[English] [中文] [中英文]
語言顯示 : 中英文
李影  ♂
Li Ying (8)
拼音: yǐng
Lee Ying (2),  Li Yeng,  Lee In,  Li Zhong-Ying

影視作品 / Filmography (1949-1997)
  導演 / Director
    龍吟虎嘯 / The Challenge (1969)    
    大愚俠 / Stupid Swordsman (1969)    
    霸行三千里 / Captive (1971)    
    新羅生門 / New "Lou-Sheng-Men" (1971)    
    盲俠鬥白狼 / The Blind Hero Fighting Evil Wolf (1972)    
    夜半鐘聲心膽寒 / Fighting at Night (1977)    
  演員 / Actor (1949-1997)
    阿里山風雲 / Happenings in Ali Shan (1949) ... 吳鳳 / Wu Feng
    惡夢初醒 / Wake Up from Nightmare (1951) ... 羅小湖 / Luo Hsiao-Hu
    永不分離 / Never Separated (1951)    
    風塵劫 / Feng Chen Jie (1953)    
    烽火麗人 / Feng Huo Li Ren (1953)    
    寶島大動脈 / Treasure Island Main Artery (1953)    
    嘉禾生春 / Jia He Sheng Chun (1953)    
    千金丈夫 / Invaluable Husband (1954)    
    歧路 / Staggering (1955)    
    梅崗春回 / By the Hillside (1955)    
    碧海同舟 / Pi Hai Tung Chou (1956)    
    錦繡前程 / Teenagers Folly (1956)    
    關山行 / Over the Rolling Hills (1956)    
    夜盡天明 / The Dawn (1957)    
    甘蔗姑娘 / Sugar-Cane Girl (1958)    
    血濺日月潭 / Night of E-U-Tan (1958)    
    長風萬里 / Chang Feng Wan Li (1958)    
    苦女尋親記 / Ku Nv Xun Qing Ji (1958)    
    永結同心 / Forever Wedding (1959)    
    殺子報 / San Tze Paw (1959)    
    蕩婦與聖女 / Dang Fu Yu Sheng Nv (1959)    
    警網情鴛 / Romance in Law and Order (1960) ... 洪非 / Hong Fei
    脂粉間諜網 / The Tender Trap of Espionage (1960) ... 李五 / antique shop owner Li Wu
    音容劫 / Reunion (1960)    
    女俠飛紅巾 / Red Scarf, the Flying Heroine (1961)    
    天下父母心 / My Son, My Son (1961)    
    四海一家親 / The World Is a Big Family (1963)    
    閰惜姣 / Three Sinners (1963) ... / Magistrate
    海灣風雲 / Sea Gulf Weather (1963)    
    血濺牡丹紅 / The Warlord and the Actress (1964) ... / Chief of Staff
    玉堂春 / The Story of Sue San (1964) ... / Guest at Mei's party
    新啼笑姻緣 / Between Tears and Laughter (1964) ... / Chief Li
    生死關頭 / The Crisis (1964)    
    黑森林 / Black Forest (1964) ... / Master Jin
    萬古流芳 / The Grand Substitution (1965) ... 趙朔 / Prince Consort Chao Zhao
    七七敢死隊 / Squadron 77 (1965) ... 陳希強 / Chen Xiqiang
    大地兒女 / Sons of Good Earth (1965) ... / Scholar Li
    蝴蝶盃 / The Butterfly Chalice (1965) ... 田雲山 / Magistrate Tien Yun-Shan
    心花朵朵開 / Hong Kong, Manila, Singapore (1965) ... / Shirley's uncle
    文素臣 / The Knight of Knights (1966) ... / Inspector Lin
    野姑娘 / Sweet and Wild (1966) ... 王明理 / Uncle Wang
    不是冤家不聚頭 / The Mating Season (1966) ... / Zhong-nian's father
    邊城三俠 / Magnificent Trio (1966) ... / Minister Yuan
    西遊記 / The Monkey Goes West (1966) ... / Master Kao
    藍與黑(上) / The Blue and the Black (Part 1) (1966) ... 鄭總司令 / General Zheng [only in part 2]
    藍與黑(下) / The Blue and the Black (Part 2) (1966) ... 鄭總司令 / General Zheng
    女黑俠木蘭花血戰黑龍黨 / The Woman in Black and the Black Dragon (1966) ... 金星 / Leader of BDG 'Gold Star'
    玫瑰我愛你 / Rose, Be My Love (1966) ... / Rose's father
    菁菁 / Moonlight Serenade (1967) ... / Old He
    龍虎溝 / The Dragon Creek (1967) ... / Village Chief Wu
    斷腸劍 / The Trail of the Broken Blade (1967) ... / Retired Commander Liu Xian
    新陳三五娘 / The Mirror and the Lichee (1967) ... / Master Huang
    英雄膽 / Operation Macao (1967) ... 趙大同 / Zhao Da-Tong
    黃金島 / Isle of Gold (1967)    
    / The Dragon (1967)    
    鐵頭皇帝 / The King with My Face (1967) ... / Emperor of Cai
    黑風嶺 / Black Wind Bell (1968) ... 杜維 / Tu Wei
    水上人家 / The Boat Girl (1968) ... 白學了 / Bai Xue-Liao
    血戰八大盜 / The Eight Bandits (1968) ... 福伯 / Uncle Fu
    游龍戲鳳 / No Time for Love (1968)    
    太太萬歲 / Darling, Stay at Home (1968) ... / Manager Wong
    金刀怪客 / Golden Sword Killer (1968) ... 張家莊莊主張飛虎 / Zhang Fortress head Zhang Fei-Hu
    神經刀 / Mad, Mad, Mad Swords (1969) ... / Li Conglong of Qingcheng Mountain
    龍吟虎嘯 / The Challenge (1969)    
    揚子江風雲 / Storm Over the Yang-Tse River (1969)    
    火鳥第一號 / Violet Clove and Firebird (1970)    
    董夫人 / The Arch (1970) ... 張二叔 / Second Uncle Zhang
    嫁不嫁 / My Suitors (1970)    
    玉樓春夢 / The Lost Spring (1970)    
    殺戒 / Forbidden Killing (1970)    
    鷹爪手 / The Eagle's Claw (1970) ... 李文豹 / Li Wen-pao
    家有賢妻 / The Homemaker (1970)    
    我不要離婚 / I Don't Want to Divorce (1970)    
    壯士血 / The King's Sword (1970) ... / Prince Wei
    龍沐香 / Cold Blade (1970)    
    洪福齊天 / The Lucky Ones (1970)    
    花心財神 / The Romantic Fortune Caster (1970)    
    恭喜發財 / Lucky Strike (1970)    
    報恩刀 / The Merciful Sword (1970)    
    / The Sword (1971) ... / Chancellor Han
    新羅生門 / New "Lou-Sheng-Men" (1971)    
    孫悟空再鬧香港 / Monkey Comes Again (1971)    
    聾啞劍 / The Deaf and Mute Heroine (1971)    
    時來運轉 / A Lucky Break (1971) ... 李總經理 / Manager Lee
    藍色的夢 / Blues in the Dream (1971) ... 表兄郭平 / Kuo Ping
    騙術大王 / The Deceiver (1971)    
    俠義雙雄 / The Last Duel (1971) ... / General Inspector Liu
    大地龍蛇 / The Champion of Champions (1971) ... 化平 / Policeman (Fake fortune teller)
    / The Avenger (1972) ... / The Big Boss
    屠虎嶺 / Tiger Hill (1972)    
    蛇王與閻王 / A Resort Called Hell (1972)    
    盲俠鬥白狼 / The Blind Hero Fighting Evil Wolf (1972) ... / Coffin shop owner
    好夢連床 / It All Started with a Bed (1972)    
    傻大姐 / Funny Girl (1972)    
    迎春閣之風波 / The Fate of Lee Khan (1973) ... / Gambler
    麒麟掌 / Fist of Unicorn (1973) ... / Ah Lung's Sifu
    鐵漢驚魂 / Hard Man in Danger (1973)    
    女豪傑 / Blood Revolted Blood (1973)    
    除霸 / Fist to Fist (1973) ... / Judge
    花花公子 / Playboy (1973)    
    罪惡滔天 / The Heinous Fiend (1974)    
    牛家大院 / "Niu" Spacious Yard (1974)    
    燕飛翔 / Where's the Swallow Way (1974)    
    獨闖龍潭 / Single Fighter (1974)    
    天堂 / The Paradise (1974)    
    大明英烈 / Heroes in the Late Ming Dynasty (1975) ... / Judge
    銀海浪子 / The Gangster Match-Maker (1975) ... / Linda's father
    馬哥波羅 / Marco Polo (1975) ... / Iron Palm teacher
    鬼琵琶 / The Phantom Lute (1975)    
    紅孩兒 / The Fantastic Magic Baby (1975) ... / Mountain God
    女兵日記 / The Chinese Amazons (1975)    
    包公奇案 / Strange Odyssey (1975)    
    地藏王 / The Saviour Monk (1975)    
    愛在心裏 / Love in My Heart (1975)    
    鬼吼段魂刀 / The Knife of Devil's Roaring and Soul Missing (1976)    
    大太監 / The Traitorous (1976) ... / Shang's teacher
    包公斬駙馬 / The Blank Indictment (1976)    
    日落紫禁城 / Sunset in the Forbidden City (1976)    
    蔡李佛小子 / The New Shaolin Boxers (1976) ... / Boss Chang
    江湖漢子 / Magnificent Wanderers (1977) ... / Mongol leader
    孟麗君 / Mong Lee Chiung (1977)    
    十三女尼 / 13 Golden Nuns (1977)    
    獨臂俠大戰獨臂俠 / One Arm Chivalry Fights Against One Arm Chivalry (1977) ... / Society leader Yang
    青龍客棧 / The Green Dragon Inn (1977)    
    紅顏情絕女幽靈 / Revengeful Ghost (1977) ... / Mr. Shi
    夜半鐘聲心膽寒 / Fighting at Night (1977)    
    佈局 / Layout (1977) ... / Inspector
    鐵馬騮 / The Iron Monkey (1977) ... / Saves Iron Monkey's life
    太極八蛟 / The Flash Legs (1977) ... / Killed at start
    少林十八銅女 / The 18 Bronze Girls of Shaolin (1978) ... / Abbot
    戚繼光 / Great General (1978)    
    愛情火辣辣 / Love Pursuit (1978)    
    佛法無邊 / Invincible Buddhism Kung Fu (1978)    
    冷血寒玉獅 / The Supernatural (1978)    
    斷指老么 / The Fellow with Left Thumb Cut Off (1979)    
    祝老三笑譚 / The Perils of Chu Lao-San (1979)    
    神捕 / The Lawman (1979) ... / Senior monk
    江湖半醉俠 / Wandering Knight (1979)    
    戀愛反斗星 / Poor Chasers (1980) ... / Mr Chen
    皇天后土 / The Coldest Winter in Peking (1980)    
    有我無敵 / The Flying Tigers and the Kung Fu Kids (1980) ... / Principal
    / The Pioneers (1980)    
    玉釵盟 / The Jade Hairpin Alliance (1980) ... / Monk Hui Kung
    博多夜船 / The Radius of the Storm (1980)    
    賭王鬥千王 / The King of Gambler (1981)    
    貓頭鷹 / The Legend of the Owl (1981) ... 李尋歡(小小李師父) / Hsiao Hsiao Li's father
    王牌大老千 / The Great Cheat (1981)    
    沙家十五女英豪 / Consolidated Dougherty (1981)    
    教兄 / Big Brother (1981)    
    磨牙的女人 / The Woman Who Eat People (1982)    
    雜牌大進擊 / Raiders (1982)    
    黑獄大逃亡 / Escape to Freedom (1982)    
    凶劫 / Devil Returns (1982)    
    洪門三柱香 / The Alliance of Hung Sect (1982)    
    賭王千王群英會 / The Stunning Gambling (1982)    
    神勇女煞星 / Girl with a Gun (1982)    
    糊塗妙諜立大功 / Funny Spies (1982)    
    詹典嫂告御狀 / Sister-in-law Zhan Dian Complains (1982)    
    失節 / The Anger (1982)    
    大手王 / Da Shou Wang (1982)    
    天下第一 / All the King's Men (1983)    
    人蛇大戰 / Calamity of Snakes (1983)    
    迷你特攻隊 / Fantasy Mission Force (1983) ... / Ghost in painting
    四狼 / Horror Holiday (1983) ... / Father
    七隻狐狸 / Seven Foxes (1984)    
    勇闖江湖 / A Heroic Fight (1986) ... / Duh's gang member
    梅珍 / May Jane (1987) ... / Grandfather
    水滸外傳之江湖怨 / Attraction (1987)    
    怨女 / Rouge of the North (1988)    
    蝶殺 / Butterfly Murder (1989)    
    愛恨情仇 / Ay Henn Chyng Chour (1989)    
    赤裸女煞星 / Naked Angel (1994)    
    我的一票選總統 / The Tofu Maker Had a Dream (1994)    
    冷面殺機 / Leng Mian Sha Ji (1995)    
    步步殺機 / Step by Step (1996) ... / Old gang leader
    挑戰 / Challenge (1997)    
  編劇 / Writer
    龍吟虎嘯 / The Challenge (1969)    
    大愚俠 / Stupid Swordsman (1969)    
    霸行三千里 / Captive (1971)