[English] [中文] [中英文]
語言顯示 : 中英文
未知邵氏演員  ♂
Unknown SB-Actor (13)
拼音: wèi zhī shào shì yǎn yuán

影視作品 / Filmography (1952-1985)
  演員 / Actor (1952-1985)
    貧賤夫妻百事哀 / Everything Goes Wrong for the Poor Couple (1952) ... / 7th brother's man
    武松血濺獅子樓 / Wu Song's Bloody Fight on Lion's Bower (1956) ... / Soldier
    九九九海灘命案 / Murder on the Beach (1957) ... / Chong
    阿福當兵 / A Fool in the Army (1959) ... / Soldier
    情天血淚 / Tragedy of Love (1959) ... / Sound maker
    999廿四小時奇案 / Dial 999 for 24-hour Murder Case (1961) ... / Nightclub guest
    萬里尋親記 / The Search of Loved One (1961) ... / Arrested criminal
    良心 / Conscience (1961) ... / Birthday party guest
    夜光杯(下集) / Magic Cup (Part 2) (1961) ... / Soldier
    楊貴妃 / Yang Kwei Fei (1962) ... / Officer
    南北一家親 / The Greatest Wedding on Earth (1962) ... / Ah Wang
    暴雨紅蓮 / Lotus in the Rain (1962) ... / restaurant customer
    血繡鞋 / Blood-Stained Shoe (1962)    
    薄命紅顏 / An Ill-fated Beauty (1963)    
    斷腸花 / The Heartbroken Flower (1963) ... / Landlord's worker
    紅線女夜盜寶盒 / Red Thread Steals a Precious Box (1963)    
    啼笑姻緣(上集) / A Story of Three Loves (Part 1) (1964) ... / Extra
    糊塗太太 / A Blundering Wife (1964) ... / Gangster
    山歌戀 / The Shepherd Girl (1964) ... / Extra
    新啼笑姻緣 / Between Tears and Laughter (1964) ... / Captain's soldier
    玉女英魂(下集) / A Brave Young Girl's Spirit (Part 2) (1965) ... / Extra
    宋宮秘史 / Inside the Forbidden City (1965) ... / extra
    紅伶淚 / Vermillion Door (1965) ... / Extra
    巫山夢斷相思淚 / Endless Love (1965) ... / Ching's office employee
    電梯女郎 / Elevator Girl (1965)    
    萍嫂(下集) / Aunt Ping (Part 2) (1965) ... / Jury member
    蝴蝶盃 / The Butterfly Chalice (1965) ... / Peasant
    邊城三俠 / Magnificent Trio (1966) ... / Constable
    大醉俠 / Come Drink with Me (1966) ... / Caravan guard
    黑玫瑰與黑玫瑰 / Spy with My Face (1966) ... / Gang member
    毒天使 / The Deadly Angel (1966) ... / Neighbor
    女賊黑野貓 / Lady Black Cat (1966) ... / Thug
    斷臂神龍劍 / The One-Armed Swordsman (1966) ... / Guard
    彈劍江湖(下集) / One Duel Too Many (Part 2) (1966) ... / Extra
    香江花月夜 / Hong Kong Nocturne (1967) ... / Strip show customer
    漁港恩仇 / Tragedy in a Fishing Village (1967) ... / Extra
    飛天女郎 / Trapeze Girl (1967) ... / Extra
    盜劍 / Rape of the Sword (1967) ... / Lu's soldier
    青春鼓王 / King Drummer (1967) ... / Neighbour
    情竇初開 / First Love (1967) ... / Party guest
    琴劍恩仇 / The Sword and the Lute (1967) ... / Extra
    黑野貓霸海揚威 / Lady Black Cat Strikes Again (1967) ... / Thug
    神劍震江湖 / The Thundering Sword (1967) ... / Yue's security escort member
    三更冤 / The Midnight Murder (1967) ... / Extra
    藍色夜總會 / Man from Interpol (1967) ... / Policeman
    飛俠小白龍 / The White Dragon (1968) ... / Extra
    諜海花 / The Brain-Stealers (1968) ... / Extra
    女俠黑蝴蝶 / Black Butterfly (1968) ... / Chief Gai's thug
    千面大盜 / Gun Brothers (1968) ... / Plainclothes policeman
    武林三鳳(大結局) / Three Heroines (Part 2) (1968) ... / Prison guard
    青春玫瑰 / The Blossoming Rose (1968) ... / Club patron
    斷魂谷 / Death Valley (1968) ... / Extra
    飛女正傳 / Teddy Girls (1969)    
    八步追魂 / Redress (1969) ... / Extra
    黃飛鴻神威伏三煞 / Wong Fei-Hung: The Conqueror of the 'Sam-hong Gang' (1969) ... / Cock fight spectator
    燕娘 / The Swordmates (1969) ... / Townsfolk
    黃飛鴻虎鶴鬥五狼 / Wong Fei-Hung's Combat with the Five Wolves (1969) ... / Extra
    三笑 / The Three Smiles (1969) ... / Tavern customer
    愛情的代價 / The Price of Love (1970) ... / Policeman at traffic accident
    神劍游龍 / Quick Swordsman (1970)    
    金衣大俠 / The Golden Knight (1970) ... / Extra
    不敢回家的少女 / The Young Girl Dares Not Homeward (1970)    
    五枝紅杏 / Long Road to Freedom (1970) ... / Prison guard
    十三太保 / The Heroic Ones (1970) ... / Town leader at feast
    噴火美人魚 / Guess Who Killed My Twelve Lovers? (1970) ... / Policeman
    五虎屠龍 / Brothers Five (1970)    
    蕩女痴男 / The Sexual World (1970) ... / Bar guest
    我為你痴迷 / I Am Crazy About You (1971) ... / Fashion show guest
    大殺手 / The Killer (1971) ... / Extra
    天龍八將 / The Invincible Eight (1971) ... / Extra
    玉女嬉春 / The Yellow Muffler (1971) ... / Extra
    金印仇 / The Golden Seal (1971) ... / Extra
    鬼太監 / The Eunuch (1971) ... / Extra
    血酒天牢 / The Rescue (1971) ... / Extra
    惡虎村 / Village of Tigers (1971) ... / Bandit
    新獨臂刀 / The New One-Armed Swordsman (1971) ... / Extra
    火併 / Duel for Gold (1971) ... / Extra
    瘋狂殺手 / The Mad Killer (1971) ... / Extra
    少奶奶的絲襪 / Intrigue in Nylons (1972) ... / Executive of Rose Brand
    大軍閥 / The Warlord (1972) ... / Court spectator
    海盜張保仔 / Cheung Po Chai (1972) ... / Street vendor
    十四女英豪 / The 14 Amazons (1972) ... / Soldier
    壁虎 / The Lizard (1972) ... / Party guest
    天下第一拳 / King Boxer (1972) ... / Spectator
    功夫小子 / Martial Hero of Southern Frontier (1972) ... / Extra
    霹靂拳 / The Thunderbolt Fist (1972) ... / Villager watching stage fight
    快活林 / Delightful Forest (1972) ... / Gambler
    風月奇譚 / Legends of Lust (1972) ... 三) 登的朋友 / Deng's bird friend
    馬永貞 / The Boxer from Shantung (1972) ... / Wrestling spectator/casino gambler
    小毒龍 / The Young Avenger (1972) ... / Waiter
    惡霸 / Gambling Syndicate (1973) ... / Casino guest
    馬路小英雄 / Back Alley Princess (1973) ... / Extra
    搖錢樹 / The Money-Tree (1973) ... / Suzy's boss
    叛逆 / The Generation Gap (1973) ... / Party guest
    風流韻事 / Illicit Desire (1973) ... / 1) Tomb raider
    北地胭脂 / Facets of Love (1973) ... / Extra
    七十二家房客 / The House of 72 Tenants (1973) ... / Extra
    一網打盡 / The Thunder Kick (1973) ... / Extra
    英雄榜 / Chinese Kung Fu (1973) ... / Extra
    師兄出馬 / He Walks Like a Tiger (1973)    
    黃飛鴻 / The Master of Kung Fu (1973) ... / Fox's servant
    憤怒青年 / The Delinquent (1973) ... / Policeman
    猛漢 / The Magnificent Boxer (1973)    
    聲色犬馬 / Sinful Confession (1974) ... / Extra
    至尊寶 / Supremo (1974) ... / Casino gambler
    猴拳寇四 / Monkey Fist (1974) ... / Extra
    鬼馬小天使 / Cheeky Little Angels (1974) ... / Extra
    七金屍 / The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires (1974) ... / Extra
    洋妓 / Virgins of the Seven Seas (1974) ... / Man watching auction
    多咀街 / Gossip Street (1974) ... / Barber
    天天報喜 / Everyday Is Sunday (1974) ... / Gambler
    鬼眼 / Ghost Eyes (1974) ... / Policeman
    黃飛鴻義取丁財炮 / Rivals of Kung Fu (1974) ... / Boss Chou's wedding guest
    怪人怪事 / A Mad World of Fools (1974) ... / Extra
    神打 / The Spiritual Boxer (1975) ... / Townsfolk
    扭計祖宗陳夢吉 / Two Con Men (1975) ... / Constable
    搭錯線 / All Mixed Up (1975) ... / Extra
    陳夢吉計破脂粉陣 / Carry on Con Men (1975) ... / Extra
    港澳傳奇 / Forbidden Tales of Two Cities (1975) ... / Gambler
    女金剛鬥狂龍女 / Cleopatra Jones and the Casino of Gold (1975) ... / Extra
    中國超人 / The Super Inframan (1975) ... / Official at meeting
    七面人 / The Imposter (1975) ... / Restaurant customer
    遊戲人間三百年 / Enjoy Longevity-300 Years (1975) ... / Escort soldier
    的士大佬 / The Taxi Driver (1975) ... / Policeman
    新啼笑姻緣 / Lover's Destiny (1975) ... / Officer at party
    龍虎走天涯 / Blood Money (1975) ... / Extra
    嬉笑怒罵 / Temperament of Life (1975) ... / Extra
    大劫案 / The Big Holdup (1975) ... / Policeman
    拈花惹草 / Crazy Sex (1976) ... / Extra
    李小龍傳奇 / Bruce Lee - True Story (1976) ... / Chan duel witness
    老夫子 / Mr. Funny Bone (1976) ... / Extra
    陸阿采與黃飛鴻 / Challenge of the Masters (1976) ... / Extra
    乾隆皇奇遇記 / Emperor Chien Lung (1976) ... / Gambler
    賭王大騙局 / King Gambler (1976) ... / Gambler
    阿牛發達記 / Big Times for the Crazy Bumpkins (1976) ... / Party guest
    辭郎洲 / Farewell to a Warrior (1976) ... [沒被列在名單] / Villager
    狐天狐地 / Beautiful Vixen (1976) ... / Spectator election event
    池女 / Massage Girls (1976)    
    騙財騙色 / Love Swindler (1976) ... / Extra
    多情劍客無情劍 / The Sentimental Swordsman (1977) ... / Restaurant customer
    佛跳牆 / The Mad Monk (1977) ... 鄉民 / Villager
    洪熙官 / Executioners from Shaolin (1977) ... / His Highness's official
    蕩婦冤魂 / Murder on the Wedding Night (1977)    
    海軍突擊隊 / The Naval Commandos (1977) ... / Rickshaw passenger
    明月刀雪夜殲仇 / Pursuit of Vengeance (1977) ... / Extra
    絕不低頭 / To Kill a Jaguar (1977) ... / Casino gambler
    功夫小子 / He Has Nothing But Kung Fu (1977) ... / Extra
    白玉老虎 / Jade Tiger (1977) ... / Extra
    決殺令 / Judgement of an Assassin (1977) ... / Martial artist meeting at Sin Ha Clan
    姦魔 / The Teenager's Nightmare (1977)    
    乾隆下江南 / The Adventures of Emperor Chien Lung (1977) ... / Wine shop boss
    點只捉賊咁簡單 / The Yellow Panther (1977)    
    初哥初女初夜情 / Innocent Lust (1977) ... / Extra
    猩猩王 / The Mighty Peking Man (1977) ... / Policeman
    人蛇鼠 / Cobra Girl (1977) ... / Wedding guest
    風花雪月 / Moods of Love (1977) ... / Restaurant patron
    應召名冊 / The Call-Girls (1977) ... / Extra
    楚留香 / Clans of Intrigue (1977) ... / Pedestrian
    绣花大盜 / Clan of Amazons (1978) ... / Restaurant customer
    乾隆下揚州 / The Voyage of Emperor Chien Lung (1978) ... / Flower festival staff
    少林卅六房 / The 36th Chamber of Shaolin (1978) ... / Court official at execution/tea stall cu
    倚天屠龍記 / Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre (1978) ... / 6 Mighty Clans' member
    五毒 / The Five Venoms (1978) ... / Restaurant customer
    子曰:食色性也 / Sensual Pleasures (1978) ... / Extra
    碧海情天 / Three Minutes Past Nine (1978) ... / Doctor
    殘缺 / Crippled Avengers (1978) ... / Hawker
    倫文敘與沙三少 / The Cunning Hustler (1978) ... / Extra
    流氓千王 / Gambler's Delight (1978) ... / Extra
    殺絕 / Soul of the Sword (1978) ... / Inn waiter
    射鵰英雄傳續集 / The Brave Archer Part II (1978) ... / Extra
    中華丈夫 / Heroes of the East (1978) ... / Onlooker at market place
    烏龍濟公 / The Mad Monk Strikes Again (1978) ... / Rich man/Beggar
    奇招 / Crystal Fist (1979) ... / Extra
    孔雀王朝 / Murder Plot (1979) ... / Extra
    廣東十虎與後五虎 / Ten Tigers of Kwangtung (1979) ... / Town folk
    軍閥趣史 / The Scandalous Warlord (1979) ... / Welcome party at parade
    白馬黑七 / Bolo (1979)    
    教頭 / The Kung-Fu Instructor (1979) ... / Extra
    爛頭何 / Dirty Ho (1979) ... / Messenger
    茅山殭屍拳 / Spiritual Boxer, Part II (1979) ... / Casino gambler/Soldier
    龍形虎步千里追 / Snake Shadow, Lama Fist (1979) ... / Villager
    街市英雄 / Shaolin Rescuers (1979) ... / Extra
    少林英雄榜 / Shaolin Abbot (1979) ... / Extra
    痳瘋怪拳 / The Tigress of Shaolin (1979)    
    鬼叫春 / The Ghost Story (1979) ... / Extra
    佛都有火 / The Boxer from the Temple (1979) ... / Prison guard
    老鼠拉龜 / Kung Fu Vs. Yoga (1979) ... / Extra
    倫文敘智鬥柳先開 / The Best Hustler Wins (1979) ... / Extra
    唐山五虎 / Five Superfighters (1979) ... / Villager
    湮報復 / Bruce Le's Greatest Revenge (1979)    
    絕代雙驕 / The Proud Twins (1979) ... / Extra
    瘋猴 / Mad Monkey Kung Fu (1979) ... / Extra
    奇門怪招爛頭蟀 / The Reckless Cricket (1979) ... / Extra
    一老一少一根釘 / An Old Kung Fu Master (1979)    
    梁天來 / The Last Judgement (1979) ... / Extra
    盲拳怪招 / Crack Shadow Boxers (1979)    
    圓月彎刀 / Full Moon Scimitar (1979) ... / Duel observer
    乾隆皇與三姑娘 / Emperor Chien Lung and the Beauty (1980) ... / Restaurant customer
    少林搭棚大師 / Return to the 36th Chamber (1980) ... / Extra
    徐老虎與白寡婦 / The Tiger and the Widow (1980) ... / Businessman
    萬人斬 / Killer Constable (1980) ... / Extra
    通天小子紅槍客 / The Kid with a Tattoo (1980) ... / He Ji Transport worker
    英雄無淚 / Heroes Shed No Tears (1980) ... / Teahouse customer
    連城訣 / A Deadly Secret (1980) ... / Constable
    / Hex (1980) ... / Villager at Ying's funeral
    第三類打鬥 / Heaven and Hell (1980) ... / Prison guard
    鐵旗門 / The Flag of Iron (1980) ... / Brothel patron
    無翼蝙蝠 / Bat Without Wings (1980) ... / Waiter
    邪鬥邪 / Hex Versus Witchcraft (1980) ... / Casino gambler/Gambler on lorry
    大殺四方 / The Rebel Intruders (1980) ... / Bun maker
    惡爺 / Coward Bastard (1980) ... / Restaurant patron
    背叛師門 / The Master (1980) ... / Brothel patron
    少林與武當 / Two Champions of Shaolin (1980) ... / Townsfolk
    單程路 / One Way Only (1981) ... / Extra
    龍虎小英雄 / Treasure Hunters (1981) ... / Casino gambler
    南北獅王 / Lion Vs Lion (1981) ... / Woody
    何方神聖 / The Crazy Chase (1981) ... / Boss Chung's party guest
    叉手 / Masked Avengers (1981) ... / Waiter
    武館 / Martial Club (1981) ... / Villager
    紅粉動江湖 / Ambitious Kung Fu Girl (1981) ... / Bai's servant
    屍妖 / Corpse Mania (1981) ... / Brothel patron
    千王鬥千霸 / Challenge of the Gamesters (1981) ... / Casino gambler / Train passenger's relat
    長輩 / My Young Auntie (1981) ... / Boat passenger / Man reporting crime
    I.Q.笨蛋 / A Bride's Nightmare (1981) ... / Extra
    目無王法 / What Price Honesty? (1981) ... / Illegal gambling stall operator
    千門八將 / Notorious Eight (1981) ... / Extra
    陸小鳳之決戰前後 / The Duel of the Century (1981) ... / Town folk
    魔劍俠情 / Return of the Sentimental Swordsman (1981) ... / Restaurant waiter
    �}霄樓 / House of Traps (1982) ... / Prince's birthday guest
    大旗英雄傳 / Clan Feuds (1982) ... / Master Li's auction guest
    浣花洗劍 / The Spirit of the Sword (1982) ... / Duke's banquet guest
    乾隆皇君臣鬥智 / The Emperor and the Minister (1982) ... / Townsfolk
    小子有種 / My Rebellious Son (1982) ... / Villager
    人皮燈籠 / Human Lanterns (1982) ... / Townsfolk
    廣東靚仔玉 / Kid from Kwangtung (1982) ... / Extra
    魔界 / Hell Has No Boundary (1982) ... / Extra
    御貓三戲錦毛鼠 / Cat Vs. Rat (1982) ... / Tong's servant
    邪完再邪 / Hex After Hex (1982) ... / Tenant
    十八般武藝 / Legendary Weapons of China (1982) ... / Gentry watching Mo's performance
    三十年細說從頭 / Passing Flickers (1982) ... / Movie extra
    種鬼 / Seeding of a Ghost (1983) ... / Extra
    日劫 / Descendant of the Sun (1983) ... / Villager
    滿天神佛 / Ghosts Galore (1983) ... / Extra
    星際鈍胎 / Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (1983) ... / Servant
    神通術與小霸王 / The Weird Man (1983) ... / Peasant
    鹿鼎記 / Tales of a Eunuch (1983) ... / Brothel patron
    皇帝保重 / Take Care, Your Majesty! (1983) ... / Official
    楊過與小龍女 / Little Dragon Maiden (1983) ... / Martial artist
    少林與武當 / Shaolin and Wu Tang (1983) ... / Extra
    封神劫 / Usurpers of Emperor's Power (1983) ... / Government official
    樑上君子 / Fast Fingers (1983) ... / Man in market
    六指琴魔 / Demon of the Lute (1983) ... / Onlooker at market
    掌門人 / The Lady Is the Boss (1983) ... / Banquet guest / Night market shopper
    洪拳大師 / Opium and the Kung-Fu Master (1984) ... / Villager
    風流冤鬼 / Sex Beyond the Grave (1984) ... / Mahjong gambler
    南斗官三鬥北少爺 / Wits of the Brats (1984) ... / Stevedore
    布衣神相 / Return of the Bastard Swordsman (1984) ... / Town folk
    望子成蟲 / I Will Finally Knock You Down, Dad! (1984) ... / Extra
    老鷹的劍 / The Supreme Swordsman (1984) ... / Extra
    我愛神仙遮 / My Darling Genie (1984) ... / Big small dealer
    新飛狐外傳 / New Tales of the Flying Fox (1984) ... / Wai Tor Clan member
    少年蘇乞兒 / The Young Vagabond (1985) ... / Extra
    霹靂十傑 / Disciples of the 36th Chamber (1985) ... / Canton Association's member
    天官賜福 / How to Choose a Royal Bride (1985) ... / Gambler
  Also in

The Vengeance of Fu Manchu (1967)