[English] [中文] [中英文]
語言顯示 : 中英文
姜南  ♂
Chiang Nan
拼音: jiāng nán
Geung Nam,  Keung Nam,  Jiang Nan,  Xiang Nam,  Chiang Nam,  Kiang Nam,  Chiang Num

影視作品 / Filmography (1946-1983)
  製片 / Production Manager
    花飛滿城春 / All in the Family (1974)    
    至尊寶 / Supremo (1974)    
    拍案驚奇 / No End of Surprises (1975)    
    阿茂正傳 / Elmo Takes a Bride (1976)    
  副導演 / Assistant Director
    翠翠 / Singing Under the Moon (1953)    
    戀之火第二春 / The Flame of Love (1956)    
    面子問題 / A Matter of Face (1956)    
    黑妞 / Black Tulip (1956)    
  對白 / Dialogue
    花飛滿城春 / All in the Family (1974)    
  導演 / Director
    嫦娥 / Lady from the Moon (1954)    
    採西瓜的姑娘 / Sweet as a Melon (1956)    
    郎如春日風 / You Are the Winds of Spring (1957)    
    女大十八變 / The Ugly Duckling Can Grow into a Swan (1958)    
    珊瑚 / Torrents of Desire (1958)    
    血影燈 / The Blood-Stained Lantern (1958)    
    銀海笙歌 / The Film World's Merry Song (1958)    
    一見鍾情 / Love at First Sight (1958)    
    風情尤物 / Sophisticated Lady (1959)    
    美人魚 / The Mermaid (1959)    
    滿堂紅 / Full of Joy (1959)    
    噴火女郎 / She Sets My Heart on Fire (1959)    
    歌迷小姐 / Miss Songbird (1959)    
    千面女郎 / Girl with a Thousand Guises (1959)    
    淘氣千金 / Mischievous Girl (1959)    
    雙雄奪美 / Two Heroes Vie for a Beauty (1959)    
    自由戀愛 / Let the Young Decide (1960)    
    碧水紅蓮 / Fleur-de-Lys (1960)    
    女俠飛紅巾 / Red Scarf, the Flying Heroine (1961)    
    艇屋龍虎鬥 / House Boat (1962)    
    茶山情歌 / Love Ditties on the Tea Hill (1962)    
    遊俠義犬 / The Honest Hero and the Faithful Dog (1963)    
    千手佛 / Buddha with a Thousand Arms (1968)    
    笑面俠 / Smiling Swordsman (1968)    
  演員 / Actor (1946-1983)
    慾望 / Desire (1946) ... 老傭人 / Old servant
    滿城風雨 / Rumours in the Air (1947) ... 錢友丁 / Chien's friend
    女羅賓漢 / Female Robin Hood (1947) ... 關老大 / Kuan Lao Da
    天網恢恢 / The Net of Divine Retribution (1947) ... 公寓司閽 / Doorman
    地獄天堂 / Heaven and Hell (1947) ... 周觀達 / Chou Kuan Ta
    玉人何處 / Where Is My Darling? (1947) ... 老包 / Old Bao
    長相思 (陌上花開) / An All-Consuming Love (1947) ... 翻譯 / Translator
    各有千秋 / You're Smart in One Way, I'm in Another (1947) ... 副經理 / Deputy manager
    桃花依舊笑春風 / Peach Blossoms Still Titter in the Spring Breeze (1947) ... 馬醫生 / Doctor Ma
    某夫人 / Madame X (1947)    
    新天方夜譚 / New Arabian Nights (1947) ... 密探 / Spy
    朱門怨 / The Remorseful Rich (1948) ... 楊欽毅 / Yang Qinyi
    女大當嫁 / The Corn in Ripe for Plucking (1948) ... 音樂家 / Musician
    野火春風 / Wild Fire and Spring Wind (1948) ... 紳士 / Gentleman
    鐵血男兒 / Lion-Hearted Warriors (1948) ... 姜節明 / Chiang Chieh Ming
    清宮秘史 / Sorrows of the Forbidden City (1948)    
    戀愛之道 / The Way of Love (1949) ... 陳大本 / Chen Daben
    千鈞一髮 / The Razor's Edge (1949) ... 林長 / Gardener Lin Chang
    錦繡天堂 / Heavenly Souls (1949) ... 阿毛 / Ah Mao
    水上人家 / Floating Family (1949)    
    孽海癡魂(下集大結局) / A Devoted Soul (Part 2) (1949)    
    濟公活佛 / Ji Gong, Reincarnated Buddha (1949)    
    孽海癡魂(上集) / A Devoted Soul (Part 1) (1949)    
    大俠復仇記 / Revenge of the Great Swordsman (1949) ... / Ma Rong
    羅宮春色 / Romance of Rome Palace (1949)    
    宏碧緣 / Encounter at Hongbi (1949) ... 巴杰 / Ba Jie
    風雪夜歸人 / Latecomer in the Snow (1949) ... 李二哥 / Second Brother Li
    南來雁 / Home, Sweet Home (1950)    
    香島美人魚 / Mermaid of Hong Kong (1950)    
    五虎斷魂 / The Five Heroes' Deadly Spears (1951)    
    玫瑰花開 / When Roses Bloom (1951) ... 王金寶 / Wang Chia-Pao
    十三太保 / The Thirteen Grand Tutors (1951) ... 羅賓漢 / Luo Bin-Han
    孽緣 / Fatal Attraction (1952)    
    浴室艷屍 / Bloodbath (1952) ... 探員甲 / Detective A
    拜金的人 / Midas (1952)    
    月兒彎彎照九州 / The Moon-Blanch'd Land (1952)    
    喜相逢 / Happy Encounter (1952)    
    一刻春宵 / A Moment of Bliss (1952)    
    霧香港 / Mist-Cloaked Hong Kong (1952) ... 王佑民 / Wang Yu-Min
    白蛇傳 / The Legend of Madame White Snake (1952)    
    慾魔 / Demon of Lust (1952) ... 小白臉 / swindler
    近水樓台 / The Closer the Better (1952)    
    翠翠 / Singing Under the Moon (1953)    
    嫦娥 / Lady from the Moon (1954)    
    玫瑰玫瑰我愛你 / Rose, Rose I Love You (1954)    
    春天不是讀書天 / Spring Is in the Air (1954)    
    銀燈照玉人 / Queen of the Stage (1955)    
    海棠紅 / Blood Will Tell (1955) ... 韓福保 / Han Fu-Bao
    風雨牛車水 / Rainstorm in Chinatown (1956)    
    / The Chase (1956) ... / Doctor Zhou
    花花世界 / This Dazzling World (1956)    
    毒蟒情鴛 / The Lovers and the Python (1956) ... 何醫生 / Doctor Ho
    面子問題 / A Matter of Face (1956) ... 張大禮 / Chang Ta-Li
    黑妞 / Black Tulip (1956) ... 小丁/丁全福 / Ding Chuan-Fu
    漁歌 / Fisherman's Delight (1956) ... 九斤半 / '9 1/2 Catty'
    娘惹與峇峇 / Nonya and Baba (1956)    
    採西瓜的姑娘 / Sweet as a Melon (1956)    
    兩傻大鬧攝影場 / Riots at the Studio (1957)    
    天作之合 / Happy Union (1957)    
    亡魂谷 / The Valley of the Lost Soul (1957)    
    風兩桃花村 / The Storm-Tossed Village (1957) ... 王小二 / Wong Siao Er
    望鄉 / Watching Home Town (1958)    
    笑聲淚影 / Laughter and Tears (1958) ... / Hu Jin An
    異國情鴛 / Love with an Alien (1958)    
    銀海笙歌 / The Film World's Merry Song (1958)    
    俏冤家 / Pretty Enemy (1958)    
    一見鍾情 / Love at First Sight (1958)    
    美人魚 / The Mermaid (1959)    
    百花公主 / Princess of a Hundred Flowers (1959) ... 范長寶 / Fan Chang-Bao
    燕子盜 / The Swallow (1961) ... / Inspector Lu Lao-Yi
    雲開見月明 / Till the Clouds Roll by (1961)    
    福星高照 / My Lucky Star (1963)    
    原野奇俠傳 / Revenge of a Swordswoman (1963) ... 胡三 / Hu San
    都市狂想曲 / City Fantasy (1964)    
    賣油郎獨佔花魁女 / How the Oil Vendor Won the Beauty Queen (1964)    
    啼笑姻緣(上集) / A Story of Three Loves (Part 1) (1964) ... 王副官 / Huang
    啼笑姻緣(下集) / A Story of Three Loves (Part 2) (1964) ... / Huang
    深宮怨 / Romance of the Forbidden City (1964) ... 多鐸 / Duo Duo
    南北喜相逢 / The Greatest Love Affair on Earth (1964)    
    生死關頭 / The Crisis (1964)    
    危險人物 / Woman in Danger (1965)    
    三朵玫瑰花 / Three Smart Girls (1965)    
    金玉奴 / A Beggar's Daughter (1965) ... 唐三朶 / Tang Sanduo
    糊塗女偵探 / Blundering Woman Detective (1965)    
    銷錦囊 / The Lucky Purse (1966) ... 彼依師爺 / Old teacher
    七重天 / Seventh Heaven (1966)    
    空谷蘭 / Forget Me Not (1966)    
    嫦娥奔月 / Lady in the Moon (1966)    
    聊齋誌異續集 / The Haunted (1967) ... 3) 術士 / 3) Taoist
    第一劍 / The First Sword (1967) ... 毒王烏窮 / Wu Qiong
    笑面俠 / Smiling Swordsman (1968) ... / Taoist priest
    七大盜 / Desperate Seven (1968) ... / Lord Liang
    雁翎刀 / The Invisible Sabre (1968) ... 白振國 / Grandfather Pai
    蒙妮妲日記 / The Search for Monita (1968)    
    歌女白蘭花 / Orchid, the Songstress (1968)    
    決鬥惡虎嶺 / Travel with a Sword (1968) ... 野狼 / Wild Wolf
    亡命八傑 / Eight for the Border (1969)    
    盜璽 / The Royal Seal (1969)    
    聊齋誌異三集 / The Spirits (1969) ... 3) 老鬼 / 3) Old Devil
    鐵骨傳 / Iron Bones (1969)    
    孫悟空大鬧香港 / The Monkey in Hong Kong (1969)    
    血羅巾 / Bloody Handkerchief (1969)    
    小魔俠 / The Devil Warrior (1969)    
    一劍情深 / The Violet Mansion (1969)    
    神經刀 / Mad, Mad, Mad Swords (1969) ... / Ling Yunxiao the White Crane
    黑豹 / The Black Panther (1969)    
    楓林渡 / Mallow Forest (1969) ... 苗道極 / Miao Dao-Ji
    小蘋果 / An Apple a Day (1970)    
    恭喜發財 / Lucky Strike (1970)    
    怒劍狂刀 / Wrath of the Sword (1970) ... 鐵彈雙絕曹不弱 / Cao Bu-Rou
    家有賢妻 / The Homemaker (1970)    
    雪路血路 / Mission to Die (1970) ... 袁明哲 / Yuan Ming-Zhe
    異鄉客 / The Unknown Swordsman (1970)    
    壯士血 / The King's Sword (1970) ... / Kuo Chung Chien
    洪福齊天 / The Lucky Ones (1970)    
    瓊花仙子 / Fairy of King Fa (1970)    
    馬家溝 / Pursued (1970) ... 土匪劉瘤子 / Bandit Liu Liu-Tzu
    神龍奇俠 / The Fabulous Protectress (1970)    
    關不住的春光 / The Extra Duty of a Governess (1970)    
    屠龍 / Unconquered (1970)    
    狠心的人 / The Ruthless Heart (1970)    
    鬼怒川 / The Angry River (1971)    
    孫悟空再鬧香港 / Monkey Comes Again (1971)    
    刀不留人 / The Blade Spares None (1971) ... / Kao Wan
    藍色的夢 / Blues in the Dream (1971)    
    昨夜夢魂中 / My Beloved (1971) ... / Mr Yi
    千鈞一髮 / In the Nick of Time (1971)    
    淘氣女歌手 / Song of Happy Life (1971)    
    瘋狂殺手 / The Mad Killer (1971) ... 徐緘 / Xu Jian
    萬箭穿心 / The Oath of Death (1971) ... / Hsai Chu Ku
    鬼流星 / The Comet Strikes (1971) ... / Waiter
    大殺手 / The Killer (1971) ... / Chiao Tzu-Fei
    無敵鐵沙掌 / The Invincible Iron Palm (1971) ... / Ku Yi
    雲姑 / Her Vengeance (1971) ... 魏一龍 / Wei Yi-lung
    大軍閥 / The Warlord (1972) ... 楊書城 / Counselor Yang Shu-Cheng
    偷歡陷阱 / Jenny and Her Step-Mother (1972)    
    騙術大觀 / Cheating in Panorama (1972)    
    功夫小子 / Martial Hero of Southern Frontier (1972) ... 邱六橋 / Mr Chu
    蛇王與閻王 / A Resort Called Hell (1972)    
    風月奇譚 / Legends of Lust (1972) ... 一) 刁師爺 / Lawyer Diao
    餓虎狂龍 / The Good and the Bad (1972) ... / Lin Sang-Tai
    快活林 / Delightful Forest (1972) ... / Commander Chang Du Jian
    盲拳 / Blind Boxer (1972) ... / Boss Hong Tsia Hsun
    酒色財氣 / To Climb High (1972)    
    黃色殺手 / The Yellow Killer (1972) ... / Mr. Lo
    發達之人 / A Man of Wealth (1972) ... / HR Manager
    馬永貞 / The Boxer from Shantung (1972) ... 楊雙 / Boss Yang
    黑店 / The Black Tavern (1972) ... / Skilled Robber
    今天不上課 / Please Sir, We're Sorry! (1972)    
    吉祥賭坊 / The Casino (1972) ... / Zhao Fu
    女警察 / The Heroine (1973) ... / Boss
    大密探 / The Private Eye (1973)    
    惡霸 / Gambling Syndicate (1973) ... 強道 / Qiang Dao, third brother
    應召女郎 / The Call Girls (1973) ... / Big Brother
    鐵漢柔情 / The Young Dragons (1973) ... 龍爺 / Boss Lung
    北地胭脂 / Facets of Love (1973) ... 黃面虎 / Bai Hua Lou Boss
    滿州人 / The Mandarin (1973) ... / Big Boss
    騙術奇中奇 / Cheat to Cheat (1973) ... / 'The Clock': Police man
    過關斬將 / Duel of the Dragons (1973) ... / Ku's advisor
    賊王 / Death Blow (1973) ... / Ying King Min
    大刀王五 / Iron Bodyguard (1973) ... / Commander Wen Ping
    迎春閣之風波 / The Fate of Lee Khan (1973) ... 劉三虎 / Liu Shan-Hu (spy bandit)
    死亡挑戰 / Bloody Ring (1973) ... / Japanese team leader
    偷渡客 / The Rendezvous of Warriors (1973)    
    頂天立地 / Not Scared to Die (1973) ... / Mr Jiang
    一網打盡 / The Thunder Kick (1973) ... / Uncle Li
    愛慾奇譚 / Love Is a Four Letter Word (1973)    
    一樂也 / The Happiest Moment (1973) ... / Mr Liu
    牛鬼蛇神 / Tales of Larceny (1973) ... / 2) Taoist cheat
    神龍小虎闖江湖 / Call Me Dragon (1974) ... 嚴公豪 / Gangster boss
    街知巷聞 / Tenants of Talkative Street (1974)    
    怪人怪事 / A Mad World of Fools (1974)    
    應召男郎 / The Gigolo (1974)    
    聲色犬馬 / Sinful Confession (1974) ... / Restaurant manager
    別了親人 / Farewell Dearest (1974)    
    方世玉與洪熙官 / Heroes Two (1974) ... / Ho Chu Chen
    香港屋簷下 / The Looks of Hong Kong (1974)    
    天網 / Kidnap (1974) ... / Fu Kuei Tsai
    狼狽為奸 / Wits to Wits (1974) ... / Bank owner
    至尊寶 / Supremo (1974) ... / Luk Kam Sang
    陰陽界 / Blood Reincarnation (1974) ... / 2) Er Niang's husband
    醜聞 / Scandal (1974) ... / Governor's secretary
    洪拳與詠春 / Shaolin Martial Arts (1974) ... / King of Eagle Claw
    電單車 / Young Lovers on Flying Wheels (1974) ... / Yuan Deng
    天天報喜 / Everyday Is Sunday (1974)    
    中泰拳壇生死戰 / The Tournament (1974) ... / Martial arts association member
    花飛滿城春 / All in the Family (1974) ... / Barber / Old pervert
    運財童子小祖宗 / Lucky, Lucky (1974)    
    鐵掌連環拳 / The Sharp Fists in Kung Fu (1974)    
    唐山猛虎 / The Chinese Tiger (1974) ... / Li Min's father
    絕招 / Martial Arts (1974) ... / Big Boss
    金瓶雙艷 / The Golden Lotus (1974) ... 武大郎 / Wu Dalong
    傾國傾城 / The Empress Dowager (1975) ... 戴 漪 / Official Tai Yi
    天才與白痴 / The Last Message (1975) ... 古董佬 / Antique dealer
    拍案驚奇 / No End of Surprises (1975) ... / Pu Kao-Sheng
    肉蒲團 / Fertility Bank (1975)    
    賭人頭 / Gambling for Head (1975)    
    後生 / The Young Rebel (1975) ... / Mr. Fong
    橫衝直撞小福星 / The Wandering Life (1975)    
    捉姦趣事 / That's Adultery! (1975) ... / 4) Zhang Youqian
    忠烈圖 / The Valiant Ones (1975) ... / Lin's servant Lin Tong
    酒吧女郎 / Bar Girl (1975)    
    義劫愛神號 / Mutiny on the High Sea (1975)    
    驅魔女 / The Seven Coffins (1975) ... / Taoist
    大千世界 / My Wacky, Wacky World (1975) ... / Accountant Chiang
    無奇不有 / Moon and Stars (1975)    
    艷窟神探 / The Association (1975) ... / Police officer
    騙財騙色 / Love Swindler (1976) ... 曹濟仁 / 3) Dr. Cho Chi Ran
    阿茂正傳 / Elmo Takes a Bride (1976) ... 四號 / Barber Sze Ho
    鬼計雙雄 / The Double Crossers (1976) ... / Wang's man
    瀛台泣血 / The Last Tempest (1976) ... 端王載漪 / Prince Duan
    乾隆皇奇遇記 / Emperor Chien Lung (1976) ... / Lord Jiang
    沙膽英 / Big Bad Sis (1976) ... / Ah Fong's step-father
    五毒天羅 / The Web of Death (1976) ... / User of the spider in prologue
    少林寺 / Shaolin Temple (1976) ... / Shaolin Master of Wooden Men Alley
    唐人街小子 / Chinatown Kid (1977) ... / Yvonne's father
    蕩婦冤魂 / Murder on the Wedding Night (1977)    
    佛跳牆 / The Mad Monk (1977) ... 秦二 / Chun Yee
    金玉良緣紅樓夢 / The Dream of the Red Chamber (1977) ... 焦大 / Jiu Da
    應召名冊 / The Call-Girls (1977) ... / Policeman
    乾隆下江南 / The Adventures of Emperor Chien Lung (1977) ... / Minister Er Rong-An
    風花雪月 / Moods of Love (1977) ... 柳宣教 / Magistrate Liu Xuan-Jiao
    白玉老虎 / Jade Tiger (1977) ... 唐蛇 / Tang She
    多情劍客無情劍 / The Sentimental Swordsman (1977) ... 五毒童子 / 5 Poisons Kid with cold needle
    乾隆下揚州 / The Voyage of Emperor Chien Lung (1978) ... 鄂容安 / Minister Er Rong-An
    倚天屠龍記大結局 / Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre, Part II (1978) ... 彭和尚 / Monk Pang
    血芙蓉 / The Vengeful Beauty (1978) ... 大臣 / Court official at book burning
    蕭十一郎 / Swordsman and Enchantress (1978) ... / Keeper of Puppet Villa
    倚天屠龍記 / Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre (1978) ... 彭和尚 / Monk Pang
    倫文敘與沙三少 / The Cunning Hustler (1978) ... / Priest
    子曰:食色性也 / Sensual Pleasures (1978) ... / Teahouse client with beard
    一零八 / Island of Virgins (1978)    
    少林卅六房 / The 36th Chamber of Shaolin (1978) ... / Abbot in charge of Eye Chamber
    街市英雄 / Shaolin Rescuers (1979) ... 豆腐店老闆 / Boss Huang
    孔雀王朝 / Murder Plot (1979) ... / Zhao Tian Fu
    八萬罪人 / Invincible Enforcer (1979) ... / Ah Fatt
    廣東十虎與後五虎 / Ten Tigers of Kwangtung (1979) ... / Chow Tung San
    軍閥趣史 / The Scandalous Warlord (1979) ... / Chief of Staff
    少林英雄榜 / Shaolin Abbot (1979) ... / General Li
    師爸 / See-Bar (1980) ... / Kan
    橫衝直撞麻甩妹 / Who Killed My Killers!? (1980)    
    徐老虎與白寡婦 / The Tiger and the Widow (1980) ... / Commander Lee's aide
    插翅難飛 / The Convict Killer (1980) ... / Peng Fu
    橋王一哥古惑九 / Find the Lady (1980)    
    乾隆皇與三姑娘 / Emperor Chien Lung and the Beauty (1980) ... / Minister Er Rong-An
    目無王法 / What Price Honesty? (1981) ... / Lord Ge, magistrate
    乾隆皇君臣鬥智 / The Emperor and the Minister (1982) ... / Minister Er Rong-An
    武松 / Tiger Killer (1982) ... / Coroner He Jiu
    三十年細說從頭 / Passing Flickers (1982) ... / Movie director Yang
    鹿鼎記 / Tales of a Eunuch (1983) ... / Official (flashback)
  編劇 / Writer
    戀之火第二春 / The Flame of Love (1956)    
    花花世界 / This Dazzling World (1956)    
    採西瓜的姑娘 / Sweet as a Melon (1956)    
    黑妞 / Black Tulip (1956)    
    珊瑚 / Torrents of Desire (1958)    
    千面女郎 / Girl with a Thousand Guises (1959)    
    雙雄奪美 / Two Heroes Vie for a Beauty (1959)    
    雲開見月明 / Till the Clouds Roll by (1961)    
    三朵玫瑰花 / Three Smart Girls (1965)