[English] [中文] [中英文]
語言顯示 : 中英文
周潤堅  ♂
Danny Chow Yun-Kin
拼音: zhōu rùn jiān
Chiao Feng,  Chou Jen-Chien,  Chow Yun-Chi,  Kiu Fung,  Chou Yun-Kin,  Danny Chow Yuen-Kin,  Chou Jun-Chien,  Chow Yun-Gin,  Danny Chow,  Chow Yun-Kin

影視作品 / Filmography (1969-1995)
  武師 / Stunts
    快餐車 / Wheels on Meals (1984)    
    黃飛鴻之鐵雞鬥蜈蚣 / Last Hero in China (1993)    
  動作指導 / Action Choreographer
    二奶村之殺夫 / The Woman Behind (1995)    
  動作設計 / Action Designer
    西環浮屍 / O.C.T.B. Case - The Floating Body (1995)    
  副武術指導 / Assistant Martial Arts Director
    蝶變 / The Butterfly Murders (1979)    
    師弟出馬 / The Young Master (1980)    
    捉鬼專門店 / Ghost for Sale (1991)    
    黃飛鴻系列之一代宗師 / Martial Arts Master Wong Fei Hung (1992)    
    末路狂花 / A Serious Shock! Yes Madam! (1993)    
    新碧血劍 / The Sword Stained with Royal Blood (1993)    
  動作導演 / Action Director
    痴狼劫 / Bullet to Survive (1990)    
    越境大追殺 / Out Bound Killing (1994)    
    黃大仙烏鼠 / Die Harder (1995)    
  副導演 / Assistant Director
    西環浮屍 / O.C.T.B. Case - The Floating Body (1995)    
    黃大仙烏鼠 / Die Harder (1995)    
  武術設計 / Martial Arts Designer
    開發區殺人事件 / Marked for Murder (1994)    
    天子驕龍 / Little Hero on the Run (1995)    
  演員 / Actor (1969-1995)
    保鏢 / Have Sword, Will Travel (1969) ... / Extra
    女俠賣人頭 / Heads for Sale (1970) ... / Extra
    十三太保 / The Heroic Ones (1970) ... / Warlord Zhu's soldier
    龍虎鬥 / The Chinese Boxer (1970) ... / Diao's thug
    江湖三女俠 / Swordswomen Three (1970) ... / Extra
    鷹王 / King Eagle (1970) ... / Tien Yi Tong member
    鏢旗飛揚 / The Protectors (1971) ... / Eagle Escort member
    新獨臂刀 / The New One-Armed Swordsman (1971) ... / Extra
    拳擊 / Duel of Fists (1971) ... / Jin Long student
    盜兵符 / Call to Arms (1971) ... / Imperial vault guard
    雙俠 / The Deadly Duo (1971) ... / Hero Killed by Yian Luyan
    血酒天牢 / The Rescue (1971) ... / Tartar soldier
    無名英雄 / The Anonymous Heroes (1971) ... / Thug in casino fight
    惡客 / The Angry Guest (1971) ... / Jin Long student
    大決鬥 / The Duel (1971) ... / Thug on street
    大殺手 / The Killer (1971) ... / Karate fighter
    小拳王 / The King of Boxers (1972) ... / Extra
    仇連環 / Man of Iron (1972) ... / Yu Chow-Kai's thug
    年輕人 / Young People (1972) ... / Basketball player
    水滸傳 / The Water Margin (1972) ... / Constable
    林沖夜奔 / Pursuit (1972) ... / Extra
    四騎士 / Four Riders (1972) ... / Thug in gym
    天下第一拳 / King Boxer (1972) ... / Master Suen's pupil
    快活林 / Delightful Forest (1972) ... / Jiang's waiter
    方世玉 / The Prodigal Boxer (1972) ... / Fang's family servant
    馬永貞 / The Boxer from Shantung (1972) ... / Yang's thug
    五虎將 / The Savage 5 (1973) ... 土匪 / Bandit
    一網打盡 / The Thunder Kick (1973) ... / Thug at casino fight
    惡霸 / Gambling Syndicate (1973) ... / Casino thug
    黃飛鴻 / The Master of Kung Fu (1973) ... / Mai Gen's student
    土匪 / The Villains (1973) ... / Casino employee
    小老虎 / The Young Tiger (1973) ... / Extra
    小雜種 / The Bastard (1973) ... / Gu's thug
    賊殺賊 / A Tooth for a Tooth (1973) ... / Thug
    小偷鬥大賊 / The Rats (1973) ... / Extra
    風雲八千里 / The Silent Guest from Peking (1973)    
    除霸 / Fist to Fist (1973) ... / Thug
    搖錢樹 / The Money-Tree (1973) ... / Fights at the movie set
    警察 / Police Force (1973) ... / Mugger
    刺馬 / The Blood Brothers (1973) ... / Extra
    猛漢 / The Magnificent Boxer (1973)    
    黑帶仇 / The Black Belt (1973) ... / Fake policeman
    滿州人 / The Mandarin (1973) ... / Husband of the prostitute
    潮州大風暴 / Kung-Fu King (1973)    
    大刀王五 / Iron Bodyguard (1973) ... / constable / Feng's hired thug
    憤怒青年 / The Delinquent (1973) ... 黑幫手下 / Lam's bodyguard
    醒龍伏虎 / Sleeping Dragon (1974) ... / Three Mandarins
    電單車 / Young Lovers on Flying Wheels (1974) ... / Zhang An's thug
    虎鬥虎 / The Big Risk (1974) ... [沒被列在名單] / Shih's thug
    狼狽為奸 / Wits to Wits (1974) ... / Extra
    朋友 / Friends (1974) ... / Meng Gui
    方世玉與洪熙官 / Heroes Two (1974) ... / Manchu thug
    神打 / The Spiritual Boxer (1975) ... / Chens clan/Yi Wo boxer
    女金剛鬥狂龍女 / Cleopatra Jones and the Casino of Gold (1975) ... / Extra
    玫瑰戀 / Blood and Rose (1975)    
    龍爭虎鬥精武魂 / The Death of Bruce Lee (1975) ... / extra
    新啼笑姻緣 / Lover's Destiny (1975) ... / Soldier
    陸阿采與黃飛鴻 / Challenge of the Masters (1976) ... / Master Lin's student
    達摩密宗血神飄 / Shaolin Kung Fu Mystagogue (1976)    
    李小龍與我 / Bruce Lee and I (1976) ... / Zhao's Thug
    流星蝴蝶劍 / Killer Clans (1976) ... / Roc Soc. member
    五毒天羅 / The Web of Death (1976) ... / One of 7 Buddies of Heisong Clan
    沙膽英 / Big Bad Sis (1976)    
    南北雙俠 / The North and South Chivalry (1977)    
    鐵拳小子 / The Kung Fu Kid (1977)    
    隱俠恩仇錄 / The Mysterious Heroes (1977)    
    刀劍霸王拳 / Killer from Above (1977) ... / Extra
    十八玉羅漢 / The Eighteen Jade Arhats (1978) ... / One of the Ho brothers
    佛山贊先生 / The Descendant of Wing Chun (1978) ... / Extra
    蛇鶴丹心震九州 / Snake-Crane Secret (1978)    
    玉蜻蜓 / The Murder of Murders (1978)    
    醉猴女 / The Ape Girl (1979)    
    無招勝有招 / Crazy Couple (1979)    
    血肉磨坊 / Blooded Treasury Fight (1979) ... / Chow's man
    要命的小方 / Love and Sword (1979) ... / Hsiao Ling, the fragnent killer
    小李飛刀 / Flying Sword Lee (1979)    
    蝶變 / The Butterfly Murders (1979) ... 白老三 / No 3, White Flag squad leader
    孖寶闖八關 / Read Lips (1980) ... / Meadow
    老鼠街 / The Gold Hunters (1981) ... / Extra
    大殘拳 / Crippled Kung Fu Boxer (1981)    
    勇者無懼 / Dreadnought (1981) ... / Gorgeous Koon
    龍少爺 / Dragon Lord (1982) ... / Smuggler
    退休探長 / Gun Is Law (1983)    
    A計劃 / Project A (1983) ... / Ling's thug
    飛象過河 / Duel of the Masters (1983)    
    火拼油尖區 / Mission to Kill (1983)    
    好彩撞到你 / Host for a Ghost (1984)    
    夏日福星 / Twinkle Twinkle Lucky Stars (1985) ... / Boss Lau's man at warehouse
    警察故事 / Police Story (1985) ... / One of Koo's men
    扭計雜牌軍 / Naughty Boys (1986) ... / Prisoner
    A計劃續集 / Project A II (1987) ... / Policeman
    飛龍猛將 / Dragons Forever (1988) ... / Thug in first fight
    手足情 / Faithful Spirit (1988)    
    霸王花 / The Inspector Wears Skirts (1988) ... / Member of Tiger Squad
    警察故事續集 / Police Story Part II (1988) ... / Ken
    駁腳差佬 / Spiritually a Cop (1989) ... / Thug
    奇兵 / The Sniping (1989) ... [臨時演員] / Extra
    奇蹟 / Mr. Canton and Lady Rose (1989) ... / One of Tiger Lo's men
    痴狼劫 / Bullet to Survive (1990)    
    義膽雄心 / Gangland Odyssey (1990) ... / Assassin
    大哥讓位 / Retreat of the Godfather (1991)    
    忠奸盜 / The Good, the Bad and the Bandit (1991)    
    子彈出租 / Bullet for Hire (1991) ... / One of Kwai's men
    火爆浪子 / Angry Ranger (1991) ... / Tall Chien
    五億探長雷洛傳II之父子情仇 / Lee Rock II (1991) ... / One of Shrimp Head's Men
    逃學威龍 / Fight Back to School (1991) ... / Big's man
    公海強姦風暴 / Rape in Public Sea (1993) ... / Ken
    末路狂花 / A Serious Shock! Yes Madam! (1993) ... / Martial arts trainer
    性愛韋小寶之玩女大王 / Wai's Romance (1994) ... / Killer
    開發區殺人事件 / Marked for Murder (1994)    
    黃大仙烏鼠 / Die Harder (1995)    
    二奶村之殺夫 / The Woman Behind (1995) ... / Feng Chiang
    失鎗神探 / Gunmen (1995)    
    天子驕龍 / Little Hero on the Run (1995) ... / Brother Chien
    西環浮屍 / O.C.T.B. Case - The Floating Body (1995) ... / Man
  武術指導 / Martial Arts Director
    潮州大風暴 / Kung-Fu King (1973)    
    猛漢 / The Magnificent Boxer (1973)    
    十八玉羅漢 / The Eighteen Jade Arhats (1978)    
    佛山贊先生 / The Descendant of Wing Chun (1978)    
    孖寶闖八關 / Read Lips (1980)    
    A計劃 / Project A (1983)    
    威龍猛探 / The Protector (1985)    
    A計劃續集 / Project A II (1987)    
    義膽雄心 / Gangland Odyssey (1990)    
    忠奸盜 / The Good, the Bad and the Bandit (1991)    
  Died on unknown date.

He was an “official member” of the Jackie Chan Stunt Team.