Koreans Update Project - Oh Ji-hwan

Additions and modifications to the database

Koreans Update Project - Oh Ji-hwan

Postby J.J.Hayden » Wed Jul 24, 2024 3:54 pm


Another quick one, as I've only one film to add. It's connected to another update that's coming soon, so I thought I might as well add it now. He only has two known credits; one for The Story Of Murim Wicked Man (which was already on HKMDB and I don't have footage of) and The 18 Amazones, which I have added, he actually plays two roles. There is another possible film but I'm only about 70% sure it's him, so have left it for now. Wasn't much else to add except he's male and a few aliases.

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Re: Koreans Update Project - Oh Ji-hwan

Postby J.J.Hayden » Sat Jan 18, 2025 3:36 pm

As I'd previously noted, there was another potential credit for Oh Ji-hwan, but I wasn't sure on it. It took me a lot of coming back to and looking over my pics and footage again and again, until eventually I felt confident enough to make a decision. But I also held off for a bit then, because there was the possibility that he was playing several roles and I wanted to hold off until I was sure. Well, I can say for sure that he is in the film, but I could only be certain on the one role, maybe once a BluRay version comes out I can reappraise the situation. As I suspected, he was credited under a slightly different name: Oh Ji-man instea of Oh Ji-hwan, so I've updated his page to include the new aliases.

Duel Of The Tough [1981]

I also added Kang Moon-ho to the cast list, as this is his only other credit apart from Seven Men Of Kung Fu, in which the footage is so poor that it really doesn't help with an ID. I do have a theory of who he is in Duel Of The Tough and I've taken steps that may hopefully lead to a proper ID in the near future, so fingers crossed.

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