[English] [中文] [中英文]
語言顯示 : 中英文
田青  ♂
Tin Ching
拼音: tián qīng
Tien Ching,  Tien Chun-Sheng,  Tien Cheen,  Tin Ceng

影視作品 / Filmography (1956-1994)
  副導演 / Assistant Director
    關不住的春光 / The Extra Duty of a Governess (1970)    
  演員 / Actor (1956-1994)
    春潮 / Torrents of Spring (1956)    
    青山翠谷 / Green Hills and Jade Valleys (1956) ... 羅文生 / Luo Wan-Shang
    四千金 / Our Sister Hedy (1957) ... / Liu Guozhen
    天作之合 / Happy Union (1957)    
    紅娃 / Scarlet Doll (1958) ... / Chang Fa
    蘭閨風雲 / Wedding Bells for Hedy (1959)    
    桃花運 / The Wayward Husband (1959)    
    雨過天青 / For Better, For Worse (1959) ... / Li Zixin
    青春兒女 / Spring Song (1959) ... 男同學 / Student
    雲裳艷后 / Cinderella and Her Little Angels (1959) ... / Xiaofang
    歌迷小姐 / Miss Songbird (1959)    
    家有喜事 / All in the Family (1959) ... / David Fang
    二八佳人 / Too Young to Love (1959)    
    長腿姐姐 / Sister Long Legs (1960) ... / Charlie Chin Chueh-Li
    野玫瑰之戀 / The Wild, Wild Rose (1960) ... / Xiao Liu
    女俠文婷玉 / The Lady Musketeer (1960)    
    鐵臂金剛 / The Iron Fist (1960)    
    心心相印 / The Loving Couple (1960)    
    六月新娘 / The June Bride (1960) ... / Lin Yamang
    母與女 / Devotion (1960) ... / Playboy
    殺機重重 / Death Traps (1960) ... / Chou Yu
    玉樓三鳳 / Between Tears and Laughter (1960) ... 李家華 / Li Jia-Hua
    紅頻青燈未了情 / Till the End of Time (1961)    
    體育皇后 / Beauty Parade (1961) ... / Hsiao Hu
    賊美人 / The Girl with the Golden Arm (1961) ... 梁志明 / Liang Chih-Ming
    星星、月亮、太陽(下) / Sun, Moon and Star (Part 2) (1961) ... / Jiancheng
    星星,月亮,太陽(上) / Sun, Moon and Star (Part 1) (1961) ... / Hsu Chien-Chung
    花好月圓 / Love in Bloom (1962) ... / Shen Liang
    好事成雙 / Ladies First (1962) ... / Li Hong
    桃李爭春 / It's Always Spring (1962) ... 潘少雄 / Pan Shao-Xiong
    早生貴子 / Crusade Against Daddy (1962)    
    人之初 / Father and Son (1963)    
    諜海四壯士 / Four Brave Ones (1963) ... 高傑 / Gao Jie
    荷花 / Little Lotus (1963) ... 沈紫貴 / Shen Tzu-Kuei
    鶯歌燕舞 / Mad About Music (1963) ... 丁偉中 / Ding Weizhong
    金箭盟 / The Golden Arrow (1963) ... 孟劍寒 / Meng Chien Han
    南北喜相逢 / The Greatest Love Affair on Earth (1964) ... / Kan Leung
    深宮怨 / Romance of the Forbidden City (1964) ... 冒辟疆 / Mao Pi-Jiang
    舊愛新歡 / What Now My Love (1964) ... 蔡清文 / Choi Ching-Man
    寶蓮燈 / The Magic Lamp (1964) ... 劉彥昌-中年 / Liu Yanchang (middle-aged)
    一曲難忘 / Please Remember Me (1964)    
    梁山伯與祝英台 / Liang San Poh and Chu Ing Tai (1964)    
    鸞鳳和鳴 / The Better Halves (1964) ... / Ka Fu
    珠聯璧合 / Reunion (1965)    
    三朵玫瑰花 / Three Smart Girls (1965)    
    亂世兒女 / A Debt of Blood (1966) ... 馬少華 / Ma Shao-hua
    七重天 / Seventh Heaven (1966) ... 喬治 / George
    嫦娥奔月 / Lady in the Moon (1966) ... 逢蒙 / Feng Meng
    自作多情 / Mistaken Love (1966)    
    銷錦囊 / The Lucky Purse (1966) ... 盧知府--盧勝籌 / Magistrate Lu
    原野游龍 / The Wandering Knight (1967) ... 李正雄 / Li Zheng-Xiong
    蘇小妹 / Wife of a Romantic Scholar (1967) ... 林子萍 / Lin Tse-Ping
    扇中人 / The Magic Fan (1967) ... 呂公子 / Suitor Lu
    聊齋誌異續集 / The Haunted (1967) ... 2) 朱爾旦 / 2) Zhu Er-Dan
    第一劍 / The First Sword (1967) ... 嚴宗琦 / Yan Zong-Qi
    蒙妮妲日記 / The Search for Monita (1968) ... 歷堅 / Li Tsien
    夏日初戀 / Summer Love (1968)    
    神槍手 / The Magnificent Gunfighter (1968) ... 焦通 / Chao Tung
    雨夜悲情 / Rainy Night Tragedy (1968)    
    七大盜 / Desperate Seven (1968) ... / Archer Li Chao
    / Escape (1968) ... / Kuo Chiang
    月夜琴挑 / Springtime Affairs (1968) ... / Teng I-Hsin
    太太萬歲 / Darling, Stay at Home (1968) ... / Mr Ma
    玉龍吟 / Jade Dragon (1968) ... 金振雄 / Jin Zhen-Xiong
    紅梅閣 / Red Plum Pavilion (1968) ... 鄭虎臣 / Cheng Hu-Chen
    笑面俠 / Smiling Swordsman (1968) ... 郭磊 / Kuo Lui
    春暖人間 / Song of Our Family (1968) ... / Lin Tse-Tsai
    神經刀 / Mad, Mad, Mad Swords (1969) ... / Chen Ziyuan
    嘉嘉 / Affection (1969)    
    乘龍快婿 / My Father-in-Law (1969)    
    盜璽 / The Royal Seal (1969) ... / General Ou Lu
    孫悟空大鬧香港 / The Monkey in Hong Kong (1969)    
    處女心 / Virgin Heart Period (1969)    
    黑豹 / The Black Panther (1969)    
    聊齋誌異三集 / The Spirits (1969) ... 1) 王鼎 / 1) Wang Ding
    亡命八傑 / Eight for the Border (1969)    
    血爪 / Bloody Claw (1969)    
    我不要離婚 / I Don't Want to Divorce (1970)    
    孫悟空智取黃袍怪 / A Bewitched Princess (1970)    
    關不住的春光 / The Extra Duty of a Governess (1970)    
    屠龍 / Unconquered (1970)    
    孫悟空再鬧香港 / Monkey Comes Again (1971)    
    一劍勾魂 / The Ghost's Revenge (1971)    
    鬼谷神女 / Girl of Ghost Valley (1971)    
    蛇王與閻王 / A Resort Called Hell (1972)    
    風月奇譚 / Legends of Lust (1972) ... 三) 小王 / Mr Wang
    十四女英豪 / The 14 Amazons (1972) ... 三太子 / Third Prince
    伏虎榜 / To Skin a Tiger (1972)    
    群英會 / Trilogy of Swordsmanship (1972) ... 1) / 1) Master Shi
    小孩與狗 / The Two Faces of Love (1972)    
    少奶奶的絲襪 / Intrigue in Nylons (1972) ... / Lee Ji Yang
    水滸傳 / The Water Margin (1972) ... / Li Ku
    馬永貞 / The Boxer from Shantung (1972) ... 李財春 / Li Caishun/One of 4 Champions
    快活林 / Delightful Forest (1972) ... / Shi En, the Golden eye
    仇連環 / Man of Iron (1972) ... / Yu Chow-Kai
    江湖行 / River of Fury (1973) ... / Master Liu
    七十二家房客 / The House of 72 Tenants (1973) ... / Chow Bing Ken
    蕩寇誌 / All Men Are Brothers (1973) ... / Prince Fang Tien Ding
    刺馬 / The Blood Brothers (1973) ... / Ma Zhong Hsin
    牛鬼蛇神 / Tales of Larceny (1973) ... / 1) Soldier at festival
    大老千 / Queen Hustler (1973) ... / Fang Senming
    大海盜 / The Pirate (1973) ... / Xiang You Lun
    丁一山 / Heroes of the Underground (1973) ... / Cui Ping-San
    金瓶雙艷 / The Golden Lotus (1974) ... 花 / Mr. Hua
    鬼馬小天使 / Cheeky Little Angels (1974) ... 曾強 / Tseng Chiang
    朱門怨 / Sorrow of the Gentry (1974) ... / Shong Gi Fang
    香港73 / Hong Kong 73 (1974) ... 田鴨 / Tien Ya
    港澳傳奇 / Forbidden Tales of Two Cities (1975) ... / Little Sun
    妙妙女郎 / Cuties Parade (1975)    
    同居 / Cohabitation (1975) ... / Zhao Wen-Tian
    大劫案 / The Big Holdup (1975) ... 麥光 / Maiguang
    神打 / The Spiritual Boxer (1975) ... / Eunuch Li Lien Ying
    捉姦趣事 / That's Adultery! (1975) ... 郡守 / 3) Police chief
    新啼笑姻緣 / Lover's Destiny (1975) ... / Police Chief Hu
    神化外母古惑妻 / My Bewitched Wife (1975)    
    七面人 / The Imposter (1975) ... 假陳副官 / Fake Assistant Chen
    傾國傾城 / The Empress Dowager (1975) ... 程月樓 / Cheng Yueh Lou
    嬉笑怒罵 / Temperament of Life (1975)    
    流星蝴蝶劍 / Killer Clans (1976) ... / Hsia Ching
    洞房艷事 / Wedding Nights (1976)    
    香港奇案 / The Criminals (1976) ... 2) / 2) Prince De
    毒后秘史 / The Drug Connection (1976) ... 馬遠 / Ma-Yuan
    鬼才倫文敘 / Hustler from Canton (1976)    
    色香味 / Erotic Nights (1976)    
    索命 / Spirit of the Raped (1976) ... / Pimp
    乾隆皇奇遇記 / Emperor Chien Lung (1976) ... / Lord Nine Thousand Years of Age
    騙財騙色 / Love Swindler (1976) ... 戴祿茂 / Dai Luk-Mau
    楚留香 / Clans of Intrigue (1977) ... 南宮靈 / Nan Gong Lin
    佛跳牆 / The Mad Monk (1977) ... 張文魁 / Cheung Man-Kwai
    風花雪月 / Moods of Love (1977) ... / Mr. Wang
    架步串女古惑仔 / Warning for the Young (1977)    
    金玉良緣紅樓夢 / The Dream of the Red Chamber (1977) ... 賈赦 / Member of Jia family
    廟街皇后 / Assault - The Criminals, Part IV (1977) ... / 2) Du Gui Rong
    搵食三十六計 / The Crooks (1977) ... 客串老色迷 / Lecher
    床上的故事 / Bed for Day, Bed for Night (1977)    
    洪熙官 / Executioners from Shaolin (1977) ... / His Highness [cameo]
    紅樓春夢 / Dreams of Eroticism (1977) ... / Jia Rui
    蕩婦冤魂 / Murder on the Wedding Night (1977)    
    天螺大破五行陣 / Deadly Snail vs. Kung Fu Killers (1977) ... / Wang Chow
    處女紳士拆白黨 / Confessions of a Private Secretary (1977)    
    倚天屠龍記大結局 / Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre, Part II (1978) ... 圓真 / Monk Yuen Jun/Shing Kwun
    笑傲江湖 / The Proud Youth (1978) ... 司馬無忌 / Sima Wuji
    茄哩啡 / The Extras (1978) ... / Pipe-smoking Director
    螳螂醉虎無影腳 / Mantis Combat (1978)    
    哈囉床上夜歸人 / Hello Sexy Late Homecomers (1978)    
    O女 / Miss "O" (1978) ... 喬先生 / Koon's father
    倫文敘與沙三少 / The Cunning Hustler (1978) ... / Magistrate
    子曰:食色性也 / Sensual Pleasures (1978) ... / Lu Bun
    梁山怪招 / Goose Boxer (1978)    
    倚天屠龍記 / Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre (1978) ... 圓真 / Monk Yuen Jun/Shing Kwun
    大命撈家 / He Who Never Dies (1979)    
    風水奇譚 / Legend of Feng Shui (1979)    
    梁天來 / The Last Judgement (1979) ... / Master Ou
    教頭 / The Kung-Fu Instructor (1979) ... / Meng Fa
    各師各法 / Money Trip (1979)    
    喜劇王 / Joy to the World (1980) ... / Factory manager Liu
    橫衝直撞麻甩妹 / Who Killed My Killers!? (1980)    
    風流殘劍血無痕 / The Great Conspiracy (1980)    
    第三類打鬥 / Heaven and Hell (1980) ... / Robber in Hell
    天字第一號 / The Best Secret Agent (1981)    
    二等兵 / Private First Class (1981)    
    帶槍過境 / Coming with a Gun (1981)    
    變色的女人 / Woman of Colour (1981)    
    二等兵續集 / Private First Class, Part II (1981)    
    賭王鬥千王 / The King of Gambler (1981)    
    奇巧人物 / Fighting Life (1981) ... / Loan shark
    龍虎爭霸 / Bruce Vs. Bill (1981) ... / Uncle Chu
    洪門三柱香 / The Alliance of Hung Sect (1982)    
    賣命邊緣 / Death Challenge (1982)    
    龍虎雙霸天 / The First Exposure (1982)    
    小子有種 / My Rebellious Son (1982) ... / Mr Chun
    賭王千王群英會 / The Stunning Gambling (1982)    
    一觸驚魂 / Air Disaster (1983)    
    皇帝保重 / Take Care, Your Majesty! (1983) ... / Man with telescope
    馬後砲 / Comedy (1984) ... / Cheah Chong
    上海之夜 / Shanghai Blues (1984) ... 阿叔 / King Clown
    開心鬼 / The Happy Ghost (1984) ... / Pik's father
    雙龍出海 / The Return of Pom Pom (1984) ... / Senior Police Officer
    紋身的女人 / The Tattoo (1984)    
    好彩撞到你 / Host for a Ghost (1984)    
    飛虎奇兵 / City Hero (1985) ... / SDU Asst Trainer
    花心紅杏 / Fascinating Affairs (1985) ... / Party guest
    歌舞昇平 / Musical Singer (1985) ... / Dionne's eldest uncle
    奪寶計上計 / From Here to Prosperity (1986) ... / Tin
    霹靂大喇叭 / Where's Officer Tuba? (1986) ... / Tuba's superior officer
    神探朱古力 / Inspector Chocolate (1986) ... / Cafe manager
    痴心的我 / Devoted to You (1986) ... / Jane's grandfather
    偶然 / Last Song in Paris (1986) ... / Mr Hsu
    刀馬旦 / Peking Opera Blues (1986) ... / Comrade Sung
    歡樂叮噹 / Happy Din Don (1986) ... / Dancing with good looking woman
    禁果情花 / Searching for Love (1986)    
    忍者兵團 / Ninja, the Battalion (1987) ... / [THE ALLIANCE... footage]
    朝花夕拾 / Life Is a Moment (1987) ... / Mr Ng [cameo]
    人民英雄 / People's Hero (1987) ... 銀行經理 / Wong
    半暹降 / The Devil Sorcery (1987) ... / Mr Lau
    香港小姐寫真 / Private Life (1987) ... 李父 / Sam's father
    表哥到 / My Cousin the Ghost (1987) ... / Mr. Chiang
    省港風雲 / Border Line Story (1988) ... / Cafe Owner
    l引降 / Devil of Snake (1988)    
    勇者無懼 / Zodiac Power 2: Evil Destroyer (1988) ... / [Old Taiwanese footage]
    八星報喜 / The Eighth Happiness (1988) ... / Beautiful's father
    一妻兩夫 / One Husband Too Many (1988) ... / Village Head
    肥貓流浪記 / The Beloved Son of God (1988)    
    處女降 / Curse (1988) ... / Man in wheelchair [cameo]
    同根生 / Bloody Brotherhood (1989)    
    奇蹟 / Mr. Canton and Lady Rose (1989) ... 郭振華鞤手 / Chow
    義膽群英 / Just Heroes (1989) ... / [Cameo]
    魔情 / The Demonic Revenge (1989)    
    特警90 / The Iron Butterfly (1989) ... / Triad boss
    再見王老五 / The Bachelor's Swan Song (1989) ... / Restaurant manager
    發達秘笈 / How to Be a Millionaire (1989) ... / Uncle Wong
    爛賭財神 / Fortune Chasers (1990)    
    川島芳子 / Kawashima Yoshiko (1990) ... / Judge at Fai's trial
    壯志豪情 / Whampoa Blues (1990) ... / Cong's father
    地頭龍 / The Dragon Fighter (1990)    
    金牌雙龍 / Day of Thunder (1990) ... / Triad elder
    孖仔孖心肝 / It Runs in the Family (1990)    
    怒火威龍 / Crystal Hunt (1991) ... / Lisa's father
    豪門夜宴 / The Banquet (1991) ... 叉燒包大叔 / Uncle Roast Pork Bun
    特技雙雄 / The Dare Devils (1991)    
    群星會 / The Thief of Time (1992)    
    黑星風雲 / The Story of the Gun (1992) ... / Uncle Kwan
    與鴨共舞 / Cash on Delivery (1992) ... / Pharmacist
    勝者為王 / The Mighty Gambler (1992)    
    八月鬱金香 / Tulips in August (1992)    
    大時代 / The Greed of Man (1992)    
    賭鬼 / Gambling Soul (1992) ... / Tian
    共闖天涯 / Fatal Assignment (1993)    
    新冷血十三鷹 / The 13 Cold-Blooded Eagles (1993)    
    赤腳小子 / The Bare-Footed Kid (1993) ... / Miss Ho's worker
    北京雜種 / Beijing Bastards (1993)    
    1/3情人 / 1/3 Lover (1993) ... / Hwang Fei Hung
    李麗珍蜜桃成熟時 / Crazy Love (1993) ... / Jane's father
    少女潘金蓮 / The Amorous Lotus Pan (1994)    
    野店 / Amazing Stories (1994) ... / Chang
  Born in Shanghai in 1935 as Tien Chun-Sheng (given family name). Tien Cheng's mother passed away when he was young. Moving to Hong Kong in 1949, he took the part-time course in Sam Yuk Middle School while working for a job. Upon graduation he did missionary work and became a teacher later. In 1957 he joined and worked exclusively for MP&GI by starting off in the short film there. He quickly went on to star in many films helmed by accredited directors, which co-starred the famous actors in the industry [...]. When he was working in Cantonese films in 1964, he was MP&GI's top actor in their Cantonese division. When the Cantonese division was dismantled, he got back into making Mandarin films. In 1970 Tien joined Shaw Brothers and became known for mainly playing villains or comedic characters.. [Celestial Pictures/IVL]