothing about. My judgement is that simply adding all these names to the Db, with no further info, is the worst thing I could do. My best guess is that they are romanizations of the mandarin names, but beyond that I can say nought.<br><br>Anyone who knows this movie, or can guess any of these actors/director, please transcribe.<br><br>Director : Cheung Chieh<br>*Polly Kuan as Si Pei Pei<br>*Lo Lieh, Cheung I<br>Fan Dan Feng, Fang Fang<br>Tung Li, *Lung Fei<br>Kao Fei, Chuan Yuan<br>Le Lung Hua, Chiang Ching Hsia<br>Le Chao, Chiao Feng<br>Hsiao Chiao, Ching Kuo Chung<br>Chi Fu Chiang, Lung Hsiao<br>Tseng Chao, Jih Chiang<br>Au Li Pao<br><br>And lastly, I can be 99+% sure that this movie was made in the 1970s, and probably in the mid-70s. The year 1975 is a guess.<br>As I have said at length in a post under Bugs, I believe the Db should be altered to allow input such as "197?" in cases like this.<br>I'd love to see some further discussion about this from other eds.<br><br><br>
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