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葉童  ♀
Cecilia Yip Tung

Coolie Killer (1982)

Nomad (1982)

Winners and Sinners (1983)

Esprit D'amour (1983)

Hong Kong 1941 (1984)

Amnesty Decree (1987)

Carry On Hotel (1988)

Stumbling Cops (1988)

Swordsman (1990)

Weakness of Man (1990)

To Be Number One (1991)

Lord of East China Sea II (1993)

Lord of East China Sea (1993)

Right Here Waiting... (1994)

Organized Crime & Triad Bureau (1994)
Cecilia Yip Tung <br>Phantom of Snake
Phantom of Snake (2000)

The Avenging Fist (2001)
The End of the Stumer (2003)
The End of the Stumer (2003)

The Dark Side of My Mind  (2003)

New York, New York (2016)

Still Human (2018)

The Lady Improper (2019)