And yes, the flaws that Brian highlights about Oh! My God are the precise ones whereby I didn't rate the film too highly -- it starts very well, then, as Brian says, goes completely off the rails. If it had've kept up the vibe that it created in the first half hour or so, it would've been something special. As it stands, it is not..
So, I'm slowly ploughing through them, title by title. Responses over at Darcy's forums have been pretty much zero, so they weren't a lot of help -- but thank heavens for Brian here! Glad there's someone out there on my wavelength, or else this would be a very tough job!
Brian Thibodeau wrote:While Darcy's forums are one of the few places for respectful, mostly pedant-free Korean-cinema-specific discussions, those discussions more often seem to revolve around current trends, directorial styles, industry statistics, etc. There's a goldmine of information there for the casual viewer like myself...but when it comes to individual films, the well often runs dry.
Brian Thibodeau wrote:As such, I'll try to chime in here (and there) when I do watch something that meets the 2006 criteria, but I'm afraid I've already stumbled : last night I watched A PUBLIC CEMETERY OF WOL-HA, a ghost movie from 1967. It's the oldest Korean movie I've seen, and it's visually quite stunning, with the kind of lighting and color palette I've been used to seeing in Japanese films of the era.
Brian Thibodeau wrote:We DID watch THE SINKING OF JAPAN last week and found it immensely entertaining. We're both disaster movie junkies, so there might have been a bias in play, but it's pretty much in the Michael Bay/ ARMAGEDDON mode—handsome hero & tomboy heroine, hi-tech toys, a blaring theme song and phenomenal special effects—only with a little more substance, believe it or not.
we DID watch THE SINKING OF JAPAN last week and found it immensely entertaining. We're both disaster movie junkies, so there might have been a bias in play, but it's pretty much in the Michael Bay/ ARMAGEDDON mode—handsome hero & tomboy heroine, hi-tech toys, a blaring theme song and phenomenal special effects—only with a little more substance, believe it or not. The next day, I watched THE WORLD SINKS EXCEPT JAPAN and was SO glad I spared her the chore. What a misfire! If this is what the Japanese call satire, I am waaaaaaaay too jaded
MrBooth wrote:On a Korean topic... every time I've tried to order from dvdfromkorea lately I've got as far as checkout then been bounced out with a certificate validation error (along with the devalued US$ appearing to affect Korean DVD prices more than most, the net result being that I haven't seen much of anything Korean this year).
Heh, I think it's fare to say my thoughts on the pair were diametrically opposed to yours SINKING had me close to nausea, and whilst EXCEPT is no masterpiece, it at least had me smiling
Oh, and for Mr Thibobeau, I finally watched Dasepo Naughty Girls today and found it most amusing -- not laugh out loud hilarious, but amusing and engaging enough to hold up as a decent cartoon-inspired comedy. Far too many bizarre things going on for it not be enoyable! Be it cyclopean students, hermaphrodites, cross-dressing advertising execs, dragons diguised as high school principals, or the literal representation of Poverty; it was all highly entertaining -- not deep nor an instant cult classic, but entertaining. That's all I usually look for in a movie!
Brian Thibodeau wrote:Well, I finished FATHER AND SON, and while it's not a 2006 release, I'm bringing it up here because I doubt many people have bothered to track it down.
Additionally, I'm looking at getting upgraded editions of Arang, The City Of Violence, Daisy and To Sir, With I'm not super thrilled with the versions I have (they're all good, but some are lacking DTS tracks whilst one stalls on the layer change...
Brian Thibodeau wrote:Just out of curiosity, is it safe to assume you've watched CITY OF VIOLENCE and TO SIR WITH LOVE? I'd probably upgrade the former myself (probably the first Korean movie I've seen UNDER 90 minutes—what a relief!!! ), but the latter didn't strike me as overly worthy of repeat viewings, although the trick ending was clever, even if it reminded me structurally of a certain Kevin Spacey movie from the mid-90's. I'm guessing you liked it though? Any thoughts?
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